Chapter 4 ; waiting for a potential lover

Alfredo whistled into the car, which the driver had opened the door. Then the car comes out of the luxury house which consists of three floors, mingling with the hustle and bustle of the city of Jakarta every day.

Alfredo has never felt as happy as today, yes, after receiving a call from his subordinates who followed Karenina to the nursing home, Alfredo is very sure that Karenina will definitely come for the orphanage which is actually hers even though on behalf of her late grandmother.

Alfredo was not a bad person who would just run over an orphanage where the orphans took shelter from crime and from the heat and cold. Since childhood he was taught by his grandmother to protect the weak, and it has been embedded in his heart.

The driver named Joko stared at his boss from the rearview mirror with an open face, because he had never seen his boss as happy as he is today, since several years ago that face had never smiled a smile, but this time, it was really a sight that made all who saw him become. stunned, because the handsome face is getting more and more handsome with a smile that always spreads across his face.

"We have arrived, sir." Said Joko the driver, opening the passenger door.

"Thank you, Joko." Said Alfredo, which made Joko gawk in disbelief. What did the boss just say? Thank you? Oh my god.

"Upholstery, it's very dirty Lo, you drool until it drips, like a fish lacking water, you know." Said the security guard of the boss's office.

Instantly Joko rubbed his lips and pursed his lips, then he realized that he had been tricked by the security guard, who was already choking because he managed to prank Joko who had been stunned.

"Damn you, I really feel like it." The Joko's people were annoyed.

The security guard chuckled, "That's why don't let your mouth be like that, later there will be a laler wrongly entering the berabe, after all, why is your boss just like that, like I never saw the boss, even though every day you queue up to pick him up."

"It's not like that Bro, I'm just amazed, today's boss is smiling as well, after getting double rations, huh?" Said Joko originated.

"Hush, you are Jok, just want to know people's business."

"After all, the boss has never been that friendly."

"It's true, Jok. Earlier when I greeted him good morning, he wanted to answer. Usually never, Jok."

"There it is."

"Ah, it's already Jok, you watch out for the car, what if someone wants to go back in again?" Reprimand the security guard.

"Okay, Sorry Bro." Said Joko, who immediately took the boss's car to the parking lot, especially the directors.

In his office, Alfredo leaned his back against the back of his oversized chair, his memory wandering remembering Karenina's beautiful face in every activity of the girl.

Alfredo opens his cellphone and opens the photo storage application, there are various kinds of Karenina poses on every occasion, there is a photo of Karenina playing guitar on the stage of a cafe, some are doing her activities as a DJ, and there is also when Karenina is singing on the street, and the photo that always amazes him with the figure of Karenina, namely, when Karenina sits on the side of the road with street children, joking.

"You are beautiful, not only your face, but also your heart, dear." Alfredo muttered.

In a separate place, Karenina had just finished brewing coffee and then brought it to the terrace. He grabbed the cigarette on the side table where he sat, took a stick and then his long fingers lit a match to light the cigarette tucked into his beautiful lips.

Karenina casually enjoys a cup of coffee and a cigarette as a substitute for breakfast.

His memory is focused on the orphanage which is on the verge of being evicted by its owner. Because he sighed heavily, thinking about how he could meet the owner of that land so easily.

Becauseina really understands the lives of bosses, they are not easy to find because of their busy life.

Repeatedly racking his brains but there was no way he could find to be able to meet the boss easily, he finally decided to keep coming to his office, even though he had to wait until the person he was waiting for left the office.

With such determination, Karenina rose from the chair she had been sitting on to finish coffee and a cigarette.

She headed to the bathroom to freshen up, it was ten o'clock in the afternoon when she finished dressing and then went out to the car parked outside the fence.

Slowly he drove the car into a skyscraper in Jakarta, then after he felt that the address was correct he immediately entered the building and parked the car in the parking lot especially for guests.

With graceful steps, Karenina entered the thirty-story office building, then stopped right in front of the reception desk.

"Excuse me, can I help you?" Asked the receptionist whose name was Gina when viewed from her nametag.

"I want to meet Mr. Alfredo." Karenina replied as calmly as possible, even though her heart was actually beating fast.

"Did you make an appointment?" Asked the receptionist to Karenina.

Just then assistant Alfredo stared at Karenina, he immediately contacted the boss when his prey had arrived.

With a happy smile, Alfredo told his assistant to take Karenina to his room, no matter what her work files were waiting in piles waiting for her to touch.

The assistant Alfredo named Rudi came to the receptionist table, and pretended to ask Gina about who was looking for their boss.

"Good afternoon Gina." Said Rudi to Gina.

"Afternoon Mr. Rudi."

"Who is this Gina?" Rudi pretended to ask Gina.

"Ma'am, I want to meet Mr. Alfredo, but haven't made an appointment, sir?"

Rudi muttered, then asked Karenina, "Ma'am, what do you need to meet Mr. Alfredo?"

"I have something important to discuss with Mr. Alfredo."



Rudi looked at Gina who was also staring at him, then his gaze turned back to Karenina, "Come with me, I will take you to meet Mr. Alfredo."

"Is it true?" Karenina asked, smiling happily.

"Of course, um ... Gina, please, if you have guests, tell me to wait in the waiting room. It looks like this conversation with you is very important and quite long." Said Rudi to Karenina and Gina.

Gina nodded in understanding, then Rudi invited Karenina to follow her steps towards a special elevator for the directors.

Not long after, Rudi and Karenina arrived in front of Alfredo's room, "Please come in Ma'am, this is Mr. Alfredo's room, he is waiting inside." Said Rudi who immediately left after Karenina nodded.

Karenina's heart pounded as she knocked on Alfredo's door, and didn't wait long for the baritone's voice to tell him to come in. With slow steps Karenina entered Alfredo's room and they met each other.

"Beautiful." Alfredo whispered to himself, staring at Karenina with a smile.