
'Come closer sweetie, I've been waiting for you.' Alfredo said to himself. His thin smile seemed to be crossed by his haughty and cold face.

Karenina stepped slowly into the spacious room clad in luxury. The body, which is wrapped in sexy cloth, although it seems polite because there are no parts that are exposed excessively, walks gracefully to Alfredo who is sitting leaning with his arms crossed.

The two of them stared at each other without anyone wanting to even blink. Until Alfredo's voice echoed interrupting the ice between them.

"Have a seat, Miss Karen." Said Alfredo in his Baritone voice which sounded cold and firm.

Karenina did not answer. She immediately pulled the chair in front of Alfredo, then sat down gracefully, one leg crossed with the other. Then he was as tall as he could lean back in a chair comfortably. Her beautiful eyes were still staring at Alfredo who was also staring at him with a mysterious smile to decorate his good looks.

"So, what do you need to come here, miss?" Alfredo asked pretending not to know the intention of Karenina's arrival to meet him.

Karenina took a deep breath, then straightened her back position. "I came here because I wanted to ask you not to dismantle the orphanage that stands on your land."

Alfredo took a deep breath, then got up from his seat and stood staring at the window behind his chair, arms crossed.

"What's the benefit for me, if I don't dismantle the orphanage?" Tanya Alfredo started playing tricks to draw Karenina into his plan. Cunning. Let it be, because love has every means to find its home even though it is cunning and coercion.

"Don't you have any mercy on those children, where do they want to live if the building is demolished, will you let them sleep on the street feeling the cold, rain, and heat?"

"In business, there is no compassion, miss," Alfredo answered with a glance at Karenina, who seemed to be thinking about how to make the man in front of her change her mind to bring down the orphanage.

"At least, you still have the heart to pity them, you have a lot of money and can buy a good location for the construction of your hotel but they? They have no place to live other than the orphanage."

"The orphanage is located in a very strategic location, so I'm sure it will be very profitable for me in the future, and I don't want to bother with where they will live after this," Alfredo replied by looking away from Karenina while smiling.

He would make this woman think so hard that she could no longer overthrow her words when the sacred words 'marry me' came out of her mouth, and one answer that Alfredo was sure to get was the word 'YES'.

"Then, I will buy the land as well as the orphanage from you? What price do you want?" Challenge Karenina to Alfredo.

Alfredo took a deep breath, then cleared his throat to neutralize his voice that wanted to laugh at the cute face of this woman.

"You think I need your money?" Alfredo replied with a flat face. Alfredo wanted to laugh at that face. The face that always made him miss almost crazy because he smiled and laughed to himself when he saw the recording of activities carried out by Karenina.

Karenina started to get restless because she didn't know what else to do to thwart Alfredo's plan to evict the orphanage. He exhaled roughly, then looked at Alfredo with a sharp gaze. He can't fail.

"Well, what do you want so that you don't take care of the orphanage, think of it as compensation for the losses you experienced, even though it hasn't happened yet, we don't know whether the hotel you are going to build will sell or not," Karenina replied with an equally flat face.

In his heart, Alfredo shouted 'Yess, you are trapped, miss.' Alfredo stood with his back to Karenina who stared at him sharply, then spread a smile without Karenina knowing. Then Alfredo quickly neutralized his facial expression and turned to face Karenina who was still staring at him.

Slowly Alfredo drew closer to Karenina then sat at the end of the table in front of Karenina with both hands he put into his trouser pockets.

"It seems you care about the orphanage, do you come from that orphanage?" Said Alfredo while turning to Karenina.

"No. I'm not from that orphanage, I just can't let them live stranded on the streets." Karenina replied in a cold tone.

"Wow, you are very generous huh."

"You know very generous, so what should I do so you don't bother the orphanage again."

Alfredo raised his eyebrows. Then he casually said, "Marry me, and become my second wife." Alfredo said, staring at Karenina's eyes sharply but full of wounds when he mentioned his second wife. Because only Karen is the queen in his heart, not his wife.

"Are you crazy?" Karenina asked irritably.

"You asked what you could do to save the orphanage, that was my request, and you accused me of being crazy?"

"I'm just a singer in a night club but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want, what else to be the second wife? If I can be the first wife, why would be the second wife? And it must not be you who is my husband. "

Alfredo's heart was turbulent to hear what was said by Karenina, a woman who is not easy to conquer, stubborn and principled.

"I don't give you any other choice, miss. So Yes or no to be my second wife." Alfredo said by bringing his face closer to Karenina's face.

Karenina is silent, she is still thinking of a way to get out of that crazy CEO's trap, yes Karenina has branded her as a crazy CEO, crazy about money and women.

"Does your wife not satisfy you, so you need a new wife?" Karenina asked with a sneer.

"You're right, and I hope you can satisfy me," Alfredo said right in Karenina's ear, which made her feathers bristled.

"So you will answer 'YES or No', because you have very little time, this afternoon I will tear down the orphanage, you only have five minutes before I give orders to my subordinates to carry out the eviction.

Karenina snorted in disgust. Then put on a sullen face. What should she do? Karenina was really dizzy for him.

"Your time is up, miss. So what is your answer?" Alfredo urged.

"Fine, I will receive a load from you but I also have a load for you to do, how?" Alfredo really wants to jump up and down for joy, now he's full of anything he will do for the sake of having his idol woman.

"Full of what?" Said Alfredo coldly, which was the opposite of his heart full of flowers in bloom.

"You have to keep our marriage a secret, whatever happens to me when we are together in public, then you must not approach me, we do not know each other in public. I also want a marriage that is valid both religiously and legally. And one more thing, if you are. divorce me then half of your property will be mine. How sir? Can you? " Karenina asked deliberately giving Alfredo a heavy load so that he would rethink what he said about marrying her.

Alfredo nodded firmly, his lips curved a smile, he would never even want to let go of this woman, how would he divorce her? It was an easy request for him, even though now he asked for all his property he would give if it was for the happiness of Karenina.

"OK, I agree, miss. My assistant will be here soon and to bring our paperwork."

"That means your assistant knows of our marriage."

"He's my confidant, and will be your confidant too." Said Alfredo, lifting Karenina's chin and then about to kiss the girl's lips, but quickly Karenina turned her face away until the kiss missed.

Alfredo smiled at the rejection of this woman, really a stubborn but adorable woman.

"Remember I am your future husband now." Alfredo said right in Karenina's ear.