
Alfredo entered his luxurious house, the suit that had been neatly attached to cover his burly body, now he just let it sit on the back of the sofa, as well as the tie that had added to his charisma, now he let it hang on the table. His tall body stepped into a mini bar in his house, poured his favorite drink when he was at home.

Standing between the steps, his wife looks sexy in a soft satin evening dress that fits her body, but again it is only the disgust that Alfredo feels when his eyes stare at the sexy body he used to judge.

Zarima was only able to stare at her husband who was cool with a drink in her hand. She slowly descended the stairs and then walked toward Alfredo who was sitting on a bar stool while enjoying his drink.

"Do not touch." Alfredo said when his wife's hand was about to take the coat and tie on the back of the sofa not far from where Alfredo sat.

Zarima's body suddenly stiffened when she heard what was coming out of her husband's lips. So far, Alfredo has never forbidden him to hold his belongings, but now? Never mind hugging her husband's body, her husband's personal belongings are prohibited from touching. Really Zarima doesn't understand what happened to Alfredo, does Alfredo now hate him? Why? Because there are other women? Or… or… he knows of the love scandal he built with Tama, his ex-girlfriend? Zarima sighed heavily at the coldness of her husband who used to adore her so much.

"Shouldn't we talk?" Zarima asked sadly.

Alfredo turned to Zarima then looked at her with a look of disgust, "There's nothing we need to talk about." He said. Then he just left in front of Zarima after grabbing the coat he had slammed on the back of the sofa.

"Why are you Al, your attitude has changed!" Zarima shouted while staring at Alfredo, who completely ignored him and instead turned his body, which Alfredo originally wanted to climb the stairs to turn towards the exit.

"Where are you going Al?" Again he ignored Zarima's screams, Alfredo casually walked towards his car which was still parked in the yard, even the driver who was sitting drinking coffee in the gazebo was surprised to see his master suddenly come out of the house still in his office clothes.

Zarima sat down on the bar stool, her tears began to trickle down. Zarima languidly lowered her head on the table. Trying to digest and guess what happened to her husband.

"Is it true that he knows my relationship with Tama?" Zarima muttered to himself.

Her thoughts drifted to the figure of a man named Tama, her best friend and also her husband's close friend. Zarima realized what she was doing was a mistake, but Zarima could not resist the charm of the man who had been her lover from before she married Alfredo. Likewise with Tama, Zarima knew that Tama loved him so much that he was willing to be his dark lover for their love.

Then why should he be sad now when Alfredo suddenly walked away from him? Didn't Zarima love him? Or is it that his heart has become attached to Alfredo without realizing it? Try to think Zarima what your heart wants.

Meanwhile, Alfredo drove his car to a cafe owned by his best friend who also worked part time as Karenina.

Alfredo rolled up the white shirt he was wearing up to his elbows, then unbuttoned the top of his shirt. He casually got out of the car and entered the café where the sweet voice of his idol had echoed in his ears.

Alfredo chose to sit in the corner where it became his favorite place when spying on the singer.

Alfredo ordered a soft drink and snacks to prop his stomach, which was actually already trying to ask for offerings.

Alfredo watched Karenina who was playing piano keys on the stage, her smile widened when she saw how shrewd a Karenina was in playing music plus her melodious voice.

Karenina accidentally stared at the figure she had just met this afternoon, a man who was madly asking her to become a second wife. Seeing Alfredo smiling at him made Karenina unable to help but smile that could bewitch her heart so that she was willing to accept the man's proposal even though she was only a second wife.

Almost two hours Karenina filled the stage in the café and almost two hours also Alfredo faithfully waited for Karenina to finish her job.

[I'm waiting in the car] Alfredo typed a message that was sent directly to the Singer cellphone.

[Hm.] That was all Karenina replied, but it was enough for Alfredo to patiently wait for her in the parking lot.

Alfredo came out of the cafe and then leaned his body against the car body, and soon Karenina came out of the cafe and approached Alfredo who had opened the car door for Karenina.

"Come in." Titaho Alfredo.

And without denying Karenina got into Alfredo's car, then the man got into the car and immediately drove his luxury car out of the cafe parking lot.

"What if someone sees?" Karenina asked to open the conversation.

"In fact there is no one who wants to care, anyway." Alfredo replied.

"You're right, I'm just a café singer. It's quite common for them to see girls like me getting in and out of people's cars." Karenina said, making Alfredo's face darken. Alfredo really knows what Karenina means.

"I don't like you talking like that, Karen." Alfredo said in a cold tone.

"Why? Even I would be the second wife of a wealthy businessman like you?"

Alfredo did not answer but in his heart muttered, "You are the second, but you are the first in my heart."

Alfredo drove his car towards a middle-class housing estate, Karenina stared in surprise to the right and left of the road, this is the road to his house, how did Alfredo know the address of his house? Karenina snorted and even forgot that Alfredo could do anything with the power and money he had.

"We're going to be the stuff of my neighbors' gossip because I brought a man home." Karenina said softly but still able to be heard in Alfredo's ears.

"No one dared to say anything to you."


"Because all your neighbors know that I am your future husband, I have even reported it to the head of your RT."


Alfredo sighed heavily, then glanced at Karenina, "You want our marriage to be legal, right? So I have to take care of all the administration, and I've done everything according to your wishes. Including meeting the head of your RT."

Karenina stared at what she had just heard. Really, she was dealing with a dangerous man, dangerous for her heart and life.

"You really are crazy."

"You're right, honey. You're driving me crazy."

"I?" Karenina pointed at herself.

"All right, soon I'll get the nickname as a culprit because of your doing." Karenina continued, snorting irritably.

"Will not."

"Here we are, miss." Said Alfredo awakening Karenina's reverie.

"HA?!" Karenina was too lost in her thoughts to not realize that the car they were in had stopped right in front of the fence of Karenina's house.