Adorable Face

Karenina opened the door to her house without telling Alfredo to come in. Even so, he just walked into Karenina's house without paying attention to the owner of the house who was already showing a sour face.

Karenina carelessly took off her high heels, then barefoot she stepped into the room, changed into a T-shirt and her Hotpant pants.

Alfredo casually picked up the shoes that were lying haphazardly on the floor, then put them on the shoe rack not far from where he was standing.

Basically Alfredo is a man who likes tidiness and cleanliness, so he won't hesitate to just tidy up Karenina's shoes, who incidentally is her lover without Karenina knowing.

Alfredo sat back on the sofa taking off his shoes and socks, then put them on Karenina's shoe rack.

"Coffee?" Karenina offered without the slightest smile at Alfredo.

"If you don't mind I'd like to have dinner too." Alfredo answered without hesitation.

"Looks like you're not a cool guy, but why are you asking me to eat only a nightclub singer." Said Karenina in a cold tone.

Alfredo smiled a little, then walked over to Karenina who was standing between the family room and the living room of his house. His hands were crossed to his chest, and his gaze was fixed on Alfredo who was getting closer. And now he was standing right in front of her.

Alfredo lowered his head so that he could see the beautiful face of Karenina the idol of his heart, then his right hand lifted the girl's chin making the girl look away because she did not want to meet Alfredo face to face.

"You are my future wife, wouldn't it be natural for me to ask you to prepare food for me?" Alfredo said in a soft voice right in Karenina's ear.

"Irritating." Karenina turned her body and left in front of Alfredo who just smiled seeing Karenina who was upset.

"Cute." Alfredo muttered. Then followed Karenina who was struggling with her cooking utensils.

Alfredo sat at the dining table while pouring water into a glass. Then took a sip.

"Can't you just wait for your food out front?" Karenina protested when her eyes looked at Alfredo who was also looking at her.

"I can't. I'm afraid you'll put something in my food, in other words, I don't want to risk it, until I get you." Alfredo said with his chin on his back.

"In other words you let me put poison or something in your food if I'm already yours, right?" asked Karenina still in annoyed mode.

"Yeah, you could say that."

"Good, then after we get married I will put poison in your food, so that you die and I can take all your treasures for me."

"Just do what you want, honey. I'll eat it even if it's the most dangerous poison." Alfredo said casually, then got up from the chair he was sitting on and approached Karenina who was busy cooking food for him.

"Let me go!" Said Karenina by clenching her teeth because she was holding back her annoyance at her unexpected husband.

"I even just hugged you, and didn't hurt you one bit, honey." Alfredo said by leaning his head on Karenina's shoulder and hugging her slender body from behind.

"Don't ever call me that." Said Karenina fiercely.

"Okay, my beautiful but fierce future wife is half dead." Alfredo said then let go of his embrace and before that he managed to kiss the smooth cheek of the girl who was feeling annoyed in front of him.

"Hurry up, future wife, I'm already hungry." Complained Alfredo who sat sweetly on the dining chair.

Karenina rolled her eyes lazily, hearing the sulking words of her crazy husband-to-be.

"What a crazy man." he muttered.

"And you're the one driving me crazy, future wife." Alfredo replied who replied to Karenina's muttering.

"Good grief." Karenina sighed heavily in the face of this crazed man sitting behind her that required extraordinary extra patience.

While Alfredo did prefer to tease Karenina, his annoyed look was a pleasant pastime for him.

'Adorable' was the only word that better described Karenina's current expression, and Alfredo liked it.

Karenina put the processed food on the dining table, then took a plate and spoon for Alfredo and without realizing it even poured rice into Alfredo's plate along with the side dishes. It was a habit when his parents were still around, he would be very patient in pampering his parents and serving them with all his heart. And without realizing it, the habit carried over to this day.

Alfredo smiled at what Karenina did for him was exactly what a wife does to her husband.

"Thank you future wife, you are so considerate." Alfredo said with a big smile and then furrowed his brows.

Karenina just realized what she was doing, and made her face flush completely red.

Alfredo devoured Karenina's cooking, "Ehm… delicious. It turns out that apart from being good at singing, you are also good at cooking." Praise Alfredo without paying attention to Karenina whose face is already reddened.

"Hurry and finish your food, then leave my house immediately." Said Karenina fiercely.

"Unfortunately I plan to stay here for the night, and I have asked your Rt chairman if I will stay here because my house is too far away." Alfredo answered without the slightest shame.

Karenina looked at Alfredo in disbelief, how could the head of her RT allow Alfredo to stay at her house with the excuse that her house was far away. For whatever reason, Alfredo's house is only half an hour from Karenina's house.

Karenina really couldn't understand what was being conveyed to the head of her RT until the head of the RT allowed the man who was enjoying his dinner to stay at his house.

"Aren't you hungry? Eat… I don't want you to get any thinner." Alfredo said in a nonchalant tone.

"IM not hungry." Karenina replied nonchalantly even though it's the same with Alfredo, Karenina hasn't eaten since this afternoon.

"I don't care, now you have to eat." Alfredo ordered then took the plate and spoon along with the rice and side dishes and placed it in front of Karenina.

"Eat. I don't like sleeping with hungry women." Alfredo said with a serious face.

"Who wants to sleep with you." Karenina answered without looking at Alfredo.

"Eat, or I'll really fuck you tonight too." Alfredo threatened.

Reluctantly Karenina finally ate the food that Alfredo prepared for her, a faint smile spread across the handsome face of the wealthy businessman.

Alfredo is not a jerk who easily sleeps with a woman who is not his wife, he always maintains a woman's honor, as his parents taught him. For that reason, Alfredo chose to remain silent and did not spit out his wife's disgrace even though it was in front of his own wife. Alfredo wanted his wife to realize for herself what she had done without him having to say directly what he had seen with his own eyes.