Love Song

After dinner which was full of prestige scenes from Karenina, Alfredo lay down on the living room sofa with a shirt he had taken off and only wore his work pants and a singlet t-shirt. Accustomed to sleeping in a comfortable place with air conditioning, now he has to sleep on a regular sofa which although soft is still not comfortable for him, plus the humid and slightly hot air makes him really hot, but he doesn't say anything to Karenina.

Alfredo took out his cell phone and typed a message to his assistant to deliver his work clothes at Karenina's house the next day. Then he tried to close his eyes, but he heard faint voices from behind Karenina's house.

The melodious voice disturbed his calm who was just about to fall asleep, walking slowly until he found the figure of his idol strumming the guitar in the gazebo behind his house.

Without being asked Alfredo sat beside Karenina who was strumming the guitar while singing a love song.

Alfredo took over the guitar that was being played by Karenina, with a frown, Karenina gave her father's guitar.

"Sing, I play the guitar." Alfredo said then started strumming the guitar, without denying Karenina was singing the song she was singing earlier with Alfredo accompanying her singing.

A few moments later Karenina had finished her singing, the song fell silent, she just looked up at the sky decorated with twinkling stars.

"You strum the guitar and sing a song.

Gently rub my heart.

I made a promise to you.

Drown me in your song." Alfredo sang Iwan Fals' song accompanied by the guitar he strummed.

"Deaf both my ears.

Blind my eyeballs

So that I can't see and hear.

The malice that may be true."

"I fell in your grip.

I really ask.

keep on singing

'I heard that for sure.

Keep on singing.

And don't stop your song."

Karenina smiled and then looked at Alfredo who was singing Iwan Fals' song 'Nyanyianmu'. But he immediately looked away when Alfredo turned to him.

"That's my heart, Karen." Alfredo whispered in his heart as he continued to sing while occasionally looking at his idol.

"I don't sound as good as yours, do I?" Alfredo said with towering confidence.

"Still your voice doesn't make any money." Karenina answered coldly but in her heart she confirmed what Alfredo said, the man has a beautiful voice and he is also good at playing the guitar. Something new he knew from the figure of Alfredo.

"I've prepared a change of clothes for you, why don't you wear it?" Ask Karen.

"Where? I don't know if you have prepared clothes for me, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Alfredo said as he put the guitar on the gazebo chair and walked back into the house.

"I already put it on the sofa near you to sleep." Said Karenina with a little shout.

"Why should I care about him? Damn!!" he muttered.

Not long after, Alfredo rejoined him by sitting in the gazebo wearing a white T-shirt and Karenina's knee-length underpants.

"Not bad. Thank you wife-to-be." Alfredo said then pulled Karenina into his arms and laid their bodies on the gazebo.

"Let me go.!" Karenina shouted.

"Do it, or I'll kiss you to shut you up." Threatening Alfredo who always works to paralyze Karenina.

"I'm tired, let's sleep." Alfredo said then began to close his eyes.

"You're crazy, we can catch a cold sleeping here." Said Karenina with a frown on her face.

"No, believe me, close your eyes." Alfred's orders.

"Irritating." Karenina said but her eyes then closed, and didn't wait long. She was already lulled into a dream, without realizing her body was getting closer to Alfredo who in fact his eagle eyes were still awake staring at the beautiful face sleeping in his arms.

Carefully, Alfredo carried Karenina's body and carried her into the room and laid Karenina's body slowly and put a blanket over her slender body.

Alfredo turned on the bed light and then turned off the light in Karenina's room before he left the girl's room.

He lay down on the sofa in front of the television and closed his eyes. And finally he fell fast asleep.

Karenina looked in her room, there was something she felt was missing, but she didn't know what, then she went back to sleep soundly.

In a different place, Zarima was pensive on the balcony of a luxury apartment, his gaze fixed on the buildings that lined him.

"What's wrong my dear?" Asked a handsome man who hugged him from behind.

"There is not any."

"Then why are you daydreaming, are you thinking about your husband?" Tama asked Zarima's lover and Alfredo's best friend.

"This is the first time he's left the house and hasn't been home until this late."

"How do you know if he's not home yet?" Tama asked while kissing the nape of Zarima's neck gently.

"I just called home, and the housekeeper said Alfredo isn't home yet."

"Are you starting to love him?" Tanya Tama let go of her hug and leaned against the balcony facing Zarima then took a sip of the wine in her hand.

"It's not that, I just don't want this problem to boomerang for us, I'm afraid this problem will get wider until my family finds out, it will be a big disaster if that happens."

"You're scared."

"Tama, please understand, it's not as easy as you think."

"I see, obviously I understand, that's why I let you marry Alfredo." Tama said then finished the drink in her glass, then put the glass on the table nearby.

"I'm sorry, Tama. I know you have sacrificed a lot for our love, but what I'm risking is my family, papa and mama. I really don't want to make them suffer." Zarima begins to sob, crying over her broken fate, marrying a man she doesn't love and instead she has to pretend to love him. Everything he does is for his family, his parents' company which needs a successor for his business.

Tama hugs Zarima's slender body, the woman who is always able to paralyze the joints of her heart to always vibrate in the name of love.

Tama and Zarima have loved each other since they were in high school without anyone knowing, because Tama only comes from an ordinary businessman family, and not as much as Alfredo's or Zarima's parents.

Tama is forced to let Zarima marry her close friend Alfredo because she believes Alfredo is a good man and will definitely be able to take care of Zarima, but love is blind. Time brings Zarima and Tama to meet again by accident and re-establish a secret love until now.

Deep down, Tama feels for her best friend who always helps her and is always there for her, but she also can't lie to herself if she loves Zarima very much.

[Good evening, madam. I saw Mr. Alfredo at cafe Gama with a girl.] a message came in on Zarima's cell phone.

Zarima squeezed his cell phone tightly behind Tama's back, his heart sliced ​​painfully. Is it true that she has fallen in love with Alfredo?