
The next morning, Karenina rubbed her sticky eyes not because of the dirt in her eyes but because her eyes didn't want to open, she didn't want to just miss the comfort while sleeping. He didn't know how long he hadn't felt this comfortable.

Karenina spread her arms, her body felt refreshed from the quality of sleep she really got, but suddenly she remembered something. Alfredo. Where is the man at? Karenina immediately got out of bed and opened the door hastily.

Then suddenly he remembered something again. Didn't he sleep last night in the gazebo behind his house? Karenina was still holding onto the doorknob as her mind wandered over what happened after she fell asleep. Then He looked at his own body, the same clothes, and still complete.

"Good morning, future wife." Alfredo greeted which made Karenina jump in surprise and immediately turned to the source of the voice.

It turned out that Alfredo was already standing in the connecting room between the living room and the family room. Karenina looked at Alfredo from head to toe.

"Are you going to the office?" Karenina asked still in the same position, with her back to her bedroom door and turned to her left where Alfredo was standing while buttoning his shirt sleeve.

"Yes, I have to go to the office immediately, there is an important meeting this morning." He replied still buttoning the buttons on his shirt sleeves.

Karenina came closer to Alfredo and helped him to fasten his shirt sleeves. Alfredo looked at the beautiful face that had just woken up with a smile. Karenina's cold and bitter facial expression was not able to make Alfredo afraid to stop loving him. It was Karenina's packing attitude that made him love her.

Jutek and fierce face, which is not in harmony with the heart and mind. Making Alfredo understand something if actually Karenina's heart is very gentle and caring. The proof?? Look now even though with a cold face and without speaking a word, Karenina painstakingly helped button up his shirt sleeves and at the same time put Alfredo's tie.

"Ouch. Do you want to kill me?" Alfredo shouted as Karenina purposely pulled the knot in her tie tightly, choking her neck.

"Of course not, it's a bit of a lesson because you presumptuously stayed over at my house, told me to cook, and..."

"Forcing you to sleep with me in the gazebo." Alfredo continued, instantly the pair of eyes met. They glanced at each other for a moment before Karenina looked away at the tie.

"Go. Get a lot of money, because your future second wife is very material, and likes money." Karenina said as she turned her back and played with her eyebrows and a cynical smile that was clearly printed on her beautiful face even though she had just woken up.

"Okay, I know that, I'm leaving first, don't forget to have breakfast, because I already bought you breakfast, and your car has also been delivered here." Alfredo said casually, but managed to fade the sinister smile on Karenina's face.

In the midst of her surprise, Karenina was surprised again by a kiss on the cheek. And without saying anything Alfredo turned and walked out of the door to the car parked in front of the fence with Rudi waiting for him beside the car door.

Karenina looked at Alfredo from behind the living room window, Alfredo looked at her with a smile and then got into the car that was opened by Rudi.

"Foolish bastard, what does he really want." Karenina mumbled then sat in the living room and lit a match to light the cigarette tucked in her curly fingers.

"Huhhhh..." Exhalations mixed with cigarette smoke rose from Karenina's sexy lips, her right hand opened the box which she believed contained the breakfast that Alfredo had bought for her.

In between smoking, Karenina put the french fries in her mouth and chewed them slowly. His eyes glanced at a paper tucked under the ashtray casually. He then took the paper and read the writing on it.

[Smoking is not good for health, Wife-to-be.] Those are the only words written there.

"Damn." Karenina grumbled, because apparently Alfredo could guess what he was doing.

"Crazy, jerk, loveless, annoying man." The sexy lips continued to pucker while squeezing the paper with all her might. In annoyance Karenina threw the paper on the ashtray and stubbed out her cigarette in annoyance.

Karenina devoured all the food served on the table, then immediately threw the food wrapper into the trash can in the corner of the room.

His long legs stepped into the room to take the towel hanging behind the door, then went back out to the bathroom which was next to his bedroom.

Almost half an hour Karenina did the ritual in the bathroom, then rushed into the room, wearing levis pants torn at the calf, then tied her hair up and put on a hat and levis jacket that matched her pants.

Karenina glanced right and left looking for her car keys which had been delivered by Rudi, Alfredo's assistant.

"There she is." He said then took the car keys which turned out to be hanging on the shoe rack.

Carrying his sneakers out of the house, then sitting on the terrace wearing shoes. And got up again locked the house and left using his favorite car.

"Where are you now?" He muttered as he thought about where he would go busking this time.

"Kampung Melayu, yeah..." Again, Karenina spoke to herself as she drove her car towards the Kampung Melayu terminal in East Jakarta.

Behind him drove an automatic motorbike with a man riding it, following Karenina wherever she went.

"Boss, Miss Karen is heading towards Kampung Melayu, East Jakarta." Report the man who turns out to be Alfredo's subordinate assigned to monitor Karenina, who always goes to places that Alfredo thinks are dangerous and prone to crime.

"Follow him, and don't let anything bad happen to him." Alfredo ordered then hung up the phone.

Alfredo, who had just arrived at the office, smiled briefly before getting out of the car with Rudi.

"Where else is Karenina this time?" Asked Rudi, Alfredo's assistant and friend.

"Malay Village." The answer is short.

"Really, a unique girl. Do you really like her?" Rudi asked Alfredo again.

"Not only liked, but I think, I've fallen in love with him."

"Amazing, it's the first time I've heard you say you're in love with a girl, eh…she's still a girl right?" Asked Rudi who immediately got a sharp glare from Alfredo.

"You think she's a cheap woman, who easily gives her body to men? She's not Zarima." Alfredo said annoyed.

"Okay, I'm sorry, yes I thought last night you and him ..." before Rudi could continue his words Alfredo looked back at him with a sharp look.

"Hah.." Rudi sighed, his best friend was really… ah…. It's hard to say anyway.