Little bento

Karen walked along the ranks of street vendors at the Kampung Melayu terminal, she looked around the streets that were full of vehicles passing by, then stopped at one point where there was a small child carrying a ukulele instrument who was singing on a city bus passing through the terminal. .

A small child with curly hair, and black skin even if you look closely, black skin is not caused by black, but because the sun is setting so hot and the streets quickly fill the entire air cavity of the capital.

Karenina walked over to the boy, "Can I help you sing?" Karenina asked the little boy.

"Pay for two dong kak." said the little boy.

"You don't have to, it's just for you. You just want to join the singing, you're bored at home, what's your name?" asked Karenina while playing.

"Bento. My name is Bento Sis, they say I'm the executive boss Sis." said Bento with a flat face that made Karenina laugh at him.

"Yes, big brother believes, you are indeed the executive boss." said Karenina with a small laugh. Bento laughed too, he really didn't know why he was called the executive boss even though he was a busker.

"Which bus are we going to sing on the bus?" asked Karenina again.

"There you are." Bento replied, pointing to one of the intercity buses waiting for passengers at the terminal.

"Let's go there." Invite Karenina, Bento nodded then followed Karenina to the bus which was parked with almost full o]passengers.

"What song do you want to sing?" Said Karenina who was ready with her father's old guitar.

"It's up to you bro." Said bento but he immediately sang a dangdut song that was on the rise. Karenina smiled broadly, then followed Bento to play his guitar to accompany the bento who sang in his fake voice.

Bento handed the hat he was wearing to the bus passengers to ask for change from the passengers who were enjoying the song he was playing, then Karenina was heard singing a nostalgic song, suddenly Abeno immediately looked at Karenina with her lips wide open because she didn't expect Karenina to have such a sweet voice. .

It was seen that the passengers enjoyed the song sung by Karenina and Bento did not waste this opportunity to repeatedly ask the passengers for change, as a result, the passengers on the city bus took out bills that were placed in the abento hat.

After they finished singing one song, Bento and Karenina then got out of the city bus to move to another vehicle that was waiting for passengers.

"I didn't think that Karen had such a beautiful voice, why didn't you participate in the selection of singers on TV, sis?"

"If you become a singer later you can't help you sing, how come the artist is singing?" Karenina jokes. Bento laughed then put his hat upside down.

"You're not in school, Bento?"

"Don't have money, Sis, to pay for school." Bento answered by turning right and left to prepare for the road at the side of the terminal. Karenina just followed where Bento's next step was.

"If you want to go to school, brother?"

"You have a lot of money, don't you?"

"It's not a lot of money, it's just that you can still send it to school, brother."

"I don't have a place to live, I don't have parents, I don't have a Family Card, sis."

"Where are your parents?"

"You died."

"Your home?"

"Fire sis." Karenina expressed sadness for Bento who was standing on the side of the road while biting mineral water.

"You want to live in an orphanage?"

"No, sis, later I'll be told to sing again, sis, it's better if I stay here, sis, under a bridge but live freely, not cooperating with anyone. The important thing is that I can eat, that's enough."

Karenina choked, she revealed Bento who was also staring with a straw in his mouth.

"You're not going to tell your brother to sing, you just need to study at an orphanage, for your future, will you?"

"Are you serious?"

Karenina nodded with a small smile that graced her beautiful face, then Bento smiled sweetly as well.

"Want to?" Karenina asked Bento again, then the child nodded excitedly.

"Yes, let's go now with brother." Take Karenina and walk side by side with Bento to the car parked some distance from where they are now.

"Is this your brother's car?" Bento asked while surveying the entire side of the car. And Karenina just nodded. "Come in."

"Wait, brother, you're not a kidnapper right?" Bento asked with an innocent face, Karenina laughed out loud and then deliberately teased Bento. "Yes, big brother is a kidnapper who will take you, then sell you abroad." Bento's face was starting to turn pale.

"But lied." Karen Continued while laughing, seeing the reaction of Bento working hard was funny.

"Come on, let's go in, I'm not a kidnapper. It's a loss to kidnap a child like you know." Karenina said then opened the car door for Bento. Meanwhile, Bento just scratched a picture that didn't itch and grinned widely.

"The orphanage belongs to brother?"

"No, it's someone else's."

"brother's friend?"

"Not really."


"You don't have to think about it anymore, the important thing is that you now live in an orphanage belonging to someone I know, then you're there, OK?"

Bento nodded, "Thank you, Sis."

"You're welcome."

"Are you going to the orphanage often to see me?"

"Brother did not borrow, but I will try."

Half an hour's journey they finally arrived at an orphanage owned by Alfredo which was unknown to Karenina.

Karenina pressed the doorbell beside the orphanage, then soon someone came out from behind the wooden door.

"Oh, you're Karen, come on in." The command of the middle-aged woman is none other than the owner of the orphanage who is also Alfredo's aunt.

"Thank you mom."

Karenina entered the living room of the orphanage with Bento, of course the mother who owns the orphanage then leaked Bento.

"Who is she, Karen?" Ask Maudi the owner of the orphanage.

"He is Bento, ma'am, I mean here to leave Bento, he has no parents, and only lives on the streets as a busker, can you accept it?" asked Karen hopefully.

Maudi smiled then replied, "Sure."

Karenina and Bento smiled broadly, "Thank you ma'am." Karenina said then she took out an envelope from inside her levis jacket. "This is to help enroll Bento to school, Mom."

"The money you gave me the other day is still there, Karen. Use the money for your needs Karen."

"No, ma'am, let it be for you, you can use it to buy children's equipment as well as the rest."

"Thank you, Karen. Your heart is very kind, may Allah always take care of you, Sis."

"Amen, ma'am. Then I'll excuse myself, ma'am, Bento, you are here, obey your mother, and study hard."

"Yes, thank you." Said Bento who immediately hugged Karenina's body tightly.

"Brother came at the right time, when I was desperate to live my days on the road, you took me to a family, thank you, thank you." Bento said sobbing.

"You're welcome dear, you study hard, he said you're the executive boss so you have to be smart." Guruu Karenina who made Bento then smiled and nodded.

"Excuse me, ma'am."

Maudi nodded then Karenina actually left the orphanage by driving her car to return home.