For You

"I don't care who you're talking to, I don't want to know and I also know to hear." replied Karenina curtly.

"OK, good then, you're pretty sure and trust me, what I told you just now wasn't a lie, I love you."

"Hmm." Karenina answered briefly then took a sip of her hot chocolate.

"Let's eat, I'm already hungry." Alfredo said, then as usual Karenina brought the rice and side dishes onto Alfredo's plate.

"Thank you."


"I'll be home tomorrow morning before dawn."

"Can't you just stop DJing at nightclubs, I'm worried about you."

"We've already discussed this Alfredo, in case you forgot and you agreed too. Remember?" Karenina said as she turned to Alfredo.

Alfredo took a deep breath, then nodded in resignation. "I'll come with you."


"I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Nothing will happen to me."

"I don't care anyway I have to go."

"Well it's up to you, as long as you don't bother me while working, OK?"

"Okay Mrs. Alfredo."

"We are not married yet." Karenina said curtly.

"Tomorrow afternoon we get married." Alfredo said curtly but it was not enough to make Karenina choke on her drink.


Alfredo immediately got up and patted Karenina's shoulder lightly, "No need to rush, or did I startle you too much?"

Karenina shook her head, then motioned for Alfredo to sit back down, "Continue your eating."

"You're good at cooking Karen, I like it, after you get married where do you want to live? I've already bought a house for us, if you don't mind, or you want us to stay here is fine too. I'll follow your lead." Alfredo said while chewing his food. Karenina was silent but her eyes stared at Alfredo, a sign that she was listening to what the man had to say.

"We just live here, this is my parents' house, they are always near me when I'm in this house."

Alfredo looked at Karenina with a faint smile, then nodded in agreement, "I just want you to feel comfortable."

"Thank you."

"What time are you leaving for the club later?"

"At 10 o'clock in the evening."

"Okay, I'll come with you."

"Are you kidding?"

"I never joke when it comes to your future wife. I don't want anything to happen to you, I don't like johns staring at you with hungry eyes."

Karenina finished her hot chocolate then answered Alfredo's words, "Well it's up to you." Karenina got up and took the plate that Alfredo had used and washed it.

Alfredo sat on the sofa in front of the television while watching the latest news, ten minutes later Karenina sat beside Alfredo while bringing a papaya that had been cut into small pieces, then handed it to Alfredo.

Alfredo turned his head, then took the cutlery that was given by Karenina complete with a piece of papaya on it.

"Thank you." Alfredo said with a smile.

"Hmm." Karenina answered with her eyes fixed on the television screen.

"It's really sad, they just want treatment they have to walk that far, what if there is a woman who is about to give birth? It's a pity." Karenina said when she saw the news on television that discussed the lack of health facilities on an island.

Alfredo turned to Karenina, Karenina's serious face was seen when she saw the news on television, then he smiled.

"Then just build a hospital there, okay?" Alfredo said then took a piece of papaya with a fork.

"I don't have that kind of money."

"You even have a rich future husband."

Karenina turned to Alfredo and said, "To tell you not to evict the orphanage you ask me to be your second wife? So now what do you want from me to build a hospital in a remote area, which costs billions of dollars."

Now it was Alfredo's turn to stare intently at Karenina's figure, the girl who made him fall in love only at first sight, at that time, yes, it was that time that made Alfredo fall in love with her immediately.

"Life is not just a matter of profit and loss." Then Alfredo took a deep breath.

"Then why should I be your second wife just for an orphanage if life isn't just a matter of profit and loss?"

"Because you are mine."

"On what basis?"

"This." Alfredo placed Karenina's palm on his chest. Feeling Alfredo's heartbeat beating regularly, the two stared at each other for a few minutes until Karenina pulled her hand roughly from Alfredo's chest.

Alfredo smiled a little and then spoke again, "By the way, what do you want for our wedding tomorrow?"

Karenina seemed to think for a moment, then turned back to Alfredo, "The hospital in the remote area earlier." He said coldly without the slightest smile.

"I accept." Alfredo said, Suddenly Karenina glared in disbelief because to be honest she never cared about the dowry, she was only testing Alfredo, but unexpectedly Alfredo didn't even have to think long to agree to his request.

"You're serious?"

"You think I'm joking?"

"But to build a hospital is very expensive, the funds even __" Alfredo's index finger stopped Karenina's lips who were about to continue her speech.

"Life is not always about profit and loss."


"I have to call someone to get what you want done right away." Alfredo then took his cell phone in his trouser pocket, then he pressed someone's name so that it wasn't long before he was connected to the person he called.

"Hello, Frank."

"Hello Alfredo." Frans replied, one of his subordinates who became the head of his company's branch on the island that Karenina was going to for the construction of a hospital.

"Please immediately find a location for the construction of a hospital in the interior of Kalimantan, later I will definitely send the area."

"Why do you suddenly want to invest in remote areas?"

"Don't ask too much, just do what I tell you to."

"Alright Al."

"Good, thanks Frans, sorry to bother you at this time of night."

"No problem."

"Good night."

"Night Al."

"Who is Frank?" Ask Karen.

"He is an old friend of mine, and at the same time the head of my branch in Kalimantan." Alfredo said then stroked Karenina's head affectionately.

"Al I_"

"All for you, you don't worry, I won't be poor just because of a few billions."

"What a snob." Karenina pout.

Alfredo laughed out loud, "You just realized I'm arrogant?"

"Even from the first time I met you I knew you were arrogant."

"Why are you only saying it now?"

"Too lazy to argue with you."

"But I like arguing with you."

"Wasting time."

"But I like wasting my time with you."

Karenina leaned her head on the sofa, rolling her eyes lazily.

"You're a seducer too."

"It's my hobby to seduce you."

"Only me?"

"Of course."

"How about your wife."

"Don't you mention him when I'm with you."

"I don't understand your way of thinking."

"One day you will not only understand my thoughts, you will even understand my heart and soul."

"I can confirm that if your Indonesian test scores when you were in school, you would always get 100 points."

Alfredo laughed out loud and then pinched Karenina's sharp nose.