You're not someone's husband snatcher

Alfredo kept his promise, he stayed up all night to accompany Karenina to work as a DJ in a famous nightclub. Luckily the nightclub belongs to his best friend so he doesn't have to be afraid of trouble if he's protective of Karenina.

And for the first time Karenina didn't deny that there was a man holding her waist possessively, instead she enjoyed her rocking with Alfredo. He never thought that Alfredo would be able to relax and accompany him to stand behind the DJ table, sometimes he even played his DJ instrument, adding to his music mix that was getting busier and stomping.

"I can't believe it if I don't see for myself how good you are at playing these instruments." Said Karenina in Alfredo's ear.

"There's a lot I can do, except for one thing." Alfredo said while gluing their bodies more and more without distance.

"What?" Karenina asked as she turned her head and immediately met Alfredo's beautiful eyes.

"Toying with your heart." Alfredo said while looking closely at Karenina's face.

"Crap." replied Karenina then turned her face away.

The night grew late Alfredo enjoyed his company with Karenina, even though the next day they would have their wedding which would be held on the island of Lombok without informing Karenina beforehand.

Just before dawn, Karenina had just finished her assignment, Alfredo had told his best friend, Damar. Which is the lover of Karenina's best friend, Sofia. Alfredo told Damar that if they were getting married on the island of Lombok and Damar and Sofia were their special guests, then for the next three days Karenina would not come to work as a DJ.

"I will come with Sofia, Frans and Rudi also come right? We haven't been together for a long time since you married Zarima."

"Of course, we'll make my second wedding tomorrow a reunion for the four of us." Alfredo said then took a sip of the drink in his glass.

"There should be five of us."

"That was before, before he played behind my back with Zarima." Alfredo said hatefully.

"Yeah, I didn't think that Tama could do something like that."

"I'll let Zarima go if Tama manly asks Zarima from me. But he never changes, he's still a coward like he used to be."

"I'm sure Tama feels sorry for you."

"Hah! I don't know anyways now I don't care."

"Because now you've got Karen."

"You even know since when I loved Karen, but for Zarima's sake I stupidly let her go, but not anymore. I won't let her go no matter what."

"Okay, what time is the show tomorrow?"

"Five in the afternoon."

"Are you kidding?"

"I'm just looking for the right moment, even though this marriage is second for me but the first for him, I want this to be a special moment for him. I know he really likes dusk, so I want the twilight tomorrow to be a witness to my wedding with him."

"I can't believe you can be this romantic, even though I remember you were never this romantic with Zarima. Even at your wedding you looked normal, and all that prepared your party was your family."

"That's because we were betrothed, although I don't deny that I once loved Zarima very much, before I knew her betrayal."

"Come on, you don't need to remember your bitterness with Zarima. Then what if your family finds out about your relationship with Karen?"

"Let it go, I won't deny it, I do love Karen, I love her, and I want her to be the mother of my children someday."

"Speaking of children you and Zarima have been married for a long time but why don't you guys have a child yet?"

Alfredo shrugged, "I don't know, but it's good that if we separate we don't have to sacrifice anything, besides I doubt if she is pregnant, is it really my child or not."

"Is it that bad?"

"You just ask Tama yourself, to what extent are they related."

"Al.." Alfredo turned to the source of the voice, it was seen that Karenina had finished changing clothes.

"We go home?" Alfred asked.

"Of course."

"Okay…Damar, we'll say goodbye, don't forget I've already booked a flight this afternoon for the two of you." Alfredo said while holding Karenina's waist.

"We're definitely coming."

"Bye Sofia .." Karenina said to her best friend, Sofia just waved her hand at Karen while holding Damar's waist with one hand.

"Hope they're happy, honey." Sofia said as she watched her best friend's back disappear from the door.

"Yeah, I hope they've both been in mourning, hopefully with this marriage, they can be happy, although I'm afraid Karen will go through a lot of trials if Alfredo's family finds out about their marriage."

"Then help them so that Alfredo's family doesn't find out."

"Whatever I would do for my best friend. Shall we go home dear?" Damar said while kissing the corner of Sofia's lips."

"Hm…I'm already sleepy."

"Soaking in warm water together, that might be good enough before we leave for Lombok to attend their wedding?"

"What?! Lombok?"

"Yeah, didn't Karen say that?"

Sofia shook her head, "No."

"You're done Alfredo." Damar muttered with a chuckle and left the room to the parking lot in the basement.

"Karen, wait for me in the car. I'll go to my house in a bit. Don't go anywhere and don't get out of the car until I get back."

"Hm, what if someone sees me?"

"No one can see you, this car windshield is specially made so no one can see you from the outside, you just take it easy."


Alfredo got out of the car, then opened the gate of his house, and just entered because at dawn the household assistants had started to wake up and usually someone went to the mosque to perform the morning prayer in congregation.

"Good morning sir." Said Minah, one of the household assistants who had just come from the kitchen.

"Morning." Without looking, Alfredo went straight up to his room upstairs, opened the door slowly and took a change of clothes to go to the airport.

"You just came back Al." Alfredo heard a familiar voice, but he remained indifferent and continued to replace his watch with another brand.

Zarima approached Alfredo and wanted to hug him from behind, but Alfredo deliberately switched places to avoid Zarima.

"Shouldn't we talk?"

"What do you want to talk about?" Alfredo said without looking at Zarima, then left the room to his study, Zarima was still following him from behind.

"What do you want Al, so we can be like we used to be?" Zarima asked with tears almost falling.

"There is not any." Alfredo replied nonchalantly while tidying up the office files he needed to take with him.

"Al.." Zarima approached Alfredo, then Alfredo turned.

"You smell like alcohol." Zarima said right in front of Alfredo.

"Allow me to smell of alcohol if I stay in a night club all night."

"You'd rather hug bitches than your own wife, AL? That's too much of you."

"What do you say? I'm out of town for a few days if my mom and dad ask." Alfredo said as he stepped away from Zarima who was still following behind him.

"Where are you going?" Zarima asked, but still did not get an answer from Alfredo's mouth.

Zarima ruffled his hair as an outlet for Alfredo's attitude towards him, then his clear eyes looked at Alfredo who walked quickly to the exit carrying a file in his hand and a shirt that was only hung on his shoulder.

Zarima ran out of the house, but Alfredo had already stepped out of the fence and got into his car.

"Fix I am indeed a actor." Karenina said but it sounded funny to Alfredo's ears which made him smile a little and then immediately drove his car to Karenina's house.

"Why are you laughing?" Karenina asked curtly, glancing at Alfredo who was still smiling as he drove his car.

"You're not a whore Karenina, it's not what you think it is."

"In fact I did steal people's husbands, how can you say if I'm not a whore."

"You'll understand someday."

Karenina was silent, she chose to close her eyes instead of arguing with Alfredo who was not clear on where it would end.

"I saw your wife working on you."