Love Jokes

Karenina looked at Alfredo with an annoyed look, because Alfredo had been teasing her all this time.

"Come on baby__ Oops! I mean future wife." Alfredo immediately corrected his words when he saw those beautiful pympong ball-like eyes glaring at him.

"Okay… okay I'm sorry. You are indeed a actor, but a kind, and adorable actor. Maybe I'm not the only one who will leave my wife if the actor is a female model like you." Alfredo said with a wide smile, making Karenina even more annoyed.

"Ouch__ Ouch___ you have the heart of a future husband." Alfredo rubbed his arm which was pinched by Karenina.

"Pinch my body as much as you want, but don't pinch my heart, I can't help ___ oops!!!" Alfredo screamed as the hard pinch returned this time right on his waist. But he wasn't the least bit angry, instead he was smiling broadly because he would be happier because Karenina was expressing her frustration than keeping it quiet, which means Alfredo's world is collapsing.

Alfredo couldn't stand it if Karenina kept him quiet, like when they first met, Alfredo's patience was being tested at that time to be able to melt Karenina's heart.

"I hate you." Karenina said as she looked down at the empty street because it was still very early in the morning.

"I love you too." Alfredo replied with a smile, then looked at the deserted street, then slowly he stopped his car on the side of the road.

Karenina turned her head, looked at Alfredo who turned off his car engine after parking his car on the side of the road and then got out of the car.

Karenina was still watching Alfredo's movements as he walked to the sidewalk. It turned out that Alfredo was buying food that was sold on the side of the road.

Karenina frowned as she mumbled, "Indeed he wants to buy food for anyone, he buys a lot."

Then Alfredo walked back to the car after paying for the food he bought, before arriving at his car, Alfredo gave a package of food to the traveling sweeper who was pushing a garbage cart. Then Alfredo walked back and got back into his car.

"Eat it, it's delicious." Alfredo handed Karenina the food wrapped in leaves. Hesitantly Karenina took one and put it in her mouth. Alfred smiled.

"Isn't it delicious?" Alfred asked. Karenina didn't answer but immediately took the package from Alfredo's hand, which made Alfredo chuckle and then started the car again and drove towards Karenina's house.

"You must have never eaten that food?" Alfred asked.

Karenina looked at Alfredo then shook her head slowly. Again, Alfredo smiled broadly. "That's the typical food of Gunung Kidul." Alfredo said while glancing at Karenina. Alfredo was very sure even though he wanted to know but Karenina would be reluctant to ask him.

"His name is Tiwul Manis, made from cassava. Healthy food without preservatives and artificial sweeteners, because it uses brown sugar, which is as sweet as yours." Alfredo's teasing made Karenina smile but tried to hide it. Again, Alfredo chuckled, and made him angry himself with Karenina's attitude which he thought was funny and really adorable.

"You really have the heart to eat alone. I'm also hungry you know all night waiting for you to work." Rajuk alfredo with a fake pitiful face.

"I didn't ask you to accompany me to work." Karenina argued.

"Yeah, just let me starve, later when you're full, it's my turn to eat you." Alfredo replied. Karenina spontaneously shoved food into Alfredo's mouth as his mouth opened.

Alfredo almost spat out the food that Karenina had just fed because he couldn't help but laugh at the woman's reaction.

Not long after that the car passed a park, then Alfredo again stopped his car at the edge of the park. Then he came out carrying a bag containing the package of food he had bought.

Alfredo sat on a park bench and soon an old man approached Alfredo and took food by Alfredo's side. Karenina looked at the sight with a smile. Then Alfredo got back up and walked back towards him.

"You look familiar with the gentlemen earlier." Karenina asked as Alfredo had just gotten into the car and fastened his seatbelt.

"Finally, I heard your sweet voice again." Instead of answering Alfredo, he teased her again.

Karenina then pinched Alfredo's arm somehow the number of times, somehow the fate of the arm behind Alfredo's shirt, was red or had even turned blue. But Alfredo didn't care what was important. He was happy to see the woman he loved was comfortable by his side.

"Okay_ Okay madam. I will answer. So I first met the gentlemen when I came home from your house, I don't know when exactly I forgot. He was with his grandson scavenging for food in the trash. Because I always bring bread or any snacks It was in the car, then I gave it to them. Since then I have become more familiar with the gentlemen, now the grandfather is selling at the garden stall."

"You must be the one who gave the capital to the grandfather." Guess Karenina.

"Wrong, I didn't give it."


"My assistant." Then Alfredo laughed out loud and managed to prank Karenina.


"Why! How annoying? Instead, you should be proud, your future husband is a generous and kind person." Alfredo said with a big smile, deliberately trying to irritate Karenina.

"Good grief. Your narcissism is too high, sir."

Alfredo laughed and ruffled Karenina's hair, exasperated. "Isshhh!" Karenina grabbed Alfredo's hand which was still stroking his hair.

"Why are you so adorable, my beauty?" Alfredo seduced again which made Karenia pursed her lips.

"Why your lips? Ask for a kiss?" Alfredo asked, this time Karenina no longer pinched but hit Alfredo's arm.

"Ouch__ you've been domestic violence."

"We are not married how can domestic violence."

"Okay, then KDRC."

"What's that?"

"Violence in Love__Fun." Alfredo said laughing out loud.

Not long after, the car they were traveling in arrived at Karenina's housing estate, Alfredo opened the car window and greeted the security guard at the gate of the housing complex where Karenina lived.

"You seem familiar with that security?" Karenina asked Alfredo, again Alfredo answered jokingly.

"Because I often give him bribes, so he can stay at your house." Alfredo smiled broadly as he closed his car window again, when he arrived in front of Karenina's house.

"Finally we arrived. Take a nap and then we go to Lombok." Alfredo said as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

"Lombok?" Karenina refused to open the car door.

"Yes, Lombok. We will get married there this afternoon."

"This afternoon?"

"You ask a lot of questions Mrs. Alfredo." Alfredo immediately got out of the car first leaving Karenina who was staring at him, confused.

"Come on down, I'm already sleepy and want to sleep hugging you." Alfredo said matter-of-factly, after opening the car door for Karenina.

Karenina got out of the car and immediately took her house keys from her bag, then the two of them entered the house together.