The depressed Zarima

"Where's Alfredo, why isn't he home so early?" Amanda asked Alfredo's mother.

Zarina tries to calm down to face her mother-in-law who is known to be fussy and perfectionist.

"Al has a job abroad so he hasn't come home yet." Zarima answered according to the information he got from Alfredo's assistant.

"Why don't you come? If it continues like this? When do you guys have children? Five years of marriage and no children yet, your family and mine need offspring, need an heir, you should know that." Amanda said at length.

Zarima took a deep breath, how could they possibly have children if Alfredo always avoided him, for no reason he knew.

"You guys are on good terms right? There's no problem right?" Amanda asked making Zarima nervous.

"Our relationship is fine, mommy, you don't have to worry." Zarima said then looked down.

"Good then, mami doesn't want you to have any trouble, remember Zarima, there is no word for divorce in your family or in Alfredo's family, you know that right?" Amanda continued and sat on the sofa in the living room.

"Yes, Zarima understands that." Zarima replied then sat on the Single sofa not far from Amanda who was sitting with jumawa.

"Do you know? Last night Alfredo visited a nightclub accompanied by a beautiful woman." Amanda said making Zarima's eyes widen, Zarima should have realized that Amanda could do anything to find out what she wanted.

Zarima was nervous to answer what her mother-in-law said.

"Um, yesterday Alfredo did go to his best friend's club, and he just needed a little entertainment after a long day at work." Zarima answered slowly.

"Alfredo is accompanied by a beautiful woman who is DJing, aren't you angry? Aren't you jealous?" Amanda asked then poured a small glass of Vodka which was available on the table.

"She's just a night club employee why should I be jealous? While I'm a good girl from a respectable family why should I be jealous?" Zarima said.

Amanda turned her gaze to Zarima then smiled slyly, "You don't know that those cheap women will easily snatch Alfredo from you? They have a million charms to lure their prey." Amanda said.

Amanda's memory is fixed on one incident where she took Alfredo's father from his late legal wife, and used a thousand ways to eliminate Alfredo's biological mother.

"You have to be careful from now on, if you don't want to lose your husband, bitches will be more attractive to men because they are more sensitive and more attractive than a wife who just stays at home." Said Amanda and then got up from the sofa after finishing the drink in her shot glass.

"Tell your husband to call me when he comes back, what a presumptuous child, not to tell his own mother." Amanda said then grabbed the bag that was lying on the sofa and walked away from Alfredo's house.

Zarima took a deep breath, then ran his fingers through his hair. his face lowered, he started to think what if what his mother-in-law said was the truth, what if Alfredo really had another woman besides him? But didn't he himself have another man? and even that guy was Alfredo's own best friend?

Zarima looked up then got up and walked back and forth while biting the tips of her nails, She contemplated and thought about her relationship with Alfredo. a man she still loves, but she also can't let go of Tama. He loves Tama so much, the two men make him really crazy. Zarima is unable to choose any of them.

"I'm selfish, really selfish, I can't let go of any of them, even though Alfredo always hurts me but I can't let go, even I miss his touch, I miss his hugs." Zarima muttered as he covered his face with both palms.

"What should I do now?" Zarima muttered.

On the other hand, where Tama is standing on the balcony of her room, her mind is far away from the memory when she saw Alfredo entering the airport with a woman who he believed was not Zarima. He even proved himself by telling Zarima to come meet him at his own apartment.

"Why are you always lucky Al, you gave Zarima to me, because you have another woman? Have you never loved Zarima at all? Then why do you want to marry her Al?" Tama muttered then took a sip of the beer in the glass in her hand.

"You are always superior to me, you are always luckier than me. I hate you Al, I will take all the things that make you happy. You and Zarima should have been happy with our little family, but because of your damn marriage that ruined everything, even our child had to be aborted because of that damn marriage." Tom muttered.

"You will not have any children from Zarima, Al. because Zarima will only be the mother of my children." Tama slammed the glass she was holding, then went into her room.

Tama sat on the bed, then took her cellphone which was on the nightstand.

"Honey, come to the apartment, I miss you." Tama said to Zarima over the phone.

"Just last night we met, did you miss me that much?" Ask Zarima.

"Yes, you always make me miss, come here."

"Sorry dear, today I need to be at the boutique so maybe tonight I can go to your place, are you really not going to the office today?" Zarima asked.

"No, I'm lazy to go to the office, I just want to hug you, but why do you refuse to come, Hm? Do I have to go to the boutique to meet you?"

Zarima on the other side seemed to be thinking, then nodded his head even though he knew that Tama wouldn't be able to see him, "Okay, we'll meet at the boutique."

"I love you." Say Tama

"Me too Tama, I love you so much." Zarima answers then they hang up their call.

Tama jumped for joy from the bed, then got up and went into the bathroom. to clean up and immediately went to Zarima's boutique.

Forbidden relationships will always be beautiful to feel, because the lust that is tied to the wrong love will actually be greater than the lawful lust because it will take care of each other and there is no intention to harm either party.

And a decay that is stored neatly in a room full of perfume will smell like rot and will never turn into a reassuring scent.

Love is a gift from God that we must guard with sincerity and purity with the intention to take care of each other in order to get His blessing.

Because love will be beautiful wrapped in sincerity and faith in God, the owner of true love.