Go back home

Karenina looked at the house she had left for a few days, the house she bought from her hard work as a caffe singer and also a DJ at a famous nightclub. Karenina looked at the flowers in her yard, the flowers her mother planted, when her mother was still around. Her mother loved flowers. And Karenina will be happy to accompany her mother to plant the plants or just help water the plants.

Alfredo who was unloading things from the trunk of the car instantly became transfixed when he saw the woman he loved so much staring at the beautiful roses. Never before had Alfredo seen such a cold and fierce woman touch the flowers in the small garden of his house.

Karenina crouched down, then took the shears that were located not far from the flower plant and cut a few stems of roses that had bloomed beautifully.

"Why did you cut the flowers?" Alfredo asked as he looked down to see how his wife was cutting stem after stem of roses.

"This rose if it is not cut it will die." Said Karenina without taking her eyes off the flowers she was choosing to pick.

"Wouldn't the flower be more beautiful if it was left on the tree?" Alfred asked.

"Yes, people can only see a rose blooming beautifully without knowing if it needs to be picked before it withers, Whereas roses that are pruned before they wither will make it easier for the flower plant to bloom again, and make the rose plant more beautiful and purposeful. ." Karenina replied that she still didn't want to look at Alfredo who was right behind her, looking down.

"You are very concerned about the fate of the flowers." Alfred said.

"Because I love them." replied Karenina while putting the shears in their original place.

"Let's go in." Invite Karenina while standing up with her hand holding the rose that she just took from the tree.

Karenina reached into her bag for the house keys, "Let me help you carry the roses." Alfred said.

"No need, your hand will be pricked by a thorn." Karenina answered while showing the key she managed to get from her bag.

Alfredo smiled then nodded, Karenina opened the door of the house and they entered in turn, Alfredo put their suitcases into the room. Meanwhile, Karenina put the rose she was holding into a glass vase.

"Very good." Alfredo said while looking at the roses neatly arranged in a vase, then placed on the living room table by Karenina.

"Why did you put the flowers there? Not on the living room table?" Ask Alfred.

"Because here only you and I can enjoy its beauty, no one else, who only visits for a while and then leaves again." Karenina replied with a small smile that pointed at the roses on the table.

"So are you, only I can have you no one else." Alfredo said then walked to the bathroom to clean himself.

Karenina didn't respond to anything Alfredo said, she walked to her bedroom and changed into casual clothes. Then immediately went to the kitchen to make a drink for the two of them.

"Coffee? Or tea?" Karenina asked as she turned on the stove to boil water.

"Coffee." Alfredo answered from the bathroom not far from the kitchen.

Karenina prepared two cups and then opened the packaged coffee from the storage cupboard. Then pour it into the two cups.

Alfredo came out of the bathroom with only his underpants and a towel wrapped around his neck.

"Hm… thanks for the coffee, honey." Alfredo said while sitting on a chair in the dining room after Karenina put a cup of coffee for herself.

"Hmm." Karenina replied and sat across from Alfredo who was sipping his hot coffee slowly.

"What are your plans tomorrow?" Alfredo asked while looking at Karenina who was holding her coffee cup.

"Tomorrow afternoon my brother will come can I pick him up?" Karenina asked Alfredo who was looking at her.

"Who? You haven't told me about your brother all this time." Alfredo asked and took a sip of his coffee.

"He came from Yogyakarta, brother of the late father, his name is Nando." Karenina replied calmly, then looked back at Alfredo who was looking at him with a frown.

"He's a male?"

"Yes, if it's a Nanda woman." Karenina answered without any expression making Alfredo chuckle.

"Okay, what time does he come? Should I come pick him up too?" Alfredo asked then got a shake of his head from Karenina.

"No need, just me. You have to come to the office tomorrow, don't you?"

"I'm the boss."

"You are an example to your employees, and remember that many people depend on your fate in your company." Karenina's answer made Alfredo smile, his wife is really mature and soft-hearted. Although from the outside it looks fierce and fierce.

"All right, madam. Don't forget to call me tomorrow, will she be staying here too?" Alfredo asked again.

Again, Karenina nodded in response to Alfredo's question. "Yes, he will stay here, do you mind?"

"Honestly yes, but he's your brother it doesn't matter if it's only for a few days, I hope after that he can live in an apartment, or in a new house."

"Pretty rich."

Alfredo chuckled, "I'm rich madam, have you forgotten that your husband is a boss who owns a famous company in this country?"


"Tomorrow let my driver deliver the car here, it looks like your car is still at the club."

"No need, I can ride a motorbike." Said Karenina, making Alfredo almost choke at his wife's answer.

"Motorcycle?" Alfredo asked while glaring.

"Yes." Karenina replied with a weak nod and an astonished look at Alfredo.

"You have a motorbike?"

"The one in the garage is my motorbike." Reply to Karen.

"That's an old motorbike dear." Alfredo said with a face that protested that Karenina would not use the old motorbike.

"Yes, and it's my favorite motorcycle, is something wrong?" Karenina asked then finished her coffee.

"What if the motor breaks down?" Alfredo asked worriedly.

"Will not."

"How do you know, when it looks like you rarely use the motorbike, and lack maintenance."

"Smart ass." Karenina answered then left Alfredo who was still dumbfounded. Then got up and followed Karenina's steps into the living room, took the keys and entered the garage from the connecting door near the kitchen.

Karenina pushed the motor pedal to start the engine, because she hadn't used it for too long, it was impossible for her to use the automatic starter.

Alfredo looked at Karenina who was starting the engine of an old motorbike in front of him, then not long after that the sound of a motorbike sounded, a sign that the engine was working again, but when Karenina was about to get on the motorbike, the left side mirror of the motorbike fell, which made him gawk and Alfredo laughed out loud.

"So you said okay?" Alfredo said between laughs.

Karenina just looked annoyed at her husband who was laughing at her.