Bad Motorcycle

Karenina glared at Alfredo who was laughing at her. Karenina then took a new mirror to replace the mirror that had fallen. The motorbike is indeed very old, but it is also the motorbike that makes him always remember his childhood with his grandparents.

"Don't laugh, because I already have one instead." Karenina said while showing Alfredo the new mirror.

With a fluid movement, Karenina replaced her motorcycle mirror with a new one. And after a few moments the mirror was fixed in place, but again Alfredo laughed out loud with the astonished Karenina.

The windshield of the motorcycle's headlight was cracked and fell when Karenina was about to get back on the motorcycle. In annoyance, Karenina kicked her favorite motorbike and then left the garage and Alfredo was still laughing.

Alfredo looked at Karenina who was annoyed and then went into his room, Alfredo turned to look at Karenina's favorite old motorbike and slowly approached the motorbike.

Alfredo casually opened the garage door so that the air from outside could enter to refresh the atmosphere.

"I haven't been a mechanic in a long time." Alfredo said then rolled up his shirt sleeves up to his elbows.

Alfredo looked for equipment and motorcycle parts that he could still use to repair Karenina's favorite old motorcycle.

Alfredo knew that Karenina loved his motorbike, even from a young age Alfredo often observed Karenina riding a motorbike with her grandfather when they wanted to go to the fields. Even though it's not the same motorbike, at least this motorbike is very similar to the motorbike that Karenina's grandfather used to have.

"Relax dear, you will be able to pick up your brother using your favorite motorbike." Alfredo muttered alone while fiddling with Karenina's motorbike.

Starting from the windshield which was cracked and then shattered, to the motorcycle wheel that had started to shake, all of Alfredo repaired it with his own hands. Even the engine part of the motorbike did not escape Alfredo checking its condition. He did not want the motorbike to break down and make it difficult for Karenina.

Alfredo really understands Karenina, he won't easily ask for her help if he's in trouble, so it's better if he fixes the motorbike properly so that nothing will happen that makes his beautiful wife into trouble.

Alfredo was still fiddling with Karenina's favorite old motorbike, while Karenina was sleeping soundly in her room.

Karenina just woke up when she heard the sound of a motorbike from inside her garage. Karenina immediately jumped in surprise and immediately ran to the garage.

How surprised he was when he saw his favorite motorbike being ridden by Alfredo in a neat condition.

Karenina covered her mouth when she saw Alfredo run his battered motorbike out of the garage. Karenina followed Alfredo out of the garage and saw the man riding a motorbike around his housing complex to try out his old motorbike which was now fit for use.

Alfredo stopped in front of the house, then honked the motorcycle horn, winked at Karenina, deliberately to tease his wife who was still in shock mode.

"Come on, let's go for a walk." Take Alfredo to Karenina.

Karenina smiled and closed the garage door and then walked out of the gate to Alfredo, who was sitting on his battered motorbike.

"How can you fix that?" Asked Karenina as she rode behind Alfredo.

Alfredo just smiled and then drove the motorbike slowly around the complex and out of the housing gate.

"How do you like it?" Alfredo asked Karenina.

"Yes, I like it." Reply to Karen.

But when they arrived at the crossroads, they saw a policeman chasing them. "Al, the cop is after us." Karenina said as she looked back.

"Is that true?" Alfredo said as he looked back.

"Yes, there they are approaching."

Alfredo pulled his motorbike to the side of the road, after which a policeman approached them.

"Good afternoon sir." Who is the Police?

"Afternoon." Alfredo answered calmly.

"Could you please show me your motorbike and driving license?" Said the fierce-faced policeman.

"A moment." Alfredo answered then turned to Karenina.

"Do you have a vehicle registration?" Allfredo asked Karenina.

"Sure, it's in the motorcycle seat." Reply to Karen.

"Why did you put it in the motorcycle seat, you reckless."

"Because of my carelessness this time my motorbike is safe and will not be taken by the police." Karenina snapped defensively.

Karenina immediately got off the motorbike as well as Alfredo who then opened the motorbike seat, and took the STNK which was lying just like that. Again, Alfredo shook his head to see his wife's carelessness in placing the motorcycle letter.

"This is Sir." Alfredo said as he handed over Karenina's vehicle registration.

"Your driver's license?" asked the policeman again.

Alfredo took out his wallet and showed his driver's license to the police officer.

"Mr. Alfredo, all your driving licenses are complete, but I still have to give you a ticket, because you drive without paying attention to safety, you don't wear a helmet."

Alfredo and Karenina looked at each other, apparently they had forgotten not to wear helmets.

"Okay, sir. Sorry we forgot because the intention was we just wanted to try this old motorcycle." Alfredo replied.

"It's okay sir, here's the ticket, don't forget to go to trial according to the date stated on the ticket."

"Okay sir. Thank you."

"Well then please go back to the house to get a helmet if you want to continue your journey back."

"Okay sir."

"Excuse me, good afternoon."

"Good afternoon." Alfredo replied who just smirked then after that he smiled broadly when he looked at Karenina, as well as Karenina who just laughed.

"Sometimes we forget not to wear helmets." Alfredo said with a chuckle.

"Let's buy a drink I'm thirsty." Invite Karenina and Alfredo nodded and drove his motorbike to a mini market not far from where they got a ticket.

"You're shopping, honey, it looks like our kitchen supplies have run out." Alfredo said behind Karenina who was choosing the drink she wanted to buy.

"Okay boss." Karenina said then took two bottles of cold drinks and put them in the basket.

When Karenina was about to take Instant Noodles, Alfredo grabbed her hand, "Change for another one." Karenina took a deep breath but followed what Alfredo said.

Alfredo put some food ingredients into the basket along with the necessary spices, Karenina only saw how Alfredo looked carefully at the expiration date listed on each pack of goods they bought.

"Like this is enough." Karenina said, then Alfredo looked at his wife who was also looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"Tomorrow your brother is coming, so please don't starve him, OK?" Alfredo's words made Karenina smile a little.

"Who's going to starve him anyway, but we already bought too many things, Al." Karenina said showing the basket she was carrying and also the basket in Alfredo's hand which was already full of food and groceries.

"Okay, let's go home, don't forget to buy some ice cream, honey." Alfredo's words made Karenina froze because Alfredo also knew that he really liked ice cream.