
Karenina drove her motorbike into the busy streets with various kinds of motorized vehicles, both two-wheeled and four-wheeled. The clock was ticking and didn't want to wait for Karenina for a moment to catch her breath.

The red light in front of him seemed long enough. Again, he glanced at the clock on his wrist, almost late. He picked up his brother Nando from Yogyakarta.

The traffic light changed to green, because he immediately started his motorbike to Senen station which was not too far from his current location.

Arriving at the station he then parked his motorbike in the motorbike parking lot, then hurriedly headed to the waiting room but before that he asked the station security to ask the arrival of the train that Nando was riding.

"Excuse me sir, has the train from Yogyakarta arrived?" asked Karenina with a worried face.

"Um, the train hasn't arrived, sis, in fact there seems to be a delay because according to information, the train was slightly damaged on the way."

"Oh, I see, sir. In how many hours will the train arrive?"

"Maybe an hour or two, sis." Say security.

"During the?"

"Yes, but it can be faster than that, sis."

"Okay sir, thanks then." Said Karenina while taking a deep breath feeling disappointed because it turned out that the train carrying her brother was late.

"Never mind, what can I say, I stopped by the cafe first." Karenina muttered, then returned to the motorbike parking lot and drove her motorbike back to a cafe in the Gandaria area,

Karenina slowly entered the cafe, but her eyes caught someone she seemed to know.

'Zarima.' Karenina mumbled while looking harder at Zarima for fear that she would misrecognize the person, and not long after, a handsome man came to meet Zarima there and the man kissed Zarima's forehead and cheek affectionately.

From his demeanor, Karenina doubted if they were just close friends, then Karenina secretly took a picture of the two people sitting opposite each other but their hands were tightly clasped together.

'Could Zarima cheat? But then he looked really hurt when Alfredo left the house.' Karenina kept muttering, then Karenina purposely took a seat not far from the location of the two humans she was spying on.

From her current seat, Karenina could clearly hear what Zarima and the boy were talking about. And how surprised he was when the man called Zarima 'darling.'

'Has Alfredo known this before, yet why is he so silent? As a husband he should rebuke his wife not by marrying another woman.' thought Karen. Then he returned to focus on listening to whatever Zarima and the man said.

'Couldn't Alfredo have given him a child? What does it mean?' Karenina again listened to what Zarima said while ordering a drink from a waiter who came over to her.

"Alfredo can't give me a child, Tama? Then what will happen to my household." Zarima lamented at the tama.

"Why are you confused, I will give you a child." Reply first.

Karenina kept her mouth shut listening to what the boy she just knew named Tama said.

"What if you find out it's not Alfredo's son?" Zarima said.

"No, if you don't tell them the truth, I'd really prefer if you divorced your husband."

"Tama, really. You know it's an impossibility." Said Zarima frustrated.

"I'm sure Alfredo doesn't love you anymore, in fact he doesn't want to touch you anymore, but that's better, because you are only mine, then and forever."

Karenina listened to everything that was said by the two of them, now Karenina understands, if Zarima has had an affair with another man, is this why Alfredo doesn't want to tell the truth because he doesn't want him to be seen as just looking for an excuse to marry Karenina again.

Suddenly Karenina became sorry for her husband, a man who doesn't want to expose his wife's disgrace in front of his other wives, now she knows why Alfredo hates Zarima so much. He had heard the name Tama mentioned by Alfredo and his boss.

Tama who is none other than Alfredo's close friend from high school but has the heart to stab him in the back and take his wife.

Karenina took a deep breath, she still faithfully listened to what Zarima and Tama said, Karenina wanted to know what plan Zarima would do to have a child from an Alfredo.

Karenina was so surprised when Zarima said that she wanted to trap Alfredo by using aphrodisiacs.

"I have to stop Zarima, I won't let Zarima do that to Alfredo." Karenina took a sip of her drink then walked to the cashier and paid for her drink and walked out of the cafe.

In the parking lot, Zarima tried to contact Alfredo many times, but the man didn't pick up.

"Is he busy?" Karenina asked alone, but soon her cell phone rang. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her husband's name calling her.

"Hello Al.."

"What's wrong honey, did something happen? From your voice you seem to be worried about something." Alfredo said from the other side of the phone.

"Yeah Al… I was worried about you." Alfredo smiled even though Karenina obviously wouldn't be able to see his smile.

"What is it, honey?" Ask Alfred.

"I… I met Zarima and a guy at the café, and he wants to trap you by inserting aphrodisiacs if you go home or meet Zarima, because he wants to..."

"Zarima wants a child from me." Guess Alfredo made Karenina glare.

"How did you know, Al?"

"Finally you know the truth Karenina, Zarima is having an affair with Tama, my best friend, and they have had an illicit relationship that transcends boundaries, but unfortunately I can't do anything but let it go."


"Karen, don't tell me you feel sorry for me."


Alfredo chuckled, then took a deep breath, "he said you wanted to pick up Nando, why did you go to the cafe?"

"Nando's train was delayed so I'd better wait at the café in Gandaria, but instead I met your wife."

"Don't tell me she's my wife, Karen."

"I no longer consider her a wife, maybe even religiously I have rejected her."

"Okay, we will continue this conversation at home, have you eaten?" Ask Karen.

Alfredo smiled for the first time, Karenina gave him attention naturally and not out of pressure, "I'll be eating soon, you don't forget to have lunch, greetings to Nando, I'll try to go home early, maybe the last meeting tonight will be postponed."


"Because I miss you."

Karenina was silent but her heart blossomed and she unconsciously smiled to herself.

"Alright, I'll head back to the station."

"Okay, be careful honey."


Karenina then turned off her cell phone and put it in her jacket pocket. He immediately started the battered motorbike back to the Senen station where Nando would arrive there.