Nando 2

Nando parked his motorbike in Karenina's yard, the person waiting for them on the terrace, had willingly opened the gate for them.

Karenina smiled seeing Joko who was standing with both hands in front.

"What is it Mr. Joko?" asked Karenina. It turned out that the person waiting for Karenina was Joko, Alfredo's personal driver.

"Sorry ma'am, I was ordered by Mr. Boss to deliver this food." Joko said while showing the package he had placed on the terrace table.

"For me?" asked Karenina pointing to herself.

"Yes, for mother." Joko answered who was always fascinated every time he met Karenina.

"Thank you, let's go in first, Mr. Joko, my brother just happened to come from Jogja."

"No need, ma'am. I'm afraid Mr. Al will find me." Joko said as politely as possible.

"Oh, okay. Thank you again then, sorry for making Mr. Joko wait."

"It's okay ma'am, Mari Ma'am, mas.." Joko said goodbye to Karenina and Nando who just looked at him with a small smile.

Nando continued to stare at Joko who was getting out of the fence and then into a luxury car parked across from Karenina's house. Nando is getting more and more curious about the man that Karenina married.

"Karen, that was..." Nando was about to ask about Joko but Karenina was in a rush to cut him off.

"Oh, that's Mr. Joko. My husband's family private driver." Karen said casually.

"Your husband, considerate too, sent you lunch, he is worried about you." Nando said.

Karenina just smiled a little, then took a deep breath as she continued walking towards her house.

"That's your room Nando, or do you want the room over there, but smaller." Karenina said while showing the location of the room that could be occupied by Nando.

"I'm just over there, if you're afraid to intrude on your privacy and your husband's." Nando said then took his bag to the room he chose.

"I'll wait at the dining table after this, let's eat together okay?" Said Karen. Nando turned and gave a thumbs up.

Karenina entered the room, then took the cellphone from the pocket of the jacket she was wearing before hanging the jacket behind the door.

"Hello, Al… you sent food for me?" Ask Karenina

"Yeah, I'm afraid you haven't had lunch, so I bought the same menu I ate, Joko has arrived apparently."

"Yeah, thanks. I'll eat with Nando after this."

"Has he arrived?"

"Of course I'll pick you up."

"Oya," came a small smile from Alfredo.

"Well, I want to continue the meeting, have a good meal, and get enough rest, you're not going anywhere else right after this?"

"No, I'm at home with Nando, I haven't talked to him in a long time."

"Okay, greetings to Nando."


Karenina put her cellphone on the nightstand, then changed into a more casual outfit, an oversized T-shirt and knee-length underpants.

"Karen." Call Nando from behind the door of his room.

"Yes Nando, just a moment." Said Karenina then took a hair tie and rolled her hair up.

Karenina came out of the bedroom door and found Nando there who had also changed clothes.

"Let us eat." Take Karenina to Nando.

"This is a gift from Bude Sumi." Alfredo said as he handed the package from Nando's hand.

"Wow, thanks Nando."

"Try to open it, who knows if it's cracked or what?" nando said.

"What's in it, how come it can crack?"

"Do not know." Nando replied with a shrug.

"I think you already know. I'll just open it later, now let's eat first."

Karenina then prepared plates and glasses and spoons, then opened the package that Alfredo had sent for her.

"This is your favorite food, if I'm not mistaken, Karen." Nando said.

"Yes, this is my favorite food."

"An understanding husband."

Again Karen only smiled slightly when Nando praised Alfredo, Karenina couldn't help but wonder what if Nando found out that she was the second wife of a big boss? Was he going to reproach her or curse her too? Who knows.

"You'll get to know him later when he comes home from work." Reply to Karen.

Nando just nodded then started to take the food and pour it on the plate. They ate in silence until a few minutes had passed when they had just finished their lunch.

After washing the dishes they used to eat, Karenina then followed Nando who was sitting in the living room.

"So, which hospital do you plan to enroll in?" Karenina asked while sitting on the sofa close to Nando.

"State hospital, later I will join CPNS if there is an opening for CPNS." Nando replied.

"Oh, I see."

"I can use your motorbike tomorrow to apply for a job, if you don't use it but." Nando said as he turned to Karenina.

"Of course you can, just use it. I still have one car, but I had to bring a bad car because my car was at a club owned by one of my best friends." Reply to Karen.

"Club?" asked Nando.

"Yeah, I worked there as a DJ, you are ashamed to have a brother like me." Karenina asked when she saw Nando staring at her without blinking.

"I'm not ashamed, but I really salute you, you really worked hard for your life, and for your mother's sake. You even refused help from my family back then."

"I can't possibly receive help from your family, while you also need money for school, your father and mother are government employees, I don't want to bother them."

"Yeah, but now I'm the one bothering you."

"No, Nando. You are the only brother who cares about me, listens to my complaints, and never thinks negatively of me."

"Karen, I've known you since we were little, even though I'm younger than you, but rest assured I'll be with you under any circumstances. OK?"

"Thank you, Nando." said Karen.

Nando is the only cousin of his who wants to understand his sadness and condition, he always supports whatever Karenina does, even though not everything Karenina can tell Nando, but at least there is someone who can be a place to lean on except Alfredo.

"What is your husband's name?" Nando asked.

"Alfredo." replied Karenina while turning to nando.

"Alfredo, like I've heard that name before." Nando said while squinting his eyes.

"His name is also the name of a person, there are many in this world who have the same name." Karenina quibbled.

"Yeah, but the name seems really familiar, but I forgot who it was." Nando said.

"Don't think about it, you'll just get to know the person yourself."

"Yeah you're right, what time does he come home?"

"He's usually home by 7 pm." Karenina answered then took a cigarette from the pack.

"You smoke?"