Chapter 17 Department of Arms Research and Development

Lying in bed, Thea knew that her mother was a little dissatisfied with her decision, but she didn't say anything to her heart, but she didn't know how dangerous the world was, how many times she was awake in her dreams.

Judging by the summary of information from all parties, the two big guys Superman and Batman fought several times. What does the official statement mean? This shows that Superman is already in the black iron or postmodern period, otherwise, no matter how big Batman is, it will not be possible to have a win-lose ending.

Look at Superman in the Silver Age and you will understand that he can blow up the stars with a blow and destroy the solar system with a sneeze. With its own power, it can pull more than a dozen planets. own mother.

Are you familiar with the introduction above? These are the strengths that the protagonist has in the final two chapters of the fantasy novel. Superman is at that level when he leaves. Are you afraid?

In fact, Thea is not afraid that Superman is too strong, she is afraid that Superman is too weak. If there is a superman in the silver period to protect the Earth, it is definitely a peaceful situation in the world. There is no possibility of a villain jumping and dying. It is good to be a beautiful president. What a great day Felicity played! It is a pity that now it is the era of the dance of demons. If wealth cannot be transformed into strength, it will be like a castle in the air and spread with a touch.

I must pay more attention to the group weapons research and development department. There must be the equipment I need urgently. Maybe I can still be the Iron Man of the DC world? Hey, I think it's a bit beautiful ... to keep it a secret, I can only research and develop, or bring in a few assistants? On a large scale, pulling the Quinmelin Group into a five-year plan to tackle the main problems, even if researched, the result was eaten by the military in one bite.

Marvel's Tony even delivered a suit while holding S.H.I.E.L.D. as an umbrella. Furthermore, he could only study alone, but Tony was a double doctor who entered Massachusetts at the age of 15 and graduated at the age of 18. In the cave, you can take down the masters of the Mark generation. I'm also fifteen years old and I haven't finished high school yet, hey ... this person is really incomparable.

Although the Iron Man dream is still in the dream phase, Thea has to take a three-point lifeline to go to work in the woods the next day. As for graduation from high school, Moira threw Franklin a lot away for technical research. Currently, I have obtained excellent results at work and I can study at the Department of Electronic Engineering in Princeton next year.

Moira strongly supports her daughter's going to a prestigious school, at least more than learning how to fight and kill more efficiently. Why not go on the news about biopharmaceuticals and other women's specialties instead of choosing the engineering department, she didn't think It is not surprising that there are not many women studying mechanics in the United States.

Malcolm is indifferent, but he also helped to clarify some relationships. After all, it is always good to learn more. At the same time, he also wonders if his son is a bastard for reading less? How about letting my child participate to learn? Later, however, I saw that Thea's scores were compared and I gave up on the idea. Tommy's elementary school level should stay in Star City, so don't go out to be ashamed.

At that time, Thea was unaware that she had accidentally caused some problems for Tommy. She was inspecting the group's weapons research and development department. In other words, this is called inspection, and the worst thing is to be around.

"Dr. Hoffman, what is that?" Thea asked, pointing to an object that resembled Magneto's belt helmet.

The elderly with gray hair around her were not satisfied with this young woman who had nothing to do and was running alone. It happened that after Director André inexplicably disappeared, the entire department needed to coordinate itself. He dared not offend the company's future successor.

Now he said vaguely "This is a positioning helmet, you can understand it as something like radar.

"Actually, this thing is completely different from radar, but she is afraid that you will ask questions, so she coined a term that everyone knows, in the hope of deceiving you and taking you down.

"Radar?" Thea was a little stunned. Seeing this chubby and delicious thing to touch, this is not in contact with radar, this is a bully who reads less! Ignore the words on the radar automatically and focus on the previous question "Did you say it is to locate the helmet? How is it located?"

Dr. Hoffman was a little depressed, he was very honest, how to say the real name, normal people can also see that there is a problem, they can only honestly say "it was calculated using the probability distribution algorithm." Xin said Your little girl is going to show how good an old man is.

Thea had never heard such a loud term, but she still asked politely, "Can you find out anything?"

The old man was too lazy to speak to her and whispered, "Calculate the surrounding bioelectric field."

The word Thea means that she read some free books. This word comprises "It's like a shark, is this a passive electric field positioning method?"

Oops, the girl is fine! Shouldn't all children of this age go to clubs and drink? The old doctor did not expect the older lady in the group to be able to explain the key to her and others' research and development at once. Came up suddenly and she spoke carefully about her pride in working.

"Miss Queen, you are right. We have analyzed the shark predation laws. They are huge and have severe vision degradation. During the long evolution, they can control a special type of bioelectricity and analyze the side of the body. If they find the target to escape, they can hunt the target within 10 kilometers. We developed it from this characteristic in reverse ... "

Hearing the old man's explanation, Thea understood in terms of the game. It was a little like the hunter's mark. As long as the person doesn't die, he can always be seen on the map! Advanced medium! Can this invention be used alone?

The old doctor saw Thea listen to his narrative with great interest and was also very happy. This girl was the one who most cared about herself and the others in the top management of the group. After all, his team studied for many years and has produced many results, but Saying that it is a joke to make money for the group, at least he himself has not seen how these studies can promote national production. Each year he asks for money and cannot give results. The old doctor always found himself guilty of the group.

"This is underwater lighting equipment. The equipment on the market only reaches 100 meters, while ours can maintain a lighting range of 500 meters ".

"This is a miniature missile. There are two types: ground and air. Although the size is reduced, the range is also shortened. We are improved ..."

"This is rescue equipment that can be controlled remotely at a speed of 400 miles per hour and can transport materials for about one meal."

"that is ..."

With the introduction of the old doctor all the time, Thea is really revealing, but many things really have no commercial value. After watching for a long time, underwater searchlights can be sold for a few dollars, but the buying crowd is also small and they can only earn a little money. It is very difficult to get back to that.