Throughout the day, Thea gained a general understanding of the weapons research and development department. In other words, it was very scattered and disorganized, merely focused on researching and creating something. But even if she wanted to, she couldn't just take the equipment.
The modern corporate system doesn't make things easy in this regard. Every aspect is rigid. Even if you become the president, you can't just do whatever you want. After all, everything belongs to the company, not you. Even Batman had to conspire with the company's president and break into facilities to get his equipment. In the end, it was almost as if he was stealing from himself.
Back then, watching the movie was funny, but when I applied the situation to myself, it was depressing. I couldn't just tell the warehouse management that I needed two missiles to make my work more efficient. Their machine guns were also beautiful. Could I take 5,000 bullets to decorate my office?
Besides, if things were taken before proper processing, perhaps in the future, Queen Steel Factory and Oliver's base could operate independently? No, Moira was watching me too closely. There was no time for that.
In the following days, Thea continued visiting the R&D department. It didn't matter if she couldn't take what she wanted, as long as she could observe. Dr. Hoffman had no issue with the young heiress of the group, who wasn't interested in jewelry or parties but was fascinated by rockets and explosions. They chatted from time to time, and the days passed slowly.
Moira, naturally, knew where her daughter was spending her time and just assumed Thea hadn't completely outgrown her dark phase. After all, what kind of daughter likes planes and cannons?
Malcolm also didn't see a big problem. He was already somewhere between insanity and near-insanity. He simply confirmed some of the weapons his daughter was interested in. According to the think tank's analysis, she seemed to be focused on high-tech weapons of mass destruction. What was she planning? Preparing to destroy the world? I only intended to destroy the slums… Has my daughter inherited my blood and turned out even more radical than me?
Finally, that day, Thea and Dr. Hoffman spent the entire morning studying a medium-range missile. Moira couldn't ignore the situation any longer and decided to give her daughter something to do—what is popularly known as "keeping someone busy."
— Thea, take a look at this document.
— The group is expanding the software department? Great, let's do it! — Thea was intrigued. Why was she being asked to review this?
— I want you to be responsible for establishing and running the software department. — Moira knew that Queen Industries was a powerhouse in the steel industry and that the finance team was entirely focused on that sector. The software department had nothing to do with it. Besides, Thea had never been involved with artificial intelligence.
Thea didn't think much about it. What mattered was that she finally had some power and was no longer just an assistant fetching water. Her previous job was too passive and didn't suit her personality. Now, she could finally live on her own terms and give orders! Congratulations!
— So, where will I work? — The company building was crowded. Thea had been walking around there for days and had never seen a sign for a software department.
— You can find your own office within the company. It's all up to you. Show me what you can do. — Moira encouraged her.
Was this serious or a joke? Thea felt like she was getting too much good news in one day. Independence? Choosing a location? No one had mentioned that, so the future of the Arrow's base was secure. Later, she could pick another place just for appearances.
But now, she couldn't outright say she wanted a particular location. She had to pretend to scout the area first. So, she replied:
— Understood. I'll work hard to deliver results.
With the order to transfer ten employees to the new department and recruit the rest of the team herself, Thea left humming, looking like a happy CEO.
Seeing her daughter's satisfied expression, Moira felt relieved. But at the same time, she wondered: why did I even say that? This daughter of mine is so strange. She works hard, studies a lot, and is so aggressive it's almost scary. Look at Tommy—he works at Merlyn Group and, when he's off, flirts with the receptionist.
Thea never showed this much enthusiasm for practicing martial arts or studying missiles.
Picking up the phone, Moira asked her secretary to book a European vacation package for the whole family, including Dr. Hoffman from the weapons research and development department. He and his family could travel as much as they wanted, with all expenses paid. The only condition? Not to return for at least three months!
Dr. Hoffman's wife had passed away years ago. Upon receiving the company's offer, he thought, "If they're giving it to me, why not take it?" So, he took his two sons, one daughter, and even his dog on a trip across Europe. In the end, he even met someone special in the Aegean Sea. He would later thank the company for the best time of his life. But that would be a story for another time.
Unaware that she had just orchestrated a friend's future marriage, Thea returned to her desk and reread the document once more. God is helping me! If it were any other sector, it might be difficult, but software? Haha! I know Felicity, and she can handle anything in the tech world!
The two had become good friends after their last drinking session together.
Thea hadn't seen her in the office yet, but she was sure Felicity would help. Deep down, she felt a slight anxiety. Would she be willing to leave her current job and join her?
Felicity worked in an isolated area. Thea navigated through the IT department, and after searching for a while, she finally found a small office hidden in a remote corner of the second floor. This place seemed to have some kind of "invisible camouflage." Thea bet she had walked past it multiple times without ever noticing it.
Miss Felicity Smoak, the future IT specialist, was removing her glasses and napping at her desk. This girl had definitely put on too much lipstick, because Thea could see a red stain on her sleeve from where she drooled in her sleep.
Thea knocked on the desk.
— Hey, wake up! No sleeping!
Felicity opened her eyes groggily. She stared at the person in front of her for a long time, put her glasses back on, and looked again.
— Thea? Is the workday over? Did you come to invite me for a drink?
My God, is this girl an alcoholic? That wasn't part of the plot! Wasn't she supposed to be an introverted nerd?
Still confused, Thea blurted out without thinking:
— Felicity, do you want to come with me?
Felicity's expression changed completely. She froze for a moment before murmuring:
— Are you… confessing your feelings to me? I… I need to think about this…
Thea almost lost her mind. How did my English get interpreted like that? What kind of logic is this?! Come to think of it, it wasn't entirely her fault. The way I said it really did sound like a confession…