Chapter 19: Pull people

Thea hurried to clarify the truth: "It is not what you meant, it is so ..." explained Barabara.

Felicity looked at her with slanted eyes, and even though she hadn't heard her clearly, she said slowly "You have a try for me ..."

Oops, why is this girl suddenly so cunning? You weren't confused all the time! Thea unknowingly showed a look of surprise and was caught by Felicity.

"Ha, I guessed it, little Thea, you are not being honest." I picked up the computer and tapped, "Hey, our state law really allows for this kind of marriage. Did you premeditate?"

Thea was surprised to see Felicity keep looking for all sorts of strange information, and from time to time she heard her murmuring to herself: "But you're still a little younger. You can only be 16 years old. Maybe I can help change it. What about identity information? This firewall sucks ... "

"I never thought about that kind of thing, it seems to be more exciting than men, so I tend to do that? ..."

"Oh, that kind of marriage can't go to church, but I can ignore the fact that I'm a Jew ..."

Watching Felicity speak without expression, she blushed as she spoke. How did this misunderstanding happen? I just want to pull you in to help, how can I understand that! And what the hell is the church? Where I go!

Despite repeated explanations, Felicity still didn't believe it, but he thought the explanation was a cover-up and said they could consider their development.

To be honest, Felicity doesn't seem trustworthy, but in fact, she is a very attractive woman. Her stuttering is caused by her brain spinning too fast and her lips being unable to keep up. In the original plot, the Arrow and Atom were all fascinated, and her own strength is incredible, and she pleases the eye too, but I just hope she can help me, just a sense of talent search, isn't it a necessity?

Thea was still standing at the table at this point. Through the collar, she could see a little thing under her neck. She looked very smooth. She didn't know how she felt ... Suddenly she realized what she was thinking. The thoughts were all brought to the ditch by this unscrupulous girl!

She hastily interrupted her absurdity and, after so long, began to discover where to go on vacation would not violate local law.

"Stop, stop, please, I just want to ask for your help. Can these things be discussed later?" In her mind, Thea had no idea to sacrifice her tone to lure IT, girls, to her side, whether it was a steel suit or something else. No technological weapon can be separated from computer software support. Since it's a misunderstanding ... So get it wrong. Anyway, there is nothing to lose. As for the future Green Arrow team without computer support, it's none of her business.

If she is really ashamed, Thea remembers that there is a superpower that she can control like bees in Central City. Computer technology is also good, second only to Felicity, and can be recommended to Oliver at the time. Also, Felicity boyfriend's father and ex-father is a master teacher, the three masters of this Fei family can be used by the Green Arrow, except for this seductive girl! I am very generous! As for the various bandits above, it is not within the scope of Thea's consideration.

Felicity hugged her shoulders and looked at her, "Sure, there's an attempt ... let's talk, what's the matter?"

Thea almost passed out, she had already explained it twice, the girl had not heard a word, indulged in her own fantasies or conjectures, and did not hear what she said.

I could only talk about creating the software department again, and I was afraid she wouldn't believe it and showed her Moira's request.

Felicity opened her mouth and pointed a finger at herself: "Me? What can I do?" At that time, she just left her previous life as a hacker. Although she occasionally hacked, it was more of a habit, and she didn't find the future. Positioning is still at the stage of not knowing what to do.

Thea originally planned to do this on her own, but later found out that there were a lot of problems and she was absolutely unable to handle it alone. The first helper she thought of was Felicity.

Your character is absolutely fine. Although it is a little early now, the time is still good, just to tell you my plan, if trust or friendship is mutual!

Connecting his cell phone to Felicity's computer, Thea continued to tell her plans. Through conversations with Dr. Hoffman during this time, she discovered the purpose of most weapons department equipment, found some quite technical items, but not a threat to society, and combined them with a great deal of This things appeared on Felicity's computer, the original Marvel's Green Goblin skateboard, Thea was going to be dyed red, and changed its name to the Red Arrow skateboard!

The original Thea Quinn had the titles "Red Arrow" and "Quick Hand". Kuaishou looks like a little thief. It doesn't look very good. We will use Red Arrow. At least she is currently having trouble naming so planned.

Use the rescue equipment I saw earlier as the main body and transform. The thing can withstand a load of 400 per hour, it can float and fly, and it fully meets my requirements. The remote control system was removed and changed to brainwave control.

This requires another piece of equipment. Is the shark positioning helmet presented before. It retains the positioning capacity and reverses the memory of Thea's bioelectric field to achieve the goal of brainwave control. Happiness is needed here. Write many programs to manipulate instructions.

The last thing needed is to make Mr. Andre a strong anti-German suit. Thea calculated that this suit can withstand the pressure of 400 pairs of internal organs per hour.

Combining the above pieces can become a simple version of the Red Arrow skateboard. As for the weapon system, it can only be used as an excuse to pull those pieces out, but the missile's purpose is very unique, except to kill and get it right. For no other purpose, I really have no excuse. I'm only fifteen and I don't even have a gun license. Will I compare two missiles to Moira and compare them to tea eggs?

The simple equipment also took a lot of effort at Thea. As for Mr. Tony Stark tearing down the cave mark with a pile of broken copper and iron, Thea could only think that it was God who opened it for him. Hang it up, because it doesn't conform to objective laws, geniuses must also have a limit!

After reading the drawing carefully, Felicity looked at Thea with big eyes, "Cool! This invention is perfect! You are so smart! Let's start now!"

This girl may be friends with Cisco Ramon in the future. She is also a character in love with technological weapons. As the saying goes, she loves red and more armed makeup!

Although the plan is very detailed, it cannot be done as is, what should be hidden is hidden. Felicity is trustworthy and does not mean others.

The two drove to Queen Enterprise Steel and Welding Company. This place has been abandoned. Thea is preparing to be her own place in the future. There are still many facilities above ground, various processing equipment, and welding machines. In the land.