Chapter 19: Pull people

Thea hurried to clarify the truth:

"It's not what you're thinking, it's just that..." Barbara explained.

Felicity glanced at her sideways and, without having heard clearly, slowly said:

"You're trying something with me..."

Oops, why did this girl suddenly become so sharp? Weren't you confused all along?

Thea, without realizing it, showed surprise and was caught red-handed by Felicity.

"Ha! I knew it! Little Thea, you're not being honest."

She grabbed the computer and started typing.

"Hey, does our state law actually allow this kind of marriage? Did you plan this?"

Thea was shocked to see Felicity searching for all sorts of strange information. Every now and then, she muttered to herself:

"But you're still too young... You must be only 16. Maybe I can help change that. What if I alter some identity information? This firewall is such a pain..."

"I never thought about this kind of thing! It seems more exciting than dealing with men, so would I tend to do this?..."

"Ah, this kind of marriage can't be held in a church, but I can ignore the fact that I'm Jewish..."

Watching Felicity speak expressionlessly and blush as she spoke, Thea grew even more confused. How did this misunderstanding happen? I just wanted to recruit her to help me, how did it turn into something else?! And what's this about a church? What have I gotten myself into?!

Despite her repeated explanations, Felicity still didn't believe her. To Felicity, it all seemed like just an excuse, and she even suggested they could "consider developing" this relationship.

To be honest, Felicity might seem unreliable, but she's actually a very attractive woman. Her stuttering happens because her brain works faster than her lips can keep up. In the original storyline, both Green Arrow and Atom were enchanted by her. Besides, Felicity is extremely talented and very beautiful.

But all I want is for her to help me. I'm just recognizing talent, it's not like it's a necessity, right?

Thea was still standing by the table. Through the collar of her shirt, she caught a glimpse of a small detail below Felicity's neck. The skin looked so soft... She didn't even know how she felt about it.

Suddenly, she realized what she was thinking. Her thoughts were being led down a dangerous path by this shameless girl!

Quickly, she pushed away these absurd ideas and noticed that Felicity had been searching for a vacation spot that wouldn't violate any local laws.

"Stop, stop, please! I just want to ask for your help. Can we discuss these things later?"

In Thea's mind, she never thought about seducing IT girls to her side. Whether it's a steel suit or anything else, no technological weapon can function without software support.

Since there's been a misunderstanding... so be it. In the end, there's nothing to lose. As for the future of Team Arrow without tech support, that's not my problem.

If Felicity really refused, Thea remembered there was a meta-human in Central City who could control swarms of bees and had impressive tech skills, second only to Felicity. She could recommend her to Oliver at the right time.

Besides, Felicity's father and ex-boyfriend were tech masters. The three geniuses of the Smoak family could be useful for Green Arrow... except for this teasing girl!

I'm being too generous! As for the villains out there, that's not my concern.

Felicity crossed her arms and looked at her.

"Alright, you have a proposal... Let's hear it, what is it?"

Thea almost fainted. She had already explained everything twice, but the girl hadn't listened to a word. She was completely immersed in her own fantasies and daydreams.

With no other choice, Thea explained again about setting up the software department, even showing Moira's request to convince Felicity.

Felicity's eyes widened, and she pointed at herself.

"Me? What can I do?"

At that moment, she had just left her hacker life behind. Although she still hacked systems occasionally out of habit, she hadn't yet decided what her future role would be.

Thea initially planned to do everything alone, but soon realized there were too many problems and she couldn't handle it all.

The first person she thought of as an ally was Felicity.

Her character is impeccable. Although it's a bit early, there's still time. This is the perfect opportunity to share my plans with her. Trust and friendship are a two-way street!

Connecting her phone to Felicity's computer, Thea began detailing her plan.

Through her conversations with Dr. Hoffman, she discovered the function of most of the equipment in the weapons department. She found some highly technical items, but they posed no threat to society.

Combining these findings, Thea threw a lot of information onto Felicity's screen. Among them was the original design of Marvel's Green Goblin glider.

Thea intended to paint it red and rename it the Red Arrow Glider!

In the original story, Thea Quinn received the titles "Red Arrow" and "Speedy." "Speedy" sounded like a thief's name, so it wasn't very fitting. Let's go with Red Arrow! Besides, I'm having trouble naming things, so it's decided.

The idea was to use the rescue equipment Thea had seen earlier as a base. The device could reach speeds of 400 km/h, hover, and fly, perfectly meeting her requirements.

The remote control system would be removed and replaced with brainwave control.

For that, another piece of equipment would be needed: the shark-tracking helmet.

It would retain its tracking capability, but its reverse memory would be altered to recognize Thea's bioelectric field, allowing brainwave control. Felicity would have to write a lot of programs for this.

Finally, the durable suit needed to be made by Mr. Andre, ensuring it could withstand the pressure of 400 km/h.

With all these components, a basic version of the Red Arrow Glider could be created.

As for the weapon system, Thea would need a convincing excuse to obtain the components, but a missile was complicated. Its sole purpose was to kill.

Thea was only 15 and didn't even have a gun license. How could she just grab two missiles and hand them to Moira as if they were boiled eggs?

Even this simple version required a lot of effort from Thea.

As for Mr. Tony Stark, who built his armor in a cave with scraps, Thea could only conclude that God had cheated in his favor. It simply didn't follow the laws of physics. Every genius has a limit!

After carefully reviewing the plans, Felicity looked at Thea with shining eyes.

"This is amazing! This project is perfect! You're so smart! Let's start now!"

This girl would definitely become friends with Cisco Ramon in the future. Like him, she was passionate about tech weapons.

As they say, those who love red also love weapons!

Although the plan was well-detailed, some parts needed to be kept secret. Felicity was trustworthy, but that didn't mean everyone was.

The two then drove to Queen Enterprise Steel and Welding Company.

The place was abandoned, and Thea planned to use it as her base in the future. There were still many facilities, various processing machines, and welding equipment.