Chapter 28 Father and Son

Tommy has also been uncomfortable recently. He took the bus and squeezed the subway. Because he was shy, his ex-friends didn't dare go out to have fun, so he could only call and pretend he was sick. Hearing that he could recover with pocket money, he immediately became more energetic. My father poured a glass of water and sat down honestly, indicating that his old man can speak.

Seeing his son looking at him with a smile on his face and instantly understanding his purpose, Malcolm almost stopped breathing, stabilized his emotions, and whispered, "What do you do if you find a kidnapper? Have you thought about this problem?"

"Where's the bodyguard? You don't owe them a salary, do you?" Tommy was very curious to know how to ask that kind of question.

That's the gap! Malcolm said in his heart that although Thea thinks too much, she has a bit of an illusion of chase in her own eyes, but it's always good to be cautious. I can beat ten of your so-called bodyguards, but I can't say that for now. "If you're with Laurel, you don't want your bodyguard to follow you all the time, right?"

Inevitably, anyone who practices a favorite sport will not be happy if the bodyguard is looking to the side! Tommy hung his head for a moment. He was not stupid, but he was smart. He knew there was something in the old man's words, biting his lip and asking "What do you mean?"

"You need the ability to protect yourself, anytime, anywhere!"

"Do you want me to use a gun with me?" Tommy admitted that he understood what the old man meant.

"No, you need to be trained!" Malcolm shook his head and said solemnly.

"Haha" Tommy smiled and found that Malcolm's face was not kidding, and his expression became serious. "Are you kidding? Do you want me to receive those fighting training? Special forces like that?"

Malcolm did not answer his question. Before, it was mainly because there was very little communication. Today, through a few short sentences, I analyzed your son's current psychological state and understood his weakness, so it would be easier to deal with things. I also hope. Can you protect Laurel when the crisis comes? "

Tommy nodded immediately. Isn't it absurd, doesn't that man want to protect his wife?

"You don't have to go to the group tomorrow. I can train you so that you have the power to protect your own woman." Malcolm and Thea have been mixed for more than half a year, and after hearing a lot of Thea's involuntary complaints, even with her so-called desire to protect heroes, she also has a certain understanding.

Tommy heard the first sentence first, knowing that he didn't need to go to the group to suffer, and his heart was ecstatic. The second and third sentences were heard together. He just felt that he was full of the mission, and he must protect Laurel.

It took a few seconds to remember the meaning of the second sentence, "Did you train me? Do you have that skill?" Tommy narrowed his eyes at the old man. Aren't you a businessman? Looking left and right is just an ordinary person.

Malcolm, who has gained a lot of experience as a teacher, knows that he can't talk nonsense to him right now. He copied his way of teaching Thea, took a bag of tennis balls, and handed it to Tommy. to the sky. The rest is up to me .. "

However, the first-class did not go well. Tommy had no brain at all. He was still thinking about his father's martial arts skills. It was still okay to hold a tennis ball, but he threw away all the bags.

Watching tennis balls flying across the sky makes me shoot! Malcolm was heartbroken, so he could only continue to ask "Come back! One by one!"

So I entered the correct teaching time. Tommy was surprised by Malcolm's excellent shooting skills, but when he asked if he wanted to learn, Tommy asked Oliver, who had been on the desert island for some time. The question "Why not a pistol?"

Malcolm also noticed how Yao Fei felt at the time. Why is it so strange? See, our daughter doesn't have that much nonsense!

I intentionally said that the pistol is not effective against me, but I am not Thea, and my own perception is not very good. Also, when I am older, a short-range pistol can still kill me. I can only quote the quote from the ninja master "A pistol is a tool for the weak."

After saying that, he regretted it, he might as well not have said it. Looking at Tommy's expression, he knew he didn't understand the meaning of the words.

I can only explain in a questioning way: "After my training, you can effectively dodge bullets or take evasive actions as soon as the sniper raises his weapon".

Tommy asked, "So can you do this?"

What else can Malcolm say, he can only bite the bullet and say yes! I can! At the same time, he murmured in his heart and told himself to try! Do you have to say that you are injured and cannot show your normal strength?

Fortunately, although Tommy was a little curious, he was so obsessed with his conscience that he asked the old man to test the gun and nodded, "Well, I believe you, how do you train? Where do you practice?"

Malcolm thought about this for a while, let's forget everything, as usual, the Xiaoshulin classroom can't seem to stop, go back to the position of teacher alone and bring another class of students! Although he is a student always ...

Seeing that it is still early, I took Tommy into the dense forest, the place is still that place, and the taste is still the familiar taste, but the people are not exactly those two people.

Then Malcolm, who thought he had some teaching experience, copied the same set he had taught Thea. Five minutes later, he regretted it. Tommy had no problems with his intelligence and his thoughts were sharp, but his innate physical fitness was really worrying., The ugly point is that he has no talent, just an ordinary person!

There is almost no talent, plus many years sinking into nightclubs, not to mention perception, the body is very monotonous, if Malcolm's aptitude is taken as the central origin, the first sixteen kilometers are Thea, and o The last Shili is Tommy. They are all your own children, why are they so poor in quality?!

For an entire night, Malcolm accompanied Tommy to concentrate on shooting the ten-meter target in front of him. If I remember correctly, when she taught Thea, she shot an arrow and entered the next course. He was trained in South Dalbat. Although it took him three days, he was already in middle age and Tommy was only twenty!

Fortunately, Tommy has tenacity in his temper, so he can make it difficult if he doesn't do well on his own, but that makes Malcolm know more about his son.

With the deepening of the teaching of father and son, the relationship between the two heated a little. Tommy is no longer repelling him so much. Malcolm sat on the floor, silently opened the bandage under his ribs, and bleed again. then Tommy. When I turned around to say something, I was shocked to see the blood all over my abdomen, "What's wrong with you, it doesn't matter."

Seeing that his son cared so much for himself, Malcolm just felt that the cut was worth it, but he couldn't tell Tommy that he was his sister, and the explanation would be endless.

I turned my brain into absurdity, "Recently, an underground force is emerging in Star City. I went to investigate them before, so I got hurt ..."

Tommy didn't know that the old man's so-called underground force was himself. He just felt that tonight he suddenly struggled to practice martial arts completely. He was investigating something secretly and then he was discovered. The father of the family is an unknown hero!

Now he solemnly said, "Don't worry, I will be careful and I will definitely find the killer who hurt you!"