Chapter 29: training?

Thea was unaware that Malcolm's small classroom continued to enroll students at that time, and her father lied to make excuses for the injury.

She is walking steadily on the mountain road. That long, beautiful black sister is really looking for a place, which is even more remote than the previous forest, so she can find it.

Observing the surrounding environment, the vegetation is very lush, and the sound of running water can be heard in the distance. This place can be described as a beautiful landscape. You can find this place close to a heavily industrial city, such as Star City, which was once launched by the Queen family steel company. It took a lot of effort.

Compared to Malcolm's dark forest, this place is more pleasing to the eye, and you passed the entrance exam to enter the new classroom, right? Is this the legendary Xiaoshengchu?

Maximizing consciousness, she soon discovered that the woman was not far away, with her back to Thea. Seeing Mrs. Shiva with her hands behind her back, her black hair at her waist was blown like frightening clouds by the valley breeze, which left Thea, who was also a woman, a little stunned.

But she was woken up immediately because Ms. Shiva was very grand and graceful and was reading a Chinese poem with a strange accent.

I'm on the mountain by day ...

With a click, Thea almost fell off the floor. In such a good environment, she would have to say "Smoke blocks the willow from the lake" or something. How could she recite a poem that all elementary school students know? Her glamorous temperament and long flowing hair are gone, you know!

With drooping eyes, he replied softly in Chinese: "The Yellow River flows into the ocean."

Yes, little Thea, I didn't expect you to speak Chinese. This is great! "Mrs. Shiva did not expect that she could speak Chinese as if a wanderer who had been away from home for many years returned to her hometown, her expression suddenly became much more cordial.

Thea strongly resisted the idea of ​​giving her a tongue twister and nodded solemnly, does that mean we're not going to talk about it, can you start officially?

Mrs. Shiva is very pleased with her expression, neither arrogant, nor arrogant, nor surprised, a very interesting little girl.

Since you are studying with me, we are destined. You can know my name and are proficient in Chinese. That's great. I am Chinese and my Chinese name is Sandra Wu Shan. Shiva is the title given to me by the Indians, Sister Hei Changzhi, calmly introduced himself.

But what she said can make Thea really mean, what a Chinese name you are! Call the police at your place of residence, they are very irresponsible when registering, and the monthly bonus will be discounted!

I decided to ignore the so-called Chinese name Thea and I will call you Mrs. Shiva from now on. It is captivating and easy to remember. It's almost the same as my own name and it's all from the western generation.

Mrs. Shiva was unaware of the complaints in her heart and said at normal speed: "I saw your fight last night. I must say that you have the wisdom to fight to defeat the strong, but it is far from enough. You have not seen play with all your own strength, do you know where yours are?

Thea definitely couldn't answer that question for half a year, but now she still knows her anomaly: "My perception? But I think I did my best, please teach me the teacher.

Very well, I can recognize my own strengths and weaknesses. You are more than 90% of the people in the world and I appreciate you more and more. "She said she smiled at Thea, but her smile looked cold.

Perception, Black Arrow should have told you, I will use my body to tell you again. "

Everyone has a perception. It's just more or less. Animals in the jungle can predict earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and they all have the perception of an early warning. But humans live in this chaotic environment, and everyone's perception is different. Degree of degradation, just by going back to nature, you can awaken that talent.

Thea nodded. The old mother had said similar comments, but it was also possible that he would repeat Master Ninja's original words to himself.

He is more concerned with returning to himself, while Shiva emphasizes returning to nature. This may be the fundamental difference between the two masters of martial arts.

No one is sure to follow different paths, but compared to Master Ninja's so-called quest to advance the fight, Shiva's words are undoubtedly more suitable for him.

Today's course will not guide the actual combat. I hope you take the first step to get back to nature, feel the nature, and be by my side ".

Thea obediently stayed where she was, and the first feeling was that the wind was very strong here! Will I be thrown into the valley? My current weight is only a hundred cats.

Close your eyes and you listen carefully to the sound of the wind. "Mrs. Shiva also took a cloth to wrap her eyes.