A love story

Love is a small word. But the emotion behind it is too complex to explain with words. They say love can be the most beautiful thing in the whole world,but I say it can also be painful. So painful in fact that it can make you a living dead."No we are not talking about Zombies here"the writer screams.

To put it simply,this is the story of kirimura, a high school student and his love life with his teacher.

Kirimura is in the 3rd year of his high school. He never missed even a single English class for the past two years. You might think he is a honour student who has an exceptional love for English,but you are dead wrong. He never missed a class because he wanted to see his English teacher,Hori-sensei.

Yep,you readers are right.

He is in love with his English teacher, miss Hori-sensei. They are pretty close for teacher and student.Thanks to kirimura being really poor in English,they spent a lot of time together while she was giving him private lessons.

"In the end of 3rd year something is going to happen."the writer thinks.

3rd year of high school,Graduation ceremony

"Today is the last day we will meet here in school. I have to confess my feelings to sensei today." Kirimura constantly thinks in silens.He didn't see sensei taday at all. His eyes were itching to see her. He rolls his eyes around in search of Hori-sensei,but couldn't find her anywhere.

The ceremony came to an end and a police man showed up."please, everyone pay attention there seems to a murder in the isolated area in near the school."he said.

He took out a ID card and wiped the blood of and tried to read it. "I found this ID card in the victims body and it seems that the victim was Hori-sensei."He said.

What will happen now that the female MC is dead? What will our male MC will do now? Will the legendary fate interfere?

A love story that knows no law of physics. A love story that is anything but logical. A love story that travelled throughout time and the world of mortals and sole.