A death wish

A death wish

"Am I really going to die like this? If i am that I want to see sensei one last time."

[Coming back to the start of the faithfull day]

"Ting,ting,ting,ting〰 " alarm ringing sound." Crap, its already morning?" I thought in my mind. I woke up and washed up. Breakfast is already made by the maids." My cook is the best in the country, yet I don't feel the test. Maybe my test buds are broken?" I said in my mind while eating without any expression in my face.

"Is my car ready?" I asked.

"Yes,sir." The head servant replied.

I go to office like every other day. Nothings new happening, My life is quite borring. Everyday is the same day, I go to office, attend meetings, business deals, and rejecting love confessions.

Iam one of the richest CEO's around. There are hundreds of woman drooling for my money. But I don't waste time rejecting them.

"Ring,ring,ring〰" the phone's ringing.

"It's quite late, who's calling now?" I wondered.

I picked up the phone and if it isn't my best friend,Ria.

"You only have one friend,you unsocialized CEO kirimura." The writer screamed

Ria is my friend from collage. She was abroad for 2 years.

"So what did you wanted to say?" I asked her.

"How did you know that I.. I have something to tell you?" Ria asked

"You know I have an excellent memory. You wanted to say something before you went abroad but you said you would tell me after returning right..?" I replied to her.

"Yes you are right , Mr.great sage. Come to out usual meeting place I have something important to tell you." She said. Her tone of saying that was a little different. It felt like she was nuvous. She is a strong woman. So strong that she can watch "green lanter" in one go.

"I'am coming." I replied.

I took care of the work as soon as possible and went to our usual place.

"Hey, how you doing? It's been a while." I asked but she didn't reply. She liked kinda pale to me. " what is so important that she is acting like this" I can't help but wonder.

"I wanted to say this a long time ago , but I...I was afraid that friendship is going to be over if I said that. But I can't wait anymore. I have to say it." She said to me.

The look on her face, she looked scared.

"What is it? Just say it. Our friendships is too strong to be broken so easily. I comforted her.

"I...I am in l..love with you kirimura. I loved you for a long time. Please accept my feellings." She said.

"Thank you,Ria. This is probably the first time someone truely confessed to me. I am very happy. But I am sorry that I can't return you feelings." I said

"Why? Why can't you? You don't even have a girlfriend."

"I am in love with some one or should I say I was. It's one sided but eve if I tried I can't love anyone more than I love her" i replied. I was going to at the verge of crying, just by remembering sensei.

"I love you. You should let go of this useless feeling. She didn't even care about you. Just forget her." She screamed with tears dropping from her eyes.

"You just don't know the strength of one sided love. This feelings, only I ...I have right over them. To love her i don't even need her."

I wiped her tears. "You stayed by my side for a long time Ria. This is the first time you asked something from me but this heart of my aldready belongs to someone else, even thought she and I will never be together.

["That's for me to deside"--The writer says with a evil smile]

"You have hurt me a lot just now. So to make it up to me you have to drink with me tonight, Kirimura-kun."

"Get in the car, I know just the place for that."

We are friends for a long time. I didn't want our friendship to end eighter, I am glad she invited me to drink or it would have been awkward to say bye.we are driving for a while and it started to rain a little too. But the environment is just too silent. She is usually talkative. I looked over.

"Hey, you OK Ria? Oh you are asleep."

I realised she is not only asleep but also drooling in my brand new car. But again, I am glad she isn't kicking at ass up. A while ago I asked her how was my car and ohh boy~

The look she gave me. (You dare to ask that after you rejected me!? Do you want to DIE or what, huh!?

I am driving for half an hour now.

"Hey Ria, wake up. We are hare." I asked and she was sleeping like a log while destroying my BRAND NEW car. "I know just the way to wake you up". *taking a lot of air in mouth*

"The bar is running away!!!!! You have to catch it or it's going to despair and you won't get to drink tonight!!!"

She woke up and--

"You orangehole(made up bad word) you dare not run. I am heart broken, I need you bar-kun.please...WAIT.."

"It always works." I couldn't stop Laughing and at this moment I realized that i fucked up.


"You dare to laugh at me after breaking my heart , you will pay all the bill's today hole." She says and reminds me that I rejected her.

" Ok ok. Calm down goddesses of drool." I couldn't even finish my sentence and **Slap*Slap

["Don't tell a women that she drools and DON'T call her the godress of drool."-- The Great sage]

30mins in the bar,

"Hey kirimura , don't drink too much you gotta Drive me back home." She says while having the 3rd bottle of wine. "I ain't your driver you know. I am the CEO of ILWB(biggest company of the country)."

"So what?>_<. You broke my heart today." She said while I have only one thing to say," Can't argue with that logic."


"Hye kiruguma, gim me mole wime." (Hey Kirimura, give me more wine.)

"No more wine for you.we both are drank and I forgot my phone at office on top of that we don't have a driver." I said while she ignores me like I don't even exist.


"lem me fli. I wan to fly high in the sky(let me fly. I want to fly in high in the sky). *drunk weird noices .huwuhuwu.....*hickup...howo..*hickup

We couldn't find any taxi in the road. Well it was already 3 am , so can't complain. We started walking to home. She is drunk AF and running in the road . I also let the guard down because there weren't any cars or any vehicle's for that matter. Suddenly I am starting to hear something. Is it only me or something's coming.

"What is this sound. Seems like some car is slipping in the road by the sound." I am thinking and looked over and it is a truck. It seems to be out of control. It's coming right in our derection . Ria is far ahead of me completely drunk and running in the road.

"Riaaaaaaaaa.... there's a truck coming." "Get away...from the road" I am screaming with all my might but she isn't responding at all.

At this senerio I have only one option. I have to save her. I am running towards her the trucks also coming , fully out of control. We both are coming closer to Ria.

"If something happens to her I won't be able to forgive myself. She stood beside me for years and if I don't do anything she will die. She will die. Nooooooo...." I am thinking and I realized that i am already between them.

* Memories from the past showed up in my eyes.

"Why am i remembering all this?!!? Is it really how I die. If yes than I want to see sensei , this is my Death wish."

*push *smash *Ahhhhh.......

"Kirimuraaaaaaaaa..." Ria screamed while kirimura's vision blurred and he lost consciousness for a while.

"Where am i? Am I alive? What is it that i am hearing? *Hearing unclear voice* Am I in the hospital?

"WAKE up kirimura, This is not you home. And you dare to sleep in my class." Unknown voice.

"WTF, are my doctors playibg teachers instead of saving me?"

I opened my eyes.


["Because I wanted to , any problems? "-- writer-San said with a evil smile ]