I love you , Sensei

"WTF, is happening?"

"Am I really in high schoo!!??!?l"

"Or am I dreaming?"

I have so many questions in my head right now. Am I in hospital or maybe I am in coma , that's why i am seeing this strange dream. But I wish it wasn't a dream. I just wish I was the male mc of a fantasy novel than I could've been reincarnated in the past or something. [You are the MC of a novel-writer]

"Hey what are you thinking? ARE you trying to ignore me ???" The homeroom teacher said.

The anger in her face is quite revealing. "Even in my dream teachers are just scary >_<." I am thinking in my head while she looks at me like she is gonna eat my right now.

"I am just thinking that the dream is so realistic." Before I replied she threw a goddamn pen at me.

*hosshhh* [strange pen throwing sound affect]

"What is happening? Did the time stop?" I wondered in my head and noticed that the time slowed down not stoped. I am subconsciously calculating where the pen is going to hit ( a lot of math furmalas appeared in front of my eyes).

0.001 seconds later,

*SLIDE* dodge

"You dare dodging the pen?" She is screaming so loud , like *Thanos* is coming or something.

"Get out of my classsss."

"stand in the hallway the whole hour" she said.

I stood up and noticed that I my body, it's my body from back in high school. I looked over my seat and saw my old friend. He is kenta-kun. We didn't meet after graduation I hard he went over seas.

He is sitting behind me so , its the 3rd year of my high school.

I am getting out of the class and *bam , I fell down . Everyone is laughing except sensei (not FMC).

It was in front of Gary's desk. He came from abroad and he has a habit of bullying me. I know that it's him who made me fell down. Well I am letting it slide this time. But next time it will be another story. Because if you are "Loki" than from now I am " Thor".

The pain I felt while I fell down was realllll!!??! That means that it is not any d..dream....???? I really reincarnated in the past. WAY TO GOOO!!!!! This time I will make you mine sensei.*cool smile.

While standing in the hall am trying to figure out what happened a while ago with the pen throwing incident. "It was as if the time slowed down so much that it felt like it stoped. The moment she threw it the time froze and I somehow calculated the out come." I remembered that when the time was frozen I was also frozen.

"That means , the time never stoped. It was my brain that was so fast as if it didn't have a limite." I figured out.

Class is over. It's lunch time.

"Yo dude , you fell asleep again? Pay some attention to the class."

"I know that the class is borring but you could look at her boobs, ya know." Kenta said.

"Btw, how is your preparation for tomorrow's exam?" By hearing this from him I realized that now I am a student again and I have to Attend E..E..EXAMSSSSSS. I am crying but tears won't come out >'_'<.

"I an so hungry , maybe I haven't have breakfast today." I am going to the school cafeteria to get something to eat.

**hosshhh (some one suddenly passes by)

This sweet smell that is coming from that's woman's hear , her long legs, long black hair, fair beautiful skin, that woman has to be SENSEI.

"Sensei...." I loudly called her subconsciously. She turned my way. Her beautiful eyes , her rose Patel like lips. As she faced me and said "what is the matter miamura-kun?" I lost all my senses, I wasn't under control my instincts took me over .

*Kirimura runs to sensei and hugs her tightly as tears won't stop. His emotions are overflowing.

"What is it Kirimura? What happened? Why are you hugging me ?" She said while in the in side she was saying " what are you doing , I mean I don't hate it but people will see us."

Her face was red to the ears. She was so shocked that her voice was shaken for a moment there.

She notices his tears.

"Wah..what is wronggg...whyyyy are you crying ?" Sensei is confused and nervously asks.

"I..I...I thought that i will never see you again sensei. I am just too happy right now. The thing that i never got to say at that time I will say it now."

Kirimura was afraid that if it turns out to be a dream and he doesn't get to say that he loves Hori-sensei , he didn't want to lose her this time.

*Kirimura let go of Hori sensei and took a Deeeeeep breath and......

"I love you , Sensei. I am in love with you for so long."

I said it. I really said it this time. I said that i love her. What is she going to say? I can't wait.

"What did you just say? I didn't hare you. Would you say that again, Kirimura?" Sensei said

●●● [the 3 loading dots in real-life!!!!]

I am dead. My 2nd life's 3rd year of high school is ruuuuinedddddd. I thought she and I was so close.

**Kirimura's whole world broke down**

***On the othe hand sensei..***

Didn't he just confess his love to meee.....♡♡♡. I am blushing so hard , my face is so~ hotttt. And I am so~ embarrassed that i can even dieeeee♡♡♡♡. I am going to call him after school


*Depressed Kirimura didn't have any mood to eat so , he was going back to class.*

"Did she not hear me or did she rejected me like that??? I am so confessed. But when I confessed she was happy...."

*At the confession scenery,*

Kirimura Entered -- 0.01 sec's ( Zero limite brain mod)

I am again in this time freezing moment. I can see Sensei's lips are 0.000293% more spreading than before , her blood pressure increased if I gudge ny her vain's shaking , her eyebrows are strugalling to stay calm.

According to my calculations , she should be happy....

*Back to present time*

Bump.... "what the FUCK. You intentionally did this didn't you" with a evil smile he also say's "you want to be beaten up don't you? You asshole"

*Kirimura was looking down and bumped into Gary on the way to class. Gary is always just looking for an opportunity to do something to Kirimura.*

*In Kirimura's mind....*

I am already in a bad mood and just happens to run into you. Isn't this the legendary 'fate'. I better test out my NEW~ABILITY.

"What are you smiling for you asshole the in your knee~s and apologise to me.." Gary said like he was ordering his slave or something.

And had only one thing to say.."Like HELL I would , you muffin fucker."

*Gary throws a punch out of nowhere.

Kirimura Entered : 0.01sec's ( ZERO LIMITE brain mod)

In 1.0005667 seconds letter his punch will land in my nose or it was soposed to.. . I have to move to my left about 4.839292 centimetres to avoid it and I can also punch him in stomach freely.

Sooooo it's Ass beating time !!!!!!

*0.01 seconds letter,

Punch... slide & dodge....Punch back....

"Don't start a fight if you can't even take a single punch" I said with all the hatred in my eyes that i kept in my heart for years.

*After school...*

"Sensei called me to see her in office. Well she didn't hear anything so I should act normal." I entered the office.

She is just so beautiful , I can't stop staring at her.

"What are you starring at. Well you have a exam tomorrow, right? If you can top the exam I will give you a prize."

"What are you saying Sensei? What prize...?" I asked her while she closed up to me.

" It is.. a... S.e.c.r.e.t....♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡"

Next chapter : Exam & kiss!!!!!

Hi, readers. This is my first work please show key your support by reviewing the book.

I took a pretty common topic but it will be filled with plot never seen before.

If you like my work please share my book with others.

If you like my cover , It is made by BLANDER BD.