"Ohhhh... what can it be.... what can it be....? Sensei didn't hear my confession back than so what is the whole gift thing about? The suspense is killing me.... . Not to mention the way she said the "s.e.c.r.e.t". Just like in romance novels & anime. I can't stop thinking about it♡♡♡..."

**After 100 mims of rolling in the floor out of Excitement , Kirimura realized

I don't recall Sensei giving me any gifts in my previous life. Did the present changed because I came back in time and confessed , but again she didn't even HEAR ME when I CONFESSED to HER . Well whatever , things dont look so bad either.

**Kirimura thinking dirty gift idea's♡♡♡

WHAT AM I THINKING. ... , no Sensei won't do something so bold r..right..?

No.... I can't.. no I shouldn't think something so perv~erted.

I am NOT going to think about that anymore....

[ After saying so , he kept thinking about perverted~ things ]

* Kirimura lives along here in the city to attend good school . So he has to make his own food and all. Well he isn't much of a good cook ( last time kenta ate his food and was admitted to the hospital). So he gets food from stors most of the time after coming from part-time work at night.*

Oh , I almost forgot that i have a part-time job now . I should go now or I will be late. I haven't seen the store manager in years . I recall he had a bad accident right around this week and lost his legs.

But... maybe things can change if I can control my powers.

* Kirimura gets a extreme pain in his head after using his power recently. He can move extremely fast for about 0.5 mins ( the power of flash , I guess) *

"Hello sir, how are you? It's been so long since we met." I said with out realizing that I am in the past and the response.....

"You came here last time to do your shift. You already miss me so.. much ? Don't tell be you have a crush on me on something , I have a girlfriend you know."

STOPPPPPP.... my ears are gonna rot.... .

* A flat tired vehicle passes by the store.

*Entering the no limite brain mod/zone*

This car has a flat tyre and according to my calculations the tyre is not going to hold for long and in even recall there was a accident in this neighbourhood around this month and some one died. I have to do something.

0.01 seconds over and .....

Manager San I Mont think I can work today , I just remember something I have to do. So goodbye , tata, sayonara.

* Kirimura rushes out and he is losing control, his powers are taking over. He followed the car and it was about to hit a women.....

Hoshshshshhhhhhn ..... grab.... jump....(strange fast running sound effects)


"Are you ok , miss???" I asked but looking at her face I can say that this is the face of someone who just saw her boyfriend cheating and wants answers right now.

Well she seems ok , so I should go before she asks what the happened and call the shied on me (MCU's shilde). [Marvel jokes!]

* Kirimura was buying his dinner and saw Hori-sensei but couldn't call her because he was embarrassed about the confession thing. And went back home. His mom is called him.....*

"Hello..son. Your dad Is a littel unwell." (mom FAKE crying)

"Hello... mom? What happened why are you crying??? Is everything ok....? What happened to dad!!??"

I remembered that something like this happened before too.

"Ohh reall? That old man doesn't even love me , why should I goo...????." (He knows that its a lie because he have gone through it before.)

Son what are you saying? How can you say so??!!!!! (Really surprised with his response)

"Calm down mom. I know you are faking this , aren't you mom???"

"who is the BLACK ship among us that sold my MASTER PLAN to bring him HOME!!!!!????? She screamed at my dad and my sister.( we know nothing they replied)

"You are the one who doesn't come to home. I didn't have any choice but to do this.. (pouting)"

" ok ok I will visit pretty soon. But I have a important exam today so , I won't be able to come tomorrow ." I could hear her sobbing.

Ok , I let you go now.. . (Sobbing and talking)

*The exam hall .... in his mind

I can only hope to get a good score , let alone be the top. But I did try to read all the thing for the exam. This is gonna be my first exam in years and I am so nervous , just like Spider-Man when he met Iron-man.

**Exams started....

Hoooo..... I remember everything just by seeing the questions. It must be for my new powers. I am really gonna be first if it goes like this!!! I can't wait for the gift...!!!!!!

This is the best superpower EVERRR!!!!!!!!!!!.

*[ I am sooo glad that THOR didn't think like him or he would have built a electricity supply company]

* After the exam is finished ....

"Hey, Kirimura. Help me....I don't know I..if I will pass or not.... (cry...)" kenta sobbibg while kirimura is super happy because he acced the exam.

"Why are you smiling Kirimura.. you pal is crying here , a good bro never smiles when his homeis sad." Stoped crying and asked.." I know that you did bad too like last time , right? Are ya ready to beg the teacher to let us pass this time and move on with our life?.....hey why you look happy about the exam??? Did you hit your Headddd....? Do I call the Nurse. ....????? (So waried)

"Calm down kenta. I am fine and am happy because like 'Avengers Endgame' & 'Avater ' I am gonna be the top." I can't wait for the results to come out.

Kenta said. .

"What do ya mean by you are gonna be top? Last time you barely passed. And not to mention that Gary got questions paper , so he is goning to be the first for sure."

"Not this time my boy. Thinks have changed. I can't tell about the MCU'S future after Endgame but I am not going down this time. (With a wink smiling face). Anyway I gotta go now." I rushed out because I wanted to see sensei.

"Where is Hori-sensei..? I can't find her in the school. I looked everywhere." I was wondering.

Suddenly with a headache remembered that ,

Last time in the exam day , she got attacked by a couple of thugs. Who took her purse and all the money she had with her.

I didn't waste any time and ran in the derection of the incident . It was a short cut to school but it's is not so popular , so there won't be anyone to help her.

**Kirimura grew more and more anxious and angry. We his emotion his powers are getting stronger and destructive.**

I see sensei . The.....they are circling around her.

They DARE harassing MY WOMAN......

"Sensei , are you okay? I asked her.

Wha...t are you doing here Kirimura-kun !!!?? She seems to be surprised and worried.

*Hori-sensei thinking..

I can't let him get into trouble. I have to do something and get him out of hear..

*The thugs tried to touch her and....

I can see that sensei is disgusted by that man trying to touch her. You have done it now assholes.

**Kirimura couldn't bare to see that nasty man touch his Sensei. He used his ability to calculate and plan his defence.


*Kirimura grabbed his hand than twisted it and than the punch in the face.

The gang members..

"You punk. You dare to punch our boss???"

"Every one kick his ass up."

*they all attacked at the same time. [Kirimura Entered the zero limite mode and planed the way to defeat these morons].

"Sensei get down.. now."

*she gets down

*Kirimura used his speed and made them hit each other.*

"How is this possible!!!???" The gang members mumble..

"The thing about smart people is that , they always save there ASS." I saidwhile sensei looked at me and she goes..

"Mind your language Kirimura. (with a serious face)

I couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"WHAT..why are you laughing." what is so funny about this?" She asks while we are walking back to school.

I replyed,

"Actually this is kinda funny."

"I single handedly defeated them ALL and your response is that?"

*Result day... Kirimura topped the exam and now he is with Hori sensei in the rooftop after school.*

"Sensei about the gift. What is it ? I really can't Wait any more."

Sensei said"Than close your eyes."

"Really now I have to close my eyes...this gift better be worth all the efforts I made for topping the exam." I just can't wait.

"OK HERE IT GOES..." she said

Sensei closed up to Kirimura and she pressed her lips on his and kissed him without any warning.

Kirimura was so surprised that he stood rooted in his place for a few seconds. It was her first kiss ever and she thought it would be easy to kiss just by copying what she saw in the movies..

Kirimura couldn't believe that sensei was really kissing him. His only wish came true. He tightened his arms on her neck when sensei didn't realise when she was overtaken by Kirimura and it was now him who was in control of the scene instead of her. They kept expressing their feelings passionately

I love you, Sensei.

I love you too