Hunter or Hunt

Preview of the previous chapter....

Kirimura found out that the person who was following them was a serial killer and instantly ran out of school to find sensei. But when he reached at her house she was already missing. Was she kidnapped!!??....Now , Hunter or Hunt?

Kirimura was shaking out of fear. He was unable to control his emotions , "What if something happens to Hori-Sensei? Why is this even happening in the first place?" He could only think about these things.

Kirimura punched himself in the jaw , his lips started to bleed...

"Now.... it feels better. I can't lose myself in this kind of situation , I have to pull myself together and look for Hori-sensei."

When Kirimura was coming he did some research about the killer and the thing he found might help him look for sensei...

"If that MOTHER-FUC*KER really kidnapped Seneei....than...the hunt should be pretty easy. According to my research the killer killed all of his victim's somewhere close but abandoned area. And that makes my searching area very small."

Kirimura knew this area pretty well cuz he came here a lot for his part-time work.

"If I am not wrong then there is a Forrest or perhaps a mountain near this area. And I should start looking from there. Even if I find sensei there is no way to be sure that i can save her alone...but I can't wait for the police either. I have to find sensei before its too LATE.." Kirimura said in a very low voice.

Kirimura fund a way to let the police know where he is and maybe sensei is too. He immediately started running toward the selected location but on his way he bumped into the cab driver intentionally and planted a very small CAMERA in that man's shirt.

"Heyyyyy young man YOU NEED TO PAY THE CAB BILLLL. WAIT." The cab driver started to run after Kirimura for his cab bill." I ain't let ya get away without paying , you sly FOX" The cab driver SOUTED.

"Just as I thought." Kirimura said in his mind with a little smile in his face.

"I have been running for about 15 minutes. I have to run FASTER..." kirimura said in a low voice.

Kirimura ran as fast as he could and suddenly he saw something in the road that grasp his attention..

" trace of car tiers...!?! My calculations say that the car was in a real hurry."Kirimura used his ' Super deluxe brain mode' to calculate the cars speed. (Kirimura is calling his ability the 'Super deluxe brain mode' , for now at least.)

After running for a while he made it to the mountain.

"My suspicion was right if she was kidnapped by that maniac, there is a high possibility that she is being kept here."

Kirimura found some evidence of car going up the mountain.

"There are marks of a car going here too. And....the tier marks from earlier and this one match completely.... Sensei please wait for me , I'M COMING." Kirimura said to himself.

Kirimura started running as fast as he could and the cab driver also kept following him.

"Haishhh....That sly bastared has no intention of stopping what so ever. I will call the police , only they can teach this boy a lesson." The cab driver called the police and explained everything.

The cops suspected that something was wrong , why the man stoped at a potential victims place and why did he ran in side a Forrest mountains like that. They suspected Kirimura to be the killer and decided to come and pay the mountain a visit.

"O MY SWEET LORD. There is a fucking warehouse in the middle of the mountain!!!. The hunt will end sooner then I expected."

Kirimura started go inspect the house from a little far to find a back door or some kind of second entry.

"That..that is a window?? I should see what's going on in there without making any noise."

Kirimura went up close to the window without making any noice to see what's going on...

"Sensei is RIGHT there !!!!." Kirimura whispered

Hori-sensei was tied to a chair and her eyes were blindfolded , her mouth was taped . She was unconscious. And the serial KILLER was right there in front of her sharping a knife. He also had a gun.

"Sensei seems to be having a pretty good sleep , huh? But I don't really like the other scenery that i am seeing. In white jacket a long black haired guy is sharping a knife , nothing sort of a horror movie...hooosh~...i am getting goose bumps."

Kirimura was thinking...

"By now the police that were supposed to come to Sensei s house should find the surprise that i left there."

In her place Kirimura left a note that explained the setuation , along with his phone that was cunnected to the camera that was in the cab driver's shirt and recorded everything that the cab driver saw. The police found both of them and told the cab driver to keep following Kirimura and that they are coming as soon as possible.

On the other hand the KILLER was planning to wake sensei up . Kirimura didn't have any time to wait for the police and so , he decided to hold the killer as long as he can until the police shows up.

*Glass break...*hero like entry....

The killer was surprised and stood up immediately.

"Surprise..Surprise " Kirimura broke into the place

"Who are you..!!?" Killer-san said

"I am CBI secret agent. Agent Bond...James Bond." Kirimura replied

"What the FUCK ? Do you think its a comedy show ? " killer-San SOUTED at Kirimura with blood red eyes.

"What? You don't like James bond ? Who doesn't like James bond?"

Killer-San had enough and out of the blue he ran towards Kirimura trying to punch him . And sensing the danger Kirimura automatically used his ability.

[ speed-14m/s , force-350j , Attack landing time-7 secs , Attack spot- jaw]

When Killer-San tried to punch Kirimura ducked and avoided the punch and took out his pen from his pocket and stabbed him in the stomach.


Killer -Sun stepped back and he didn't notice but his gun fell down.

"You didn't like James bond , what do ya think of Jacky-Chan??"

The killer took his knife and raged to Kirimura. His eyes were red as blood , his hands were stable , he won't hesitate to kill anyone.

The killer closed up to Kirimura and went right for his neck, Kirimura already calculated the outcome so he ducked and punched him in the same spot where he stabbed him. Killer cried out in pain but as he stepped back he went for Kirimura's leg. Kirimura noticed the knife coming for his leg ...

[Hit time-1.2 secs]

"Crap its too late to avoid..." Kirimura though in his mind.


Kirimura was thinking...

"Carp I am injured, I won't be able to hold him for and longer. WHERE THE HELL IS THE POLICE.."

The killer took his sharp knife and started to close up to Kirimura and he won't show any MERCY.

What will happen? Will the Hunter be hunted ?

Next chapters : The thing about smart people. ..