The thing ABOUT SMART people

Kirimura is injured and backed in a corner , he has nowhere to run. The killer is coming closer and closer . He has his sharp knife in his hand , and his eyes are those of a Egale who located its pray.

Kirimura started to look around to find something to defend himself.

"It's a abandoned place and the police is not showing up yet, I have to hold him a little longer." Kirimura though in his mind.

Kirimura suddenly saw the gun that fell from the killer earlier and tried to waste time , so that he can get the gun somehow.

"So , Killer-san why do you have such a hobby? The thing is i dont want to die with suspense , you know." Kirimura asked the killer

"Well you are gonna die and you are not my pray , so I can tell you . It''s just so pleasing when these heartless women beg for there life, their scream , when I slice them with my knife its so good to hear. They don't deserve to live anyway so, why not kill them?" Killer-san replied

"Look who is others calling heartless. Anyway wouldn't you wanna know how did I find you?"

Kirimura said to the killer.

"I am somewhat curious about that. So HOW did you find me?" The killer said.

"You know , I might not look like it but I am pretty smart." Kirimura replied and got his hand on the gun

Kirimura pointed his gun at the killer . Kirimura had a gun himself for safety before he died and reborned so holding a gun isn't a big deal for him.

"Do you even know how to use a gun?haha...even with a gun , you are still just a high school kid, smart boy."Killer-san said

"The thing about smart people is, they know how to save their ASS. Hasta la Vista baby."

Kirimura pulled the trigger.....*BANG....the bullet hit his leg. He screamed *Ahhhhh... he started crying and rolling in the ground in pain. The whole place was filled with his painful screams . Hearing the screams Hori-sensei woke up.

She opened her eyes slowly and closed them again." What is going on? What is that scream?? Where am i?" She opened her eyes again.

She remembered that she was kidnapped. "Where AM I... ???" SOMEONE HELP.." She screamed with all her might and started to throw punchs at Kirimura without realizing that it was Kirimura.

"Everything's OK. calm down ,Sensei. It's me , Kirimura. It's me. "Kirimura tried to calm her down but that didn't really work as she was still not fully conscious.

Kirimura suddenly hugged Hori sensei tightly. "Calm down, I am Kirimura . You are ok. I LOVE YOU."

Hearing Kirimura, she started to calm down and eventually she came back to her senses. It took her some time to realize that Kirimura was tightly hugging her.

She pushed him back as fast as she could. Faster then 'The flash' . "Wh,.....what are you doo...doing!!?? Why would you do something like that to me??" She said to Kirimura with a sad face

"What did I do? I just hugged you to calm you down , Sensei ." Kirimura confusely replied. ("Hugging shouldn't be a big deal , we already kissed."- Kirimura thought )

"NOT THAT. ...why...why would you kidnap ME??"SENSEI SHOUTED.

" ●●● " Kirimura saw the 3 dots in real-life.

Bursting out in laughter he replied " I ...didn't kidnap you. He did, the one who is screaming and rolling in the ground. I am here to save you."

Sensei did the puppy head and processed situation tion and as she realized that it is the legendary 'Hero save's Heroin' scenery from k-drama , her face went all tomatoes.

"Well its not the time to get flustered . We have to get out of here."Kirimura said while he was cutting the ropes.

Kirimura was busy freeing sensei while the killer-san got a hold of him self. He saw that Kirimura dropped the gun in the ground and its the best opportunity for him to get rid of Kirimura. He crawled close to the gun and eventually he got the gun.

Kirimura is still busy freeing sensei , he has no idea whats going on behind. Killer-san aimed at the Kirimura.

"I didn't want to kill you as you did nothing to be but now it's personal , you shott me so you are no different from thoes monsters." Killer-San said to Kirimura as he loaded the gun and ready to shoot at any moment.

Kirimura was taken of guard , he has no way to avoid a bullet from this close range.

"OHHH...SHITE, I FUCKED up." as Kirimura looked back

Sensei also realized and tried to distract him in PRO SENEEI WAY..

"PLEASE mister don't shoot. It is ILLEGAL and a CRIME to kill people. It will destroy your life. You will be throne to jail." Sensei said to the killer


Killer put his finger on the trigger , Kirimura closed his eyes as he gave up and thought waiting for the police is their only option.

Killer was going to pull the trigger and right then....



I am sorry for the UPDATE delay and short chapter. The chapters leanth will increase and update schedule will be reorganized, Thank you all for reading