About Felia

There is no soaking in the bathtub with a sweet, soothing aroma, no beauty program using masks and a line of skincare, and no beautiful pajamas that stick to her body.

It's all about simplicity, and the inability to buy all the luxury items. Living in the yard of a luxurious mansion was something she had never imagined before.

But what does it mean if a 'mansion' is just a 'house of tools' in reality?

Want to ask where Felia lives? Inside a room that contains various kinds of work equipment, right in the backyard of this 'luxury house'. Pity? Of course not, the important thing is that he still has some shelter from the changing weather out there.

Yes, Felia thought of it as a 'little house'. It has also been renovated by the host, like a house but only a plot. The bathroom is cramped, even she sleeps in the air with the trash that can still function but is no longer wanted.

The good thing is being a rich person, getting bored right away. As for Felia's principle, as long as the item is still usable and its use is still perfect, why look for a replacement that makes it uncomfortable?

There is nothing special in her life. Whether her parents were anywhere, she never knew. Looking for a job, and a drunk woman offers her a job. And of course, at first, she refused, and it turned out that it was this work that was intended.

"Being a household assistant isn't bad," muttered Felia, slamming herself onto the bed. Her gut didn't sound like the night before, thanks to Leo.

Usually, she is confused about reversing expenses. After all, she does not get rationed to eat at the employer's house, which makes her dizzy because her monthly salary is not sufficient to meet her daily needs.


That is what she always tries to apply to manage her hard work income.

50% of her monthly salary was put into a savings account, the rest was for living expenses.

She turned her body as if looking for the right sleeping position, then her hand reached for the cellphone that was on top of her square pillow.

In the past, she was not too curious about important people such as respectable families like the Luis clan. But somehow, it seemed that today his curiosity had sprung up suddenly.

Opening the social media favored by most people, she immediately typed the name 'Leonardo Luis' into the search field.

And yes, the account with a blue tick is already displayed on the cellphone screen. Various kinds of posts, ranging from men taking pictures with various collections of expensive transportation to vacationing to various countries, as well as photos with Vrans Moreo Luis began to attract more attention.

"How does it feel to be in Paris? The country of everyone's dreams, including me."

"Ah, I think eating spaghetti directly in Italy, the atmosphere is really good, more special."

"If you have a car collection like this one, you won't be bothered by the heat on the road."

"Moreover, this private jet ... I can't say anything else. If you want to go abroad, it's nice to be able to fly without having to jostle other people."

Seeing the various posts made Felia shake her head because she could not understand the wealth, Luis. Let alone Leo's posts that look very 'richest', even men's posts are the same as that.

Drtt ...

Drtt ...

Drtt ...

(phone vibration)

Felia was quite surprised when she saw an incoming call with the name of a woman who had been giving her a job all this time. Instantly, without wanting to take it long, she lifted it, raised the speaker so she didn't have to bother putting the cellphone to her earlobe.

"Hello, Miss. What's the matter?" she asked in a tone that was still very polite, even though on the other hand this woman was almost the same age as her, she still slipped the nickname 'Miss' for her.

There was a chuckle from across there, "Come on Fey, just call me Ica. It's easier and you don't have to bother calling Miss, am I official family?" she said with a chuckle from there.

Felia grimaced a little at Ica's words on the other side, then scratched her nape which didn't itch. "But sir is an official, so it's not my fault to call you Miss," she said ominously.

After all, what was it, low to skyrocket or low to reflect the truth?

"Ah yes, I forgot. But remember, don't use Miss or frills like that."

"Yes, okay Miss- Ica,"

I almost exclaimed. She really couldn't change calls for other people quickly, so she was a little nervous like this.

"You often forget, Felia," said Ica on the other. I don't know what the woman was doing, Felia didn't know, because what was played was only music at low volume, maybe just to fill the atmosphere.

"Sorry," muttered Felia.

"Oh yeah, have you eaten? I stopped by the restaurant to buy take away food, want to bring it now?" asked Ica. From the tone of her voice, she cares about Felia, huh, for some reason they only think of his closeness as brother and sister like that.

"No, I ca. I don't want to eat, I'm full."

"Oh yes? What did you eat? And where? Not because you already ate, usually every night you whine."

"Met with Tuan, but it turned out to be canceled because I wanted to meet with colleagues. So, I decided to have dinner too."

"And are you home yet?"

"Of course, I never dared come home late at night, afraid to run into criminals."

"Ah, you don't make sense, oh yeah! Did you already wear the clothes I bought? Don't tell me you're still wearing those shabby clothes,"

Felia grinned a little when Ica said that her clothes were worn, then reflexively checked her clothes. Yes, that's right, even the color of the clothes was faded. "Ah that, your clothes are in the cupboard, still sealed," she said honestly, even to lie she could never.

Hey, is she this innocent?

"Why don't you wear it? Huh?"

"The problem is, you bought me lingerie..." Felia replied in a small tone. Of course, she was embarrassed to say this. After all, as long as she showed her appearance in public, she was never tempted to wear clothes that showed curves. Especially when she was alone in this room, it was certain that wearing a nightgown like that would make her uncomfortable.

Ica just laughed, then cleared her throat to hold back her laughter so it didn't last long. "Come on, so you don't get out of date," she says.

"Does covering your curves look ancient, huh?"

"Ah that's not it, I just meant to make it more attractive. Who knew men would be charmed, right?"

"Ah, don't think about men just yet, my future isn't necessarily clear."

"Why say that? It could be that your soul mate is someone you met today."

Suddenly, Felia's mind immediately flew back to remember the figure of the perfect man she foolishly lived without knowing that he was not the person she was looking for. Jeez how reckless and stupid she is, so annoying to know if someone is wrong, she's ashamed to remember.

Felia patted her forehead, then changed her sleeping position to sitting on the bed and immediately leaned her body on the head of the bed. What becomes the medium of his view now is a gray wall. "Ah for that it seems not, just wishful thinking," she said, reminding herself that she couldn't secretly hope to be reunited with a very busy Leo.

"Why? His name is also destiny, if later it turns out that the person you mean chooses you, don't forget to introduce me to you."

"Eh? What is this, you can't possibly know! The problem is if you dream but you are in a high place you will get sick. Add more hospital fees,"

Felia and Ica both laughed. Since Felia knows this woman likes to get drunk then she has never judged Ica for her very deviant behavior.

For her, humans are naughty and like to serve customers, it doesn't mean he is heartless. In essence, this message from Felia is the same as the message of many people out there 'don't judge a book by its cover'.

"Ah yes I want to clean my body first,"

"Going home shopping again, right?"

"Yes, it's my hobby."

Felia just shook her head, she understands Ica who likes shopping this and that.

"Then, I'll hang up, bye!"

"Bye, see you!"


(phone vibration)

The telephone line was cut with the agreement of both parties. Now, Felia put her cellphone back on the bed. She stared at the wall as if there she could feel serenity.

Envy the lives of others far above her? Of course not! She hasn't been able to earn enough to be proud of, but in the future, the hopes that have arisen in her heart will be fulfilled little by little.

The key is, if there is an effort there must be results that depend on the effort itself.

"Come on Felia, it's time to sleep instead of vague thoughts."

A line of words left her mouth, of course to herself. Preface before bed which is very useful to calm her heart.

There is one lesson for today. The all-encompassing Leo doesn't even have someone to fill his free time with, as evidenced by those who eat alone. Felia knew very well that this guy already had a girlfriend, but she didn't even know what she looked like.

Yes, she's an outdated person. Never mind social media, watching television is rare.

Felia just lay down. Pulled out the thin blanket, then began to close his eyes.


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