Morning Activity

A beautiful morning to just enjoy the breeze. Bird chirping began to enter the listener's senses, not to mention the sound of the alarm clock ringing in every corner of the room.

Leo groaned, annoyed by the sound of his wake-up alarm. Open your eyes slowly, then stretch your hand muscles.

Yes, today is the weekend. The only day Leo can rest his body is a piece —oh not a chunk, but an endless pile of— documents.

The first thing he did was get up from his chair, then started walking towards the bathroom. Wash the face with a special soap, scrubs the rows of clean white teeth, then wipe the watery face with a small towel.

Well, the weekend doesn't mean he can be lazy. There's a body to take care of, so this morning we have to start with the gym.

Seeing himself not wearing any clothes that left his upper body shirtless, he looked at the boxer shorts he was wearing right now. You may need to change into sweatpants to make it easier to move around.

10 minutes later ...

"Good morning, Mr. Leo."

Leo turned his head towards the man who was already wearing his prideful clothes, chef. Yes, he has workers in his home who are selected to occupy a certain share. Call him Chef Bara, he is a chef with five-star skills. Even though he only worked at certain times, such as breakfast, lunch, and dinner, the salary he gave Bara was quite large.

Ah, not just enough, but big. The quality and maximum work provided by Bara deserves thumbs up. There are no restaurant portions with expensive prices but small portions, of course, Bara always prepares standard portions.

"Good morning, Bara," Leo said, nodding his head, adding to his dignity. If there were women here, they would probably scream in captivity. Seeing herself shirtless with a handkerchief hanging around her neck was the hottest thing in the morning.

"For a gym friend, what do you want, sir?" asked Bara while wearing gloves, every food he makes must be sterile, right?

Leo looked a little thoughtful, then snapped his fingers. "Looks like avocado juice is delicious, oh don't forget the croissants and chocolate danish," he said, calling the stomach booster breakfast a companion to morning exercise.

If he eats a heavy, high-calorie meal the morning before the gym, his stomach can hurt. So, small portions but lots of nutrients are best suited to choose from.

Bara nodded in understanding. Every weekend morning, she always asked Leo for breakfast. Because he knows very well that his employer does not like the same food. For example, on Sundays Leo eats bacon and the sunny side up, so the next day he can't see the food anymore. If possible, vary the words so you don't get bored.

A brilliant idea for a man who is usually indifferent to his diet, many even accept it for what it is and do not ask for this and that.

"Okay, looks like ten minutes will be served. I'll take your order to the gym," said Bara very politely. Manners must always stick to his body, indicating that he is a well-mannered person who works hard.

"Thank you, I'm waiting."

After that, Leo stepped into the gym.

Treadmills, abs crunch machines, cable machines, stationary bikes, leg press machines, dumbbells, and barbells. Everything is complete in the room, even other supporting accessories are in this place.

According to Leo, it's okay to spend money on all this gear at a pretty fantastic price. Instead of going out and doing the gym outside, instead of exercising calmly, he becomes the center of attention for women. Certain times can't be contested, right?

If a lot of people eat first an hour before the gym, then it's not him. Yes, the reason is still the same as before, what he did the first time after following this was warming up.

10 minutes passed, Leo felt this warm-up was enough. Clap your palms, then turn around to look at the treadmill to start.

He doesn't take his cell phone when he goes to the gym, what's that for? Even wanting to see Azrell's message didn't matter. Because health is still high above all.

Sweat started pouring down his temples, he pampered his body until his stomach was visible there.


As for Azrell, that morning was a very annoying thing. Just imagine, from the time she woke up, soaking in the bath until now she was at the dining table and even the cellphone in her hand showed no sign of replying from the man she ordered.

Every morning, it's always like this. Leos never mention themselves just to say good morning or give nice things to their chat room.

Waiting is one of the hobbies that are often done by women, including herself.

"If you don't spam chat, you definitely won't reply, you won't receive calls from before."

"This is very annoying,"

giving up, Azrell finally put her cell phone on the table. Gaze at the pile of pancakes on top that have been smeared with maple syrup with an ugly gaze. When you enter the office, at least she can meet Leo, and continue to spread her charm by inviting him to accompany her to the shopping center.

"Why? Thinking about Leo again, huh?"

Azrell looked away, and there was a middle-aged woman who had the same bead as her. "Eh Mommy? Come have breakfast with me," she said very friendly. Give her best smile to a very precious woman.

Her name is Nayya Kriell Wallie, the only friend, and woman Azrell has. All complained about his happiness even for his mother. Never angry, giving whatever she wanted since childhood, always willing to work hard by being her husband's secretary.

Nayya's nodded, then sat right on the chair opposite Azrell. Now, their positions are facing each other but are blocked by the long dining table.

"You haven't eaten pancakes yet? Eat first, fill your stomach with something."

Azrell obeyed Nayya's words, then took a fork and knife to eat. "Oh yes, Mom. Where's Dad? Usually this weekend you take a walk," she said. Next second, yes, just put the pancake slices in her mouth.

"Usually, there are calls to meet with large colleagues," said Nayya while pulling a plate filled with food similar to her daughter.

Azrell just nodded her head, understood what Nayya said. "Then, that means Mommy is home?"

"Yes, why? Mother-in-law would want to come over to the house, right?"

"I don't know, I thought he was busy."

"Isn't it a holiday? Aren't you going up and down the ranks?"

"Yes, but I don't know, Mom. I didn't reply to my message, maybe very busy, I don't even know how it was."

Nayya saw the look on Azrell's face which was a little sad, she knew very well that her daughter, who was only twenty-five years old, was having a very busy lover, especially a famous one. "Then, leave him with his busy life. Even though you can take care of your heart, why not?"

To be honest, Nayya has never seen Leo's face with her eyes. At that time, she wanted to meet the man many women dream of for an inter-company meeting who only works, but at that time she couldn't come because work was still piling up and let her husband go there without her.

"If it turns out he's not guarding his heart, what?"

"It's okay, there are still a lot of men out there."

"But Mom, the only guy with a lot of money is Leo. Look, how many pairs of clothes and other brands have I had since I dated him? Plenty, haven't I?"

"Yes, but Mommy can provide all of that."

"I don't want to, things from girlfriend and things from Mommy, of course, feel different."

"Then keep it up."

Azrell frowned, she knew very well the past of Leo, who likes to change women. Whether it was an upper class or lower class, that man did not care about caste. Lucky enough to meet Leo and be treated to perfection. Yes, his name is hooked on changing mates, who knows in the future it will happen again, right?

"Finish your meal,"

"Yes ma'am."

When she lost his appetite, hearing Nayya's words made her excited. Nothing is impossible in this world, right? Likewise with her life story later.

She remembered that Leo's ATM was still in her wallet, even though the man had never asked for anything that many thoughts were very valuable. After all, she only wore them to buy three pairs of new clothes, that was all.

"In any case, Azrell will want to play with Leo later."

"Yes, bring him in. Don't just pick him up outside the gate,"

"If you want Mother because the neighbors will be happy. I just didn't want to buy time to hang out with her."

"Would you like to come to our other house later? Or here?"

"When do you want to go there? At night?"

"The only plan is to visit because your father prefers to live there lately."

"Ah no, don't want to come with me. Other jobs are much more serious than just visiting."

"Yes, say hello to Leo from me."

Azrell nodded, then quickly finished her breakfast. The clock is seven in the morning, and that means around eight o'clock she will start exercising to keep his posture to stay in shape.


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