Accidentally Met Again

"It seems hot today, could you please bring me my glasses?"

"Aish looks like my makeup is a little damaged, please bring me some powder too."

"Ah, my smell is faded, bring that too, Leo."

This well-built and masculine man can only comply with the wishes of Azrell, his lover who is now walking shamelessly wearing glasses over his head. Not to mention polishing her face again with make up, and oh don't forget that woman also sprayed perfume all over her body.

"Can we pull over? Or are you just looking for a toilet, it's not nice to see lots of people."

Leo looked away. People were not inspired by this, instead they were busy staring at them with eyes that seemed amazed at the perfection of the two. Maybe now people think of them as a very cute couple.

Azrell closed her perfume, then returned all the tools she asked Leo. "Too late, I finished doing it." she said, showing a hint of oddity. She also saw Leo's smiling face, as she picked up the item she was offering and put it back in the tote bag that was in the man's arm.

"Don't be like this next time, okay? I'd better take you to the toilet or at least check your appearance before getting out of the car."

"Yes, dear. But I forgot, name is also happy to be able to shop again with you, yeay! "

Indeed, basically a CEO lover must have taken the bitter pill because it is certain that a man who has a position there will be immersed in a very high activity. In fact, it is very rare for a lover to have the spare time to get lucky. But now, he could feel how spoiled a CEO who had a lot of money and had never been counted with him either.

"Yes, I'll take the time while I think mine deserves to be filled with you too."

Leo is indeed an unstable man. Sometimes he feels that he is not the same as Azrell, but sometimes he can be a very sweet person to this woman. Proof? Now him right arm was stretched out to wrap around Azrell's slender waist. He leaned closer to her, now no one could steal glances at Azrell who was completely obliged to acknowledge her beauty.

Blush (cheeks that blush pink)

Azrell's cheeks flushed like freshly cooked boiled crab. She lifted her head, stared at Leo's hard jaw, which seemed to be coded to be fondled.

"You're romantic but sometimes annoying, huh?"

"Romantic people usually get bored quickly, Azrell. Because I only pay attention to you,"

"Why do you say that?"

"Yes, I'm just giving my opinion, so that in the future I don't expect too much from me."

Leo is right. He was honest even though it was in the implied sentence, after all, he didn't want to give false hopes either. "Ah, that's the shop you want to visit, right?"

World-renowned stores with high fashion quality are the target of many women, including Azrell. And yes, Leo said just to change the mood. He saw sad eyes in her lover's bead, but what else was that?

Is there a heart that can be forced? If anything, it certainly won't end well. And the next right choice is separation, creating new wounds in the heart.

Azrell's eyes filled with pleasure appeared on the surface of her face. She immediately nodded her head with great enthusiasm, even though she was here only yesterday. Yes, the difference is there and there is no Leo.

"Come on, after there we eat junk food, huh? You still have time with me, right? Mommy and Daddy are going to my old house,"

Leo raised an eyebrow, then still looked at Azrell with calm eyes. "Where do you have a house? Why don't I know?"

"Yeah, it's just a house to put old stuff, really. It's rare to stay too unless Dad comes back there sometimes, "said Azrell as he pulled Leo's hand to get to the shop faster. She made a circle of the man's hand from her waist and they entered the shop.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Leo and Miss Azrell," this gentle greeting came from an employee who happened to be standing at the entrance. She looked at two people who were quite respected and had become the public spotlight with a polite look, did not show excessive interest considering that he was working. Even if she doesn't work, she's shameless.

"Hello, good afternoon," Leo replied, giving his best smile.

Another interesting fact about Leo is, this guy always gives a smile to everyone.

They were guided inside, after which they were just released due to Azrell's request, who said it was inconvenient to shop but followed suit. See a wide variety of clothes. From closed to open, everything is diverse and you can sort it according to taste.

"What if I buy this one?" Azrell's two hands hung in the air. Featuring a red dress with a V-shaped chest with a low slit.

Of course Leo who saw her shook his head, he really did not want the treasure that should be very valuable for a woman was just vomited up. "No, I don't agree. Change for something else," he said. In fact, now his hands are starting to choose clothes for Azrell. What is suitable according to him, according to the criteria of women.

"Dear, how about this one?"

Leo looked away, then saw a yellow dress with floral motifs. Seeing the color make her eyes squint, oh my god so deadly sight. "No, if it is exposed to the sun it will look very dazzling." she says.

Azrell snorted, even though all the clothes he chose were pretty. "Then, what should I dress like? Long dress? It's hard to walk." There are always lots of rules when it comes to shopping with Leo, but he loves them. With the ban that was thrown, it was certain that the man really cared for her.

"Not really, just wait so I choose." Leo replied, turning around, he checked every inch of the row of dresses. Staring at various models that didn't seem very open.

And, gotcha!

One of the gorgeous dresses that managed to keep Leo's eyes glued was his choice right now. He took the dress and brought it to Azrell. "See, how? As pretty as you are."

A dress that was colored like deep navy blue or what you like to call navy blue was presented to Azrell. Oval and sleeveless collars and a zipper on the back that completely covers the back. Eh? Pretty perfect choice for boys.

"Okay, I'll choose this."

"Yes, what else do you want?"

"Use it again dear,"

"What's the point of buying so many dresses like that?"

"For me to use?"

Leo gave up, he just nodded his head. "Then, I also want to see other clothes." he said, turning his body. He left, leaving Azrell who was staring at her back with an ordinary gaze, what right do you want to hold?

Starting to walk towards the men's section, from clothes to other accessories, Leo stopped his steps right near the row of vests that sometimes become his fashion choice.

"If you walk around, you don't have to hit me all, and wear old clothes like this when you enter the big shop!"

"B-but ma'am, sorry—"

"But, but what, huh ?!"

"Sorry, my wallet fell, so I followed you inside and had no idea that you would suddenly stop."

Leo turned around when he heard a commotion that seemed to be coming from outside the shop. He turned his head and saw a woman posing like a conglomerate with a high bun silenced, and another woman who was indeed wearing simple clothes.

Lots of people listen to their misunderstanding conversations, and so are Leos. He immediately stepped his foot, then was surprised to see a woman he knew was holding a leather wallet.

"Ekhem, what's wrong?" Leo asked, pretending he didn't know anything.

"Eh? Mr. Leo?" The woman who might have had children looked at Leo with a startled gaze. "Eh, this is sir, there is no problem whatsoever." She continued awkwardly while taking the outstretched hand of the woman who had bumped into her a minute earlier.

Leo turned to the other woman, showing a face that was no less surprised. Pretending not to know, he just nodded his head. "Well, I apologize for saying that rudely to an innocent person."

"B-but ..."

"You like to criticize other people,"

The woman seemed to be taking a breath. Yes, she pleaded guilty. "Sorry, and thanks for returning my wallet." she says.

The woman who spoke to her also nodded her head, "You're welcome, mother, I will excuse myself." She said as she walked quickly because right now he had become the center of attention of many people.

As for Leo? He immediately left the woman who had been thinking negatively about other people's behavior without wanting to turn around because suddenly she asked for a photo with him, sorry, he never looked at caste but at least he always respected people who had ethics. If there is no ethics alone, then why should we serve it?

He stopped in the vest trail as before, but suddenly his thoughts drifted off. Either because of confusion or curious about the woman he met earlier.

Really, this isn't a coincidence, is it? Why could he accidentally run into another place in a crowded place?

"Why can I see Felia again?"

Even more astonishingly, why did that woman go to a shopping mall without checking her appearance first? No, he didn't sneer at all. In fact, it made him a bad name by others.

It was as if something was off, but because he was lazy to find out or just hoped to meet the woman, the song didn't feel that way, and it was very unlikely, right?

"Dear, what happened there?"

The question made Leo regain his senses, then looked at Azrell who was already in front of him.

"No, it's just a matter of finding the wallet."

Even though Leo's mind is now wrapped in an impossibility, he was reunited with Felia?


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