Regarding The Wallet

After finishing mopping, washing clothes, washing dishes, sweeping, and doing other activities. Now, with slow steps, Felia walked towards the main gate to meet a taxi driver ordered by her host.

"Miss Felia, is it?" asked the taxi driver to make sure the woman walking towards him matched the request of the person ordering his services.

Felia nodded, then smiled faintly. "Yes, that's true with me, Felia." she answered, confirming the taxi driver's question.

"Very well, then please come in, miss."

"Ah no, I want to sit in the back." Felia refused when she saw the driver who opened the car door next to the driver's seat.

The taxi driver nodded his head, understood what Felia meant. "Sorry miss," he said as he closed the door again. "Please come, miss." he continued, opening the back door.

They started to get into the car with Felia in the back seat. She is not used to sitting next to someone who is driving. Call it katro or whatever the language is, but if the AC hits her face it makes you nauseous.

After knowing the destination Felia wanted to take, the driver immediately drove the car according to the destination.

Silence. Between a taxi driver who is not quick to talk to his customers or Felia who is too uncomfortable when talking to strangers.

Ten minutes passed, Felia took out several dollar bills and gave them to the driver. "Thank you sir." she said in a very polite tone. After receiving a firm answer from the taxi driver, she immediately walked into the shopping center.

As usual, she was always the center of attention. Not because she was very beautiful like a Greek goddess, or because she was someone from a well-known respectable family. But guess what? Because the clothes are so eye-catching.

She is used to wearing used t-shirts, even though they can still be worn, why bother changing clothes? Moreover, the faded color does not make the material cloudy.

The goal is only one, to buy sweet bread and coffee with the famous logo, which is bread only in the host's shopping center. And it happens that the closest to home is here, if you want to go far, you will definitely spend more money.

Maybe people think that she is a poor woman who is definitely penniless and just pretends to walk into the big building where everyone is shopping. Yes, actually the idea is correct, but yes, this time she is holding an ATM with millions of rupiah in it. If you make comparisons with the she ATM, it will be far behind.

Seeing people who mostly have partners walking around on this floor made Felia feel smaller because she was only alone.

Hearing various kinds of conversations from several pairs of lovers, or with friends, some even having a family made Felia sigh. If it weren't for the Host, she wouldn't be willing to set foot in a crowd like this.

Holding the sling bag that Leo confirmed yesterday because he suddenly broke up, she looked at a middle-aged woman who seemed to be in a hurry.

"Thank you," the woman took a box from someone selling ... ah I don't know what box it is. All she knew was that now the woman had disappeared from the long queue.

Glek (sound of falling objects)

Felia saw the woman's purse fall, she shifted her gaze to the right and left, afraid that someone would take it or realize and chase the owner, but to no avail.

"Ah looks like I have to return the wallet, there must be a lot of important items." she muttered with the angelic heart that always stuck to her heart. She never wanted others to carelessly lose something so important like this.

Running small by darting towards the wallet lying on the floor made Felia immediately stretched out her hand and quickly searched for the woman's whereabouts. "Ah, where is she? I lost her, what if later someone wants to shop and his wallet is not there?" she said confusedly, seen from her sad face.

Yes, she really cares about other people, even though it is better not to know whether he is being reciprocated or not.

She still widened her gaze, then saw the woman starting to ride the escalator, changing floors showing the categories of clothing for more women or men.

"Ah there he is!" she exclaimed in a small voice.

Not wanting to waste the opportunity for fear of losing track again, Felia immediately sped away even though she had to listen to the tone of swearing as she ran among the passing humans. But she doesn't care.

Arriving on the second floor, she saw the woman and immediately ran, walking right behind her with a confused face whether she wanted to reprimand her or not.

BRAK (slightly bumped)

"Awsh .." Felia grimaced when her forehead hit the tailed woman's back. She stared at the face that was now turned towards her along with the twisted body.

"If the street wears your eyes, you don't have to hit me, and worn clothes like this when you enter a big shop, you are very inappropriate!" exclaimed the woman, maybe it was true that she looked like the mistress of a conglomerate husband. Especially if you see makeup with sharp eyebrows, it adds a cynical impression that might intimidate someone being stared at with dislike.

Felia who heard high volume speaking tone, immediately lowered her head politely, a second later looked at the woman in front of her with shady eyes. "B-but Ma'am, sorry--" she stuttered because now she was so embarrassed, becoming a spectacle for passers-by thanks to the woman's scream.

"But but what, huh ?!" asked the woman, her eyebrows raised upward. It looks annoying, let alone cut Felia's unfinished words.

"Sorry, it dropped your wallet, so I followed you inside and had no idea that you were going to stop suddenly." said Felia in a small tone while taking out the wallet she found earlier, even now her eyebrows are on the back of her eyebrows, down.

Taking the wallet from her hand, then checking the contents, checking if something is missing or not. After making sure it is safe, immediately put it back in the tote bag which somehow seems expensive.

"Ekhem, what's wrong?"

Felia and the woman suddenly turned their heads when they heard a baritone voice.

Seeing Leonardo Luis not far from Felia's footing this time made her flinch a little. How can you meet that man again? Coincidence is coincidence.

As for the woman, her anxious sweat had a small print on her temple. She knew that she was guilty of behaving that way. "Eh? Mr. Leo?" she said who was also surprised by the presence of Leo. "Eh, this is sir, there is no problem whatsoever." she continued.

Felia said nothing, she didn't want to find a defense or anything. Being treated like this in public was extremely embarrassing for her.

Sometimes, that simplicity is always underestimated by many people. Without them realizing that without 'simplicity' there would be no 'wealth'.

"Well, I apologize for saying that rudely to an innocent person." Leo said.

Felia turned her head to take a closer look at the man who had come like the superhero. Ah it is funny, but this is not the right time to fly into the clouds.

"B-but ..." said the woman nervously.

"You are like reproaching an innocent person." Leo said calmly, but Felia knew that behind every calm there must be something dangerous.

Felia shook her head with a small gesture, she didn't mind being treated like this.

"Sorry, and thanks for returning my wallet." said the woman.

Hearing an apology that sounded less than sincere to Felia's ears made her nod her head. "You're welcome, Madame, I'm sorry." she said as she walked quickly because right now she had become the center of attention of many people.

Feel embarrassed. That was how she felt, wanting to submerge herself now in the bathtub filled with cold water so that his body wouldn't be this tense. Ah, but she forgot that she never had a bath, so sad.

She quickly walked into the bakery which even smelled good from the shop. No wonder the master is very fond of buying this bread, it turns out that it is according to its quality.

Ordered ten slices of sweetbreads for tomorrow's stock too. Give the ATM to the cashier, dial the code number, then take the card back and put it in his sling bag.

"Thank you," she said, picking up the plastic with the famous bread logo, which the cashier held out. The system is like that, pay first before you can hold the plastic containing the packaging and bread inside.

She took her feet, then on to the next destination. Buy coffee according to the employer's order.

Seeing a large coffee shop in a shopping center, she immediately turned around to go inside.

Caffe Americano is her current choice, buying coffee at the same time with a Tumblr bottle there because it is more practical to carry it and just wait in line.

She shifted her gaze, her only intention was to take a look at the designs of this very famous coffee shop. But suddenly her eyes saw a man who had met her in a clothes shop. Instead of getting longer and meeting the rich lord again, it would be better if he picked up the magazines hanging on the shelf. Covered his face, then began to recite various kinds of prayers so she could not be reunited with Leo.

"Why does he seem to be following me all the time?"


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