Shopping Center

"You said you wanted to eat junk food, ish!"

"I'm hungry, want a burger, you know!"

"Yeah, I just want a burger!"

"It's been a while since I ate a burger, right? I want to eat that,"

Dizzy listening to the stubborn Azrell, made Leo immediately turned his steps to enter the coffee shop. He went to the cashier to browse the coffee menu, Caramel Macchiato was his choice of the day.

After receiving confirmation that there was a large order, he immediately stepped back so that others could order afterward. Standing aside, with a woman who is absorbed in reading a book. And yes, of course, he doesn't care about that.

Even if he wanted to wait on the chair, he was lazy because he only stopped to buy coffee, then he would also go to another place to fulfill his lover's wish. Talking about the lover, his eyes were on the door and there was an annoying figure of Azrell holding his grocery paper bag.

Look how cute that woman is.

After feeling Azrell stop right in front of him, Leo immediately cupped his thin cheeks. "Still want to grumble again, huh?" he asked with a very gentle gaze. Even now he doesn't care because it has become a topic of conversation for the women who are here. Seeing how to treat Azrell so gently made their hearts tremble with jealousy from wanting to be in that woman's position.

Azrell snorted, then stomped her feet in annoyance. "But don't leave me either, what if another man kidnaps me?"

"Yes, leave my ATM in your bag, after which he will surely set you free."

"Eh, so you want me to be kidnapped? It's bad to even think like that, huh!"

"I don't want to, who will terrorize my cell phone until I hear that noise again?"

"Being spammed, you only reply briefly, it's annoying. I want to reply with a love emoticon!"

"But you still love me, right?"

Blush (Azrell's cheeks flushed)

Azrell shook off Leo's hand, now her face, which had been red with anger, was flushed red with the amusement that tickled her chest cavity. "What the hell," she said sheepishly at the truth Leo was telling herself.

As for Leo? The man was already chuckling. His two eyes accidentally glanced at the woman who was still beside him but did not seem uncomfortable with their conversation.

"Who?" Azrell asked while raising an eyebrow, he looked at Leo as if he was thinking after turning to the woman who was beside the man.

Leo shrugged, "I don't know." he says. There was only that sentence in his head. So yes, it seems like an indifferent answer, as if you don't want to talk about it.

"Caffe Americano, young lady!"



Leo turned his gaze back to the woman beside him, he looked tense with the magazine that wanted to sag because it covered her entire face. For some reason, he raised his eyebrows when he saw the woman who had started walking without seeing anything in front of him.

"Eh, why wasn't the magazine taken down? Or was he playing hide and seek with someone?" asked Azrell who was also surprised.

Leo didn't budge, still watching her. Only after arriving at the cashier and her back to herself, the woman took off the magazine and seemed to be whispering to the cashier. And yes, the magazine had fallen off her face and so she was running to get out of here.

"Odd," said Azrell, rolling her eyes. She turned around, then walked over to Leo to hug her lover's arm.

"Do you want coffee?" Leo asked suddenly. He had thrown away the 'weirdness' that Azrell had also felt, but he was lazy to think any further. Maybe the woman was hiding from someone, so there was no need to feel that the woman was moving away from him.

Indeed, who wants to stay away from a Leo? Nothing, even the women wanted to get closer to his burly body, as Azrell did.

Azrell shook her head, then looked up to see Leo's face. "Don't wanna ah, looks like I'm in the mood for a soda?" she said after stroking her head, the drink she would choose for lunch today.

Raising an eyebrow, Leo certainly doesn't agree with Azrell's choice of soda. "Aren't you against drinking soda? How about your diet?" He asked.

"Come on, I haven't had a soda in half a year, and just one drink would be fine, right?"

"Okay, but if you complain about yourself being fat the next day, I won't take your whining."

Azrell chuckled. For some reason, she thought Leo took very good care of herself. She liked to complain about the little things that the man knew very well. He is indeed against junk food, soda, and some other foods. But yes, to celebrate the success of his healthy diet, once every 6 months he has to taste the forbidden food for her.

"Don't promise!"

"Promise or not? Explain your sentence again,"

"What do you hear? Tell me."

"Don't promise,"

"Yes, if you think like that, then that's what I mean."

Leo, who heard Azrell's words, was worried. How could he be fooled by a sentence that does not have a comma when spoken. "But I'm serious, don't complain okay? If you dare to make a decision, dare to accept the consequences," he said with a deep gaze, stepping into Azrell's beaded eye to tell the woman he meant it.

"Caramel Macchiato, Mr. Luis!"

"My order is ready, let's go to the cashier," Leo said after the order was mentioned along with his name.

They walked hand in hand with Azrell still clinging to Leo's arm. Already paid and just took the coffee, then thanked a female cashier who tried to work professionally even though in her heart she was trying desperately not to attract a Leo to take a photo with her.

They came out of this coffee shop and looked for a place to eat that Azrell said had the best burgers. Leo's job is just to follow his lover, then pay all the expenses she does. While you still can and the money is still flowing, why not make the person beside him happy, right?

"Come on, let's go there!" exclaimed Azrell, pointing to a restaurant inside a shopping center.

Leo nodded his head, agreeing with Azrell's invitation. "Yes, we ate there," he said in a baritone voice that sounded calm, ah very masculine when he entered Azrell's sense of hearing.

Melted again because of Leo.

"Yes, how good, my Mr. CEO!"

"To be happy when dating is not only a matter of desire but happiness with wealth is also worth feeling."

Azrell who knows exactly how wise Leo is, her heart immediately melts, like a chocolate dessert at a famous restaurant. She smiled.

Dating with Leo is heartbreaking because that man is super busy with all office matters that cannot be underestimated, especially if there is an appointment with a large co-worker it is not inviolable. This man rarely holds a cellphone, so he rarely responds to all messages and calls made by him. But, if you find it. Never mind the response, treated as cute as possible like a princess, Leo can be selfless.

"You are the greatest man, I am very proud to have a lover like you."

"No, the greatest is the superhero and not me."

"Yes, Leonardo Luis is a superhero with the power of money in a London bank."

Leo chuckled at Azrell's words. This woman does sound straightforward. However, that is the nature of women, right? Problems are natural because it is a man's job to be ready to fulfill what his partner wants. Yes, if there are men who say there is a female material, that is wrong. And most likely, it is he who does not have enough money or even has a stingy nature.

"I really can seduce like that,"

"Can, what the hell can't Azrell do?"

It's true, Azrell is a woman mature enough to build a household. Good at cooking, even doing homework independently, she is also a hard-working woman. But one thing is missing, her body has been shifted by random men who are in the bar.

They started to go in there, then Azrell immediately chose a place reserved only for two people. "Let me order, and you just wait here, dear," she said after successfully putting everything he had brought to the table.

"It's unusual, I usually order because they say you're lazy."

"No, starting today is different," said Azrell with a chuckle, don't forget her one eye flickering coquettishly.

Leo watched Azrell walking away from him. He looked at the woman's posture from behind, very seductive. But he had no intention of introducing his junior to a woman who had tasted many men's bodies. Even though he is no longer a virgin and widowed, she wants to maintain the quality of a mate which of course also has comparable quality.

He landed his butt on the chair, then exhaled. The matter of shopping, which according to him only takes a short time, turns out to be tiring too. He didn't even notice that he had spent hours in the shopping center.

Seeing social media that is popular with people, including him, posting all kinds of activities he does. At the same time, one of the many notifications on the cellphone screen caught his eye even more.

@feliaazwall is starting to follow you


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