Upholding Self-esteem

Sitting at a bus stop sucks. Apart from the hot sun that started to sting the skin of the woman who was holding her arm, she wiped her sweat. Previously, she had said that his master would pick him upright in front of the shopping center, which was only a few meters from the bus stop.

But somehow, that figure had not yet appeared and made him pull over. Maybe the coffee in this bottle is not hot, just pray that the temperature remains and if it doesn't drop dramatically.

"Huh, if it's like this I better order a taxi."

Felia put down her shopping bags, one with the other in her left hand. She immediately reached into her sling bag, then got a flat object from inside there. She intended to order a taxi online, but the notification on her cellphone screen made her widen her eyes.

@leonardoluis follows you back

"It looks like Leo's finger slipped, there's no way he can follow back on a woman like mine," she muttered incredulously.

Only with her right hand could she operate the cellphone that fit snugly in his hand. She also tinkered with Leo's Instagram account, finding out if this application was an error, causing a notification that sounded impossible.

The reason is, that only the man followed was another artist or colleague and even his closest relatives. It felt like she was just a lucky woman who could be in a position like this. Still, in disbelief, she checked all of Leo's posts. And yes, all the posts are still the same from a few hours ago, just like the ones he saw before.

"So, should I be happy or what?"

"What if...."

"Ah impossible, just look at Leo already has a girlfriend. But unfortunately, I don't see how beautiful that face is, it must be far from me."

Who wants a beautiful woman but the material is not physically supportive like that? Yes, there will be later, maybe Felia's match is on the way but using a scooter, that's why it took a long time.

Positive thinking is the way Felia deserves to do when all thoughts begin to creep into every corner of the space in her head.

If Leo is that handsome, his lover must be more than the Greek goddess said, right?

It felt like when she was side by side with a much prettier woman in high fashion, it made a sense of insecurity come to his mind. "It's a different story, if I'm with Leo, the difference must be clear," she said with a chuckle. She thought about what if she were next to Leo, it would stand out because she would be an ugly match.

Insecurity is something that many women enjoy the most, including themselves. Her job was just being a member of the household in a magnificent house, without ever thinking of getting a mate like a prince on horseback. Do not add to the hallucinations, maybe later if it doesn't match reality, she will immediately crash.

Better to enjoy the present life, sleeping in a room with the trash that is still functioning properly. And don't forget some pet insects such as spiders in the corner of the house, sometimes even other small animals passing by just to say hello.

She was never ashamed to dress as is, which was far from being nice and modern she wasn't ashamed to be trampled just because of her appearance.

Being what it is is indeed a very difficult thing because most people value perfection more than simplicity.

Drtt ...

Drtt ...

Drtt ...

(Mobile vibration)

Jolted, Felia immediately shook her head because she was daydreaming about something so trivial.

The name 'Mister' on her cell phone screen made her smile, finally the thing she had been waiting for came. She was tired of just sitting on a bench at the bus stop looking around and even had time to make the attention of many people fixed on her while staring with strange eyes.

Immediately she pressed the cell phone to her ear, "Hello, Sir. I'm at the bus stop, sitting here alone." she said with a bright smile. It was as if she was sitting by the pool, yes, even though he was only a household assistant, her host also allowed her to do anything as long as it was not harmful.

A clearing voice on the other hand was heard as if he understood what he was saying. "I said wait in front of the shopping center but instead you went to the bus stop," he said. No, he wasn't angry at all. Even the tone sounded casual.

Felia grinned a little, she's a woman who quickly feels sorry for someone. "Ah, sorry Sir. Today the weather is quite hot and I am also tired of standing there alone, so I decided to be at the bus stop," she said.

"OK, I'll speed up my car a little, do you see my car coming your way?"

Felia turned to look where she seemed to be waiting for a while, and sure enough, there was already a red sports car with a cool body that was starting to move towards her. "Listen, sir, I turned off the call," she says.


After receiving the agreement, Felia immediately hung up on her. Hurriedly put the cellphone into her sling bag, then got up from her seat. Waving her hand in the air, to be precise at an oncoming car.

She let out a breath when the car belonging to the man who had told her to buy bread and coffee finally stopped right in front of her.

"Crazy, what tricks did this girl do? Why can a boy pick her up in a car?"

Suddenly the sentence sounded in Felia's ear. What she wanted to open the car door immediately discouraged her from turning towards the voice that was meant for her.

"Excuse me, sir. Did you speak to me?"

It turned out that the person with the mouth that couldn't be guarded was a boy. With a very annoying style, his mouth bit into a toothpick. "Yes, just like you. Who looks like a poor girl with as many styles as you?"

"But sir, I don't have much style. Why did you say that to me?"

"Because you got into a fancy car, but you don't look like you."

"Is it only a person who can ride a car with good clothes? Then why not ride a luxury car but use a motorbike?"

If you step on it, fight it while you can. Because self-respect is the top priority to uphold the dignity of every human being.

The man looked gruffly gruff, took a little step towards the woman who was staring at him with a distinctive gaze, then stopped right in front of her. "Do you know what it means if a woman without clothes is close to a rich man? This means that his body has been used as collateral," he said.

Felia widened her eyes. "Watch your words!" she exclaimed, pointing at the man in front of her roughly. She could bear it when people just ridiculed her appearance, but when she carried her body around and dragged her pride away, she couldn't standstill.

"What do you want? A cheap woman is always looking for her defense."

With an angry growl, Felia just glared at the man. "It sucks," she said, kicking his shin. Sticking out your tongue, then tasting the victory.


Just as the burly hand was about to grip Felia's jaw for a rough grip, another outstretched hand stopped the action. "Men these days can't protect their mouths, especially if they have a messy demeanor."




(Beating sound)

The sound of throwing repeatedly and ending with a broken bone made Felia's leg feel weak. She didn't expect something like this, leaned back, then closed her eyes with her tiny hands.

"Stop, stop! I admit defeat." said the man who had teased Felia by coughing up blood. He turned his hand to form a shield so that the boy who was still standing firmly in his tuxedo could stop his ferocious movements.

"Immediately apologize to her!"

Felia looked at the battered man with pitying eyes. Previously he had defended himself by opposing what she said, but now that soft feeling was present.

"Are you alright?"

"Shut up, cheap woman--"

"Ekhem," the clearing voice came from the tuxedo man.

"Sorry, sorry about what I said."

Felia nodded, then smiled faintly. "No problem," she said, still wanting to kick the boy's leg. You see, how can he see her like a cheap woman. Not knowing that she is just a car owner's household assistant.

Sometimes humans prefer to judge what is happening in front of them without thinking ahead.

After that, the man left the location by riding a motorcycle that was no less cool than a sports car.

Now, she lives with the man who is now staring at her with a sigh. Somehow the look in his eyes seemed to reveal a worried face like his daughter. "Are you hurt?" He asked.

Felia knows very well who that man is.

He is the man she always calls 'Mister'. He wears sunglasses so that people don't focus on staring at his familiar face.

"No, fortunately. Thank you, sir."

"Next time, if there is someone rude like that, just hit him if you can kick him so he doesn't

act badly on you."

"Did you hear our conversation?"

"Of course,"

Felia looked at her shopping bag to make sure the items she bought were still in good condition. "Your order is safe, sir," she said with a sigh of relief, turned to the man who was standing not far from her side, and smiled politely.

"And you still care about my order?"

"Of course, later I won't be trusted anymore if something happens to your order."

The man seemed to be shaking his head because he couldn't stop thinking about Felia. If most women took care of their safety and appearance in this situation, it was different from that of the woman.

"Then, let's go home. Don't get the attention of other people too much,"

"Fine, sorry, Mr. Sam."


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