Offers And Kisses

Following his orders earlier and a word that resembled an agreement that Leo would cook dinner for Felia tonight, they were already sitting right on the dining table and staring at each other. The man waits for a comment from someone across from him, and the woman who is busy chewing the salmon chunks into her mouth.

"What is this, sir?" asked Felia who managed to swallow the chew, the salmon hit the wall of her throat and went straight into the body's digestive tract.

Raised an eyebrow, hey what kind of question is that? "Obviously what you're eating is salmon, can salmon be tenderloin, so why are you asking?" Leo asked with a laugh. He reached for a glass of red wine, according to his request. Sipping slowly without taking his eyes off Felia, he enjoyed the delicious aroma of alcohol wafting in his mouth.

"Oh, that's not what I meant, sir. What is the name of this dish? Sorry, I don't know." said Felia who gave a more detailed explanation of her multi-meaning words, explaining so that others would not misunderstand the topic of her conversation.

Leo nodded his head, understanding Felia's question. "So it's called grilled salmon with creamy truffle carbonara sauce. It feels good? Or is there something missing? I haven't cooked in a long time because I've been busy with a lot of office work. Usually, Bara cooks for me," he said.

"Why is the name so difficult? But the taste is amazing. How can a President Director like you cook? I mean, some men in this world would be reluctant to be told to cook." Felia commented, confused.

Leo shrugged. "Yeah, let's just say I'm different,"

"Then you'd better teach me how to cook with this good taste," Felia answered with a cheerful smile.

Leo looked at Felia. Their eyes still met, colliding with each other. There was an expression of sincerity and innocence behind Felia's exquisite eyes. "So you think our meeting will be the third time and so on?" he asked, raising and lowering his eyebrows, even he had put on a silly smile.

"What? I don't mean it like that, ah, talking to you is very confusing, sir. I always don't understand what we are talking about, it will be awkward." said Felia as she cut the salmon back and put it in her mouth. Chew slowly, tasting every inch of the deliciousness. Hey, no, she's not exaggerating this! Just try to prove how delicious this food sensation is, not to mention the one who cooks the food is Luis who incidentally is the richest President Director.

"I want to take you on vacation to Paris, how about it?"

Almost choking, Felia immediately grabbed a glass of cold mineral water that had been provided earlier. Swallow slowly to allow food hanging in the throat to pass to proper digestion. "Don't be crazy, sir. I'm nothing to you and vice versa," she said, wiping the corners of her lips where there were drops of water, then put the glass back in its place.

Leo shrugged, he didn't care about that. The important thing is that he knows and already knows that Felia is a good woman. "You know that I will never accept a rejection, no matter how small," he said as he stuffed the piece of salmon into his mouth. If the food is cooked by yourself, of course, the delicacy that Felia said is not reflected in his tongue.

The habit factor makes a person normal but does not reduce his passion, which has always been a hobby of cooking.

"No need sir. Do you think going to Paris is cheap? You always spend money on me without thinking about it,"

"Let it go, let's just say I made you a date after Azrell, how about it?"

Going abroad is the dream of many people, including Felia. But considering that Azrell had also been in a relationship with this man before her, it was a very troubling thing.

"No need, later Ica will be hostile to me just because of a man like you."

"What? That's good. You lost a greedy woman, and got a man like me."

Leo looked at Felia's face. Whenever he offered something that sounded luxurious to Felia, a doubtful expression would appear on the woman's face. He does have a bad habit, which is like wasting money and going abroad many times while refreshing.

Slowly, immersed in this conversation, each of their plates became empty. And yes, as usual, Leo finished his dinner with a glass of red wine.

"Next time, sir, I have work to be responsible for," said Felia with a small smile. She grabbed the napkin that was in her lap and wiped the corners of her lips. She finished dinner today, then got up from her seat when she saw Leo who also did the same thing with her.

"Then I will allow it to your master, Mr. Sam, right?"

"Ah, how troublesome it is not to do what you want, sir."

"I told you, it's better to accept and consider my offer a gift from God."

Leo saw Felia's frowning face while she was arranging the dirty dishes. So, is it true what Bara said that this woman is very good friends with housework? very perfect.

No need to look for a woman who has a charming face, look for a woman who can do all her obligations when having a household relationship.

Because a smooth physical capital alone can not guarantee to be the best. Because the best must be measured from all aspects, not just from the face.

Seeing Felia who started walking towards the sink to wash dirty dishes at once so as not to pile up. Leo put the napkin on the table, then rose from his seat holding the glasses he and the woman were using. Stepped up to Felia, then put the glass in the sink.

"I'm waiting on the weekend, don't refuse."

He had four days off, meaning he had two workdays and one weekend left. He had two days to await their journey on his private jet.


"No refusal, to Paris with me, or I will visit your house every day?"

"Oh come on, isn't there a better offer? like 'you better stay at home, and I won't bother you anymore' doesn't that sound simpler?"

"Felia, if you teach me about simplicity, I'll teach you everything about luxury. Balanced, right?"

Leo looked at Felia, the woman seemed to be deep in thought. Ah, he feels like laughing because only Felia thought a hundred times about accepting his offer. In the past, when he was with Azrell, the woman who was always whining was taken abroad. He never offered it for free, unlike what he did to this woman.

"I'll think about it, sir. I want to wash the dishes first, the movie is about to start. You'd better wait,"

Leo didn't flinch, not moving at all from the footing next to Felia's. Made the woman feel strange, and turned her head even to the point of having to turn her body so that she could look at him.

"Is there anything else you want to talk about, sir?" asked Felia with a raised eyebrow, she gave a small smile.

As for Leo? he was now looking at Felia, still looking at the woman with... I don't know, with a look that was difficult to interpret.


(sweet kiss)

For the second time today, Leo's sexy lips began to land on those thin lips. She crushed it very gently, and when Felia didn't give her access to his tongue, she immediately bit the inside of her lip a little.

"Aww sir, it hurts." Felia groaned because now her inner lips were sore. Of course, it was her first time and she wasn't used to kissing.

Leo pulled back his smile, then let go of their lips. "Thanks for distracting me from Azrell," he muttered, holding both sides of Felia's sharp jaw. He wiped the traces of saliva that had remained on the corner of the woman's mouth, then lowered his hand. As if it wasn't a big problem.

"Finish your work, I will wait for you while watching another television show." he continued as he turned around, walking towards the mattress which was already looking bumpy because he had been on it before.

As for Felia? she immediately moved her eyes. 'Stupid, why not fight back?' she asked herself. She cursed her stupidity for feeling hypnotized by Leo's treatment just now who kissed his lips without permission. Are men always like that?

"Don't make me addicted to him," she muttered under her breath that sounded light. She really can't describe when his kiss was taken for the second time by Leo, sadly it was so intoxicating, my God!

"I heard what you said, Fe."

Leo of course heard what Felia was muttering, because the not too big and quiet room made it seem as if the words were bouncing into his ears.

"Oh my God, don't eavesdrop!"

"Who are you talking to? When you talk to yourself and others who hear it, of course, it's not eavesdropping."

"The same!"

"So what did you just say?"

Leo likes to flirt with women in a playful way, not in a mature sense. Especially seeing Felia whose cheeks are now red from embarrassment with her own words.

"No, I didn't say anything."

"About my lip addiction? Don't worry when we meet, my sexy lips will never be absent from yours."

"Why are you so fussy, sir?"

Leo looked at Felia who had put the clean plates on the shelf, but with a clumsy movement. Then the tiny body turned around, clearly visible like the face of a boiled crab.

"No one dares to call me fussy, Fe."

"Yeah, because I'm a different woman."

"If you were different, surely you would never fall for the classic seduction that I launched for you."

Unmoved, Leo watched as the woman's body stiffened like he had shot Felia on target.

"No, of course, I didn't fall. The proof is that I'm still standing tall now."

Leo chuckled, for some reason maybe Felia had a little talent for joking. "So you want to taste my lips again?"

"No sir! How annoying you are,"


"Apart from being annoying, you're also talkative and push yourself."

"Then be careful not to fall for my charms, Felia," Leo answered in a low voice.


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