Mood Difference

"Nothing is cheap, already ah, don't talk about unimportant things. Just do your business like swimming, see you later."


(phone call ends)

Felia stared at her cellphone screen, she raised her eyebrows when she heard a call that was no longer connected. She sighed, Leo was annoying.

Glancing around the backyard of the man with the title of the richest man in the world, Felia's eyes lit up with joy. When she was at Azrell's house, of course, the woman didn't have a swimming pool in the backyard because she thought it was useless. After all, the house was old and uninhabited. So, yes, she never swam except when a few years ago she went to the pool alone.

Felia walked over to the table beside the wooden chair. Doing a little muscle stretching —warm-up— to avoid unwanted injury, her mouth kept muttering the numbers one to eight along with various warm-up movements.

After five minutes, she was finally ready to swim. But let the sweat on her forehead be swept away by the wind first.

"Miss, need something?"

One of the maidservants, who was older than Felia, suddenly stood not far from her footing. Staring at her with a very polite look, ah yes, don't forget the warm smile on her face.

"Hm, I'd like a warm drink. Do you have any recommendations for that?" she asks who took the pose like she is deep in thought, now changes her pose like she is confused.

The maid nodded her head as if she knew very well what Felia needed. Considering it was still early and it was a request from her master's lover, she knew very well what drink to provide.

"I highly recommend the wassail as a drink and I'll be bringing the alfajores as a snack," she said while reviewing a sweet smile, she was indeed very good at recommending something to people who asked it. Because she is like just a waitress and in this mansion, some baristas are experts in making various kinds of drinks from other countries and also have a reliable chef.

//For your information; wassail is a drink from England, this drink is vinegar flavored. Because this drink is made from a mixture of apple cider vinegar, orange, lemon, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Of course, this drink has a fresh and sweet taste and this drink can warm the body so it is very suitable to be consumed with crunchy cookies.//

//For your information; Alfajores Originally from Argentina. These round biscuits are served year-round with a cup of coffee or tea. The shape is in the form of two crispy biscuits filled with a special sweet jam in the middle.//

Nodding her head, agreeing with what the maid said. Even though she can be said to be a slightly outdated woman, of course, she still knows the food and drink menu because Mr. Sam always likes to introduce various names of food and drinks to her and is even asked to practice making them. "Then, okay. But ready in half an hour, I want to swim for a long time first, afraid the heat will go away," she says.

The maid bowed slightly politely, "Very well, Miss. I will convey Miss's wishes to the barista, good morning, excuse me." she says.

After seeing a small nod and a clear and sincere thank you leave Felia's mouth, the maid immediately turned around and headed back to the mansion.

It felt like a royal queen with maids always offering this and that without bothering to ask for it. "Cool, looks like my childhood dream is coming true now. Being in a palace, with luxurious service," she muttered with a small laugh.

She remembered once when she was a child, she liked to dream of becoming a queen with a beautiful crown perched on her head. Don't forget if she ever imagined being picked up by a prince on a white horse, handsome and charming.

Did all of her childhood dreams of living in poverty, start to come true today by becoming all rich?

"Come on Felia, don't think too much about all this. Leo won't be able to accommodate you here for long, better find a job as soon as possible even if it's impossible to accept."

Have not tried already pessimistic, have not tried already know the answer. Want to give up, that's how it should be.

"Why did it have to end like this? Why did Azrell have to hate me? I did my best but I was cruelly insulted, huh."

She positioned her body on the edge of the pool, then looked at the water which looked blue because the reflection of the tiles matched the color of the water illustration.


Felia's body went into the swimming pool, soaking her body which was still wearing Leo's clothes. She is not used to showing her body to swim with just a bikini appearance, she also feels uncomfortable if someone sees her even though the person is of the same gender as her.

The coldness of the pool water that Leo hardly ever touched —except on weekends, when men had free time— began to permeate every nerve cell in Felia's body. Gives a refreshing sensation.


Besides that ...

Azrell entered her study without a smile, her expression flat, implying a very hurt look. She put her tote bag right on the table and walked to the other side of the table to reach for the frame she always put there. She snorted when she saw the woman in the same photo frame as her, it was Felia.

She thought that she had someone who could provide support, she even let Felia come and set foot in Leo's stately home. Was this kindness still not able to make her feel the kindness she deserved too?

Her free left hand began to clench tightly, her eyes reddened, she snorted. "Bitch!" She cried, throwing the photo frame in her hand so hard it shattered to the floor, shattering.

She didn't know how else to deal with all this. Walking over to one of the bookshelves in this room, she picked up a book as thin as a magazine. It was a gift from Leo to her, the man's handwork.

In the past, Leo had told Azrell something like;

'If I go too far and don't come back, you can show me this book.'

'If I stay away because of someone new, please remind me of this too.'


Azrell, who seemed to be focused on her laptop screen, didn't even notice that a man had entered her workspace. Have landed your ass on the study couch, who else besides Leo?

The man who had lived in her heart for almost a month, together with the beautiful memories that had gathered into a series of memories.

"Ehem!" coughs.

That baritone voice finally broke Azrell's focal point. She turned to the source of the voice and saw a man who was already sitting nicely with his hands behind his back.

"Oh dear, sorry I'm focusing on my work."

"No problem, I have something for you."

"And . . . what's wrong, honey?"

As the question was being asked, Azrell started walking towards Leo whose hands were behind his back, as if hiding something he wanted to give.

"Come closer,"

Azrell landed her ass right next to the man, then raised an eyebrow, waiting for the next words to come out of her lover's mouth.

"Surprise! I have something special for you." Leo said as he held out what was in his hand. He handed him a thin book with a bouquet of roses from behind.

Seeing that, of course, Azrell was surprised. Taking the bouquet first and then inhaling the fragrance slowly, she liked being treated so romantically like this. Putting down the bouquet, then reaching for the book Leo had given her. "And this, what is this?" she asked, looking at the man beside her with a curious expression on her face.

Leo just kept quiet, as if he didn't want to tell her about this book. Inevitably, Azrell slowly opened it.

"Make this a companion for yourself, sorry for always making you wait for me."

"But I hope we can have a baby one day."

Throwback off

In silence, a slanted smile that looks cynical began to appear clearly on the surface of Azrell's face. She knew how to take Leo back, and throw Felia away. How could a person whom she had helped with 1000's of good, destroy her with only 1 evil? Wouldn't it be natural for her to take revenge?

Whoever started the problem with her, surely that person must have felt how painful it was to be in this position.

"If there's a trigger, it can bring things back to how they were, right?"

Azrell understands very well that deep down Leo still has a place for her. The man is just selfish because he is busy looking for the perfect one. Hey, everyone has a bad past, right? Being a woman who likes to be worn by many men, yes that's Azrell's bad past.

Walked to her work chair, then landed her ass there. It has one key link, and yes the success rate is around 70% out of 100%.

She immediately put the thin book into her tote bag. When she finished, she just sat quietly and sighed. "It's a beautiful day," she muttered.

Stretching her numb hand, she immediately took a compact powder to re-polish her beautiful face because now her makeup was almost erased because she felt the tightness that invited tears to fall down her cheeks.

"If I cry now, maybe tomorrow Felia's next," she says.

Every love must always make a person feel what true happiness means, but on the one hand, she feels the destruction when the expression 'falling' in true love feels so painful.

So, this is the different mood between Azrell and Felia.


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