This Is Not a Meeting

"I haven't said yes or no, sir."

"Do I need your refusal?"

Felia looked at Leo with a piercing gaze, she was very annoyed that he was always asking her for a decision about their weekend flying by private jet to Paris. The reason, she feels bad because Leo always spends money on her. Ate at an expensive restaurant, paid for her total monthly shopping, and now she's being invited to a foreign country like she's been taken to an ice cream shop? It's that easy, isn't it for rich people who want to spend money?

"But sir, there are more important things to do with your money than take me on vacation."

"What? Orphanage foundations, health foundations, aid for the underprivileged, I've done everything with my money. But in fact, I still have a lot of money. So what's wrong with me asking you to go to Paris?"

Now, as planned this morning. They were already in the car, even their seat belts were neatly fastened on each other's bodies. At first, Felia didn't want to come because she only wore a Leo t-shirt and men's tight shorts, but the man said she looked like a beautiful woman without looking too much.

It seems that Leos are very good at getting other people back to their confidence level.

"No, nothing's wrong. You'd better start the car because it's getting late,"

Leo turned to Felia, then leaned toward the woman.


(kissing sound)

A sweet kiss landed on Felia's cheek, making the woman immediately smile shyly with her chest feeling like there were millions of butterflies choking her chest cavity.

Meeting Leo was a stroke of luck because together with this man who is the Richest CEO, we can be sure that all needs will be met.

But, Felia as a simple woman always instilled a feeling of restlessness because she had never troubled anyone in her entire life.

Leo chuckled, then immediately obeyed what Felia said. The sports car began to drive away from the yard of the house until it arrived at a busy street because honestly, it was time to go home from work. Public and private vehicles are certainly seen jostling on the asphalt of London.


Felia called Leo because she was a bit awkward with the behavior of the man who had kissed her a few minutes ago. She seemed to feel a strange swish, ah don't fall in love.

Because sometimes, falling in love doesn't take a longer approach. There is love at first sight, even for a very short time, one can feel love.

Leo without turning his head, cleared his throat as if answering Felia's call. He was too focused on the highway in front of him, afraid that even slightly averting his gaze would be disastrous.

"Yeah, what's wrong? want another kiss on your cheek or your lips?"

"E-eh?" Felia's cheeks turned red again. How could Leo say that to an innocent girl like her! "Of course not, sir. Ah I feel wrong, can I just turn the music on so it's not too quiet?" she continued while asking about it. She didn't mean to talk about that intoxicating kiss, huh.

Leo raised his eyebrows, he was confused with Felia. Women like to ask about things that are not appropriate to ask whether it is okay or not. "Of course you can, why do you always ask?" answer.

Felia grimaced slightly, as she had gotten used to permission beforehand. It feels like a thief to do bad things to something that belongs to someone else. "Ah, to sound more polite, sir," she said with a faint smile that Leo would never see because the man was now focused on the road.

Leo furrowed his brows. "How many times have I told you that it's enough to just call me by name without 'Sir'?" he said, rebuking Felia. It felt strange if the woman who was close to him was called 'Master or Sir' (same).

"I'm not comfortable, it's better to use the 'Sir' call. Yes, because you don't have a special relationship with me that removes the 'Sir' call from before your name." Felicia said.

What if later in public, she was seen talking to Leo people heard her? There was no news of any closeness about them, but then in the minds of others, she was a discourteous woman for calling a gentleman in the absence of 'Master'.

"Then it's me who feels bad."

"Why, sir?"

"Does a potential lover still call me by such a very strange nickname?"


Arriving at the shopping center...

"So what should I choose?"

Felia didn't understand at all why Leo would take her to a shop with such a high price tag for just one top?

"Yeah it's up to you, I'm just a walking bank for you," he said while flashing a warm smile with his right hand stretched out to gently caress the top of Felia's head, he was really sincere in buying all the necessities his woman needed.

Wait, his woman? he didn't even state anything to be in a relationship with that woman.

Felia pursed her lips. No matter how much she protested, Leo had to be stubborn and put her needs before his own money.

Alright, maybe she should get used to all the luxuries Leo gives her. Little by little she walked towards the row of shirts, of course, while looking at the price tags.

Leo who saw that chuckled lightly, for the population of women like Felia was very rare. "Why are you looking at the price tag? It's better to look for clothes you like, not clothes at a price," he says.

Felia gasped, my goodness she was blushing again. Feeling silly about what she did. "A-ah, sir. Not seeing the price tag, I just wanted to take this outfit, this one," she said as she grabbed the shirt casually, she didn't even see how it was designed.

"Are you sure you want to buy that one?"

"Sure, my eyes are on this shirt."

Still trying to hold back laughter so as not to sound thunderous which of course will bring a lot of choking screams from the women who listen to it. He looked at Felia as if to ask 'are you serious?' with his facial movements.

Felia nodded. In Leo's eyes, choosing wrong, but not choosing even more wrong. "What's the matter, sir? I was wrong again, didn't I?" she asked.

Leo shook his head, he felt Felia should see what she took at this time. "Look at your hands, Fe. You were so unfocused that you chose that?"

Raising an eyebrow, Felia began to slowly lower her gaze. With perfect wide eyes, she picked up lingerie. Both of her cheeks immediately flushed red, it feels very embarrassed especially if she imagines if she wears it. Oh no, that sounds disgusting. "Ah sorry I don't know, huh," she said, quickly putting the lingerie back on the hanger beside her.

Leo chuckled, then raised his eyebrows. He also imagined what Felia's body would look like when wearing lingerie, it must be very beautiful. "Just buy it, Fe. I have no problem, especially if you wear it," he said while showing a lopsided smile with a million meanings.

Her cheeks were flushed, maybe redder than boiled crab. "Oh, don't be a pervert, sir. I didn't take clothes like that on purpose. And I would never want to wear them if I had one." she says. She shuddered at the thought of the cold air of the air conditioner penetrating her deepest skin because she was wearing lingerie.

"No, I'm just suggesting it. Usually, women like to wear sexy clothes like that,"

"But not with me, sir."

Felia snorted, then walked back leaving Leo who was still staring at her intently. She saw a row of clothes with various models. Then her eyes fell on the dress without a motif alias plain, which has a white color. Looks simple, but elegant.

"Sir, can I--"

"Just take it if you like it, Fe. I'll pay for everything later, you just have to choose what you like."

Suddenly, a baritone voice sounded right in Felia's ears. Suddenly she was a little surprised because Leo's presence was very unexpected. After all, the man was behind her.

"Eh? Sir."

Leo smiled.


Another soft kiss landed on Felia's forehead, then without a guilty face as if nothing had happened, Leo walked away. He also wants to go shopping, buy expensive clothes that have always been his favorite.

As for Felia? Her heartfelt like it was going to fall out of place at this moment. She didn't expect Leo's presence to have such a big impact on her life, including her mood.

"That sucks," she muttered. She tried to control every breath she took so that the blush on her cheeks could disappear without shame because so many pairs of eyes were glancing at her with envy, including women.

She immediately took the clothes she wanted. Now and then, she wants to wear a dress to look more feminine.

She took another step back, looking around when she didn't see the still reachable Leo in her sight.

"Loh, where is Mr. Leo?"

Just muttering such a question to herself, Felia's eyes immediately found Leo talking to a woman.

She fixed her gaze, as her eyes couldn't see it. Was it because of her blurry eyes —Felia doesn't know— or her eyesight was wrong?


Yes, Felia saw Leo who was talking to Azrell.


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