Chapter 5- Slight Encounter

I made it to the mall that was in the upper class section. It was the closest to my location. When I entered I saw a bunch of young ladies wearing flashy and expensive items.

'My eyes' I thought squinting slightly as I made my way through the people

I was receiving judgemental and disgusted glances, but I ignored them and made my way to the art store. I chose expensive paint supplies because I want it to last long.

Next I tried to find a store with toothbrushes and necessities, but all I could find were clothes, jewelry, shoes, and more fancy stores 

'Sigh, I guess I'll have to stop by a convenience store on the way back' I thought begrudgingly while entering a random clothes store

One of the employees came to me

"can I help you" She plastered on a fake smile but her eyes roamed my entire body analyzing my worth

She seemed to brush me off at first, but her years of experience allowed her to see my confidence and the way I presented myself 

'She's probably a rich lady going under cover. I shouldn't get on her bad side' The employee thought removing the disgusted look from her eyes

I looked at her in approval before shaking my head no. The employee seemed ready to retort but held her tongue and smiled

"If you need anything I'll be over there" She pointed off to the side and retreated from my form

'I thought the people in this world would be stupid and basic from my experience with the book. Though it seems this world is more realistic than I thought. It's good I realized this early on. I don't want to underestimate anyone' I glanced at the woman and made my way to the comfier clothes section 

'I'm surprised there are even clothes like this in here' I though holding up a pair of black sweatpants 

For the next couple of minutes I stacked up on sweatpants, legging, oversized sweatshirts and t-shirts, crop tops, underwear, bras, and surprisingly I found fluffy socks

Most in black, grey, white, and some in dark blue or red

'Fluffy socks. The most heaven sent item of clothing ever made' I thought happily

I tried the clothes on and then brought them to the cashier

The lady at the front desk was about to make a snarky comment, but the glares sent from the employee who spoke to me shut her up and she silently went to work

"1k please" She said

'Huh, it's not as much as I thought. Probably because I got the cheapest clothes in the store' I thought paying for the clothes

"Back off, bitch!" I heard a shout and turned to see two ladies fighting over an expensive looking bag


'Isn't this the cliche drama event for rich people' I thought curious 

Never seen one in real life

I ignored the drama and finished purchasing and made my way through the large crowd. I tried to open the door but my hands were full and I couldn't really move with all these people close together

I was about to say something when the door in front of me opened

"Thank you" I didn't wait and walked through 

"Your welcome " A silky masculine voice answered

"Gabriel!!. Come help your sister win this fight!"

I heard a sigh and when I turned around all I caught was a glimpse of light orange hair disappearing into the crowd

I shrugged and didn't think anything of it and left the mall

Time skip 

On the way home I stopped to get the necessities and then snuck back in the way I came out.

I put away and organized the clothes.

When I was done I went to the laptop that I also bought.

'I should learn about this world I thought signing into the laptop

After 10 minutes I figured out the important details 

Currently I am residing in city Z where the ML, Aaron, and the rest of the story mostly takes place. This is the richest city other than City A.

Ceilia's designer company is one of the richest companies in the city and of course the ML has to be omnipotent, so his company is the richest.

I know more, but it's not needed since I'm barely gonna go out.

I sighed while stretching my back and set up my art equipment on the balcony 

I stroked the brush across the canvas elegantly like I've been painting my entire life. The cool breeze brushing against me and my hair flowing along with it. The moonlight shining on me illuminating my presence.

I've been waiting so long to finally paint again and it feels amazing.

I wasn't even processing what I was creating and just let my hand and mind wander in synch

An hour past when I finally let my hand drop. On the canvas was a beautiful image of a girl's silhouette holding out her arms letting the moon's light shine down on her. Shackles on her wrists and ankles that have been broken. Standing on a hill alone with flowers blooming everywhere and feathers float around her shining in the light. 

Representing the freedom and independence she gained