Chapter 6: The maid

*knock  *knock*

"Miss" A hesitant voice called from the door

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the door. I already sensed her before she knocked on the door.

I didn't answer and waited for her to continue

"Um, I have brought breakfast. On the request of the Madam"

'So they call her Madam. Father probably forbid them from calling Mother the Mistress' I though getting up

I opened the door revealing a cute and thin maid with brown hair and dark green eyes.

I lifted my head up to meet her eyes and just stared.

The maid shifted uncomfortably before seemingly getting herself together

"May I come in, Miss" The maid asked

I stared at her for a second before stepping aside and waited till she entered before closing it after her.

I followed behind her and sat on the couch on the other side of the room. She placed the food down and got a plate ready for me.

I was analyzing her every move and nodded my head in thanks when she was done.


For some reason the maid blushed a deep scarlet

I tilted my head confused, which seemed to make her blush a darker shade

'Am I that cute or something' I thought

"I-is there anything else, Miss"

"Jasmine" I stated before taking a bite of the food

'Good!' I thought happily but on the outside stayed emotionless 

"W-What?" The maid stuttered confused

I ignored her and let her figure it out on her own

"Do you want me to call you Jasmine?" The maid finally asked

I didn't say anything but glanced at her and nodded

She stood in silence as I finished my food and then cleaned up my plate. I gave her the tray and waited for her to leave.

It took a second but she understood what I wanted and left quietly.

After she shut the door I made my way to the closet and put on a black crop top and black sweatpants.

I pulled my long black hair into a low ponytail and exited the room. I wandered the house and eventually found the library. I took a bunch of fantasy books and brought them up to my room.

'I need something to do' I thought sitting on the bed and opening up the first book

Hours past and I finished a few books before I went over to the easel. Before I could start painting there was a knock on the door.

"Jasmine, Alyssa wants to speak with you"

'Oh! I forgot, Alyssa wanted to chat with Jasmine the day after she arrived but was turned down'

I debated whether to talk with her or not. I want to paint, but it wouldn't hurt for a small chat I guess.

I sigh and open my door. The Maid from earlier was standing beside Alyssa who had a gentle smile. I gestured for her to come in and nodded a greeting at the maid. 

Alyssa and I took a seat opposite of each other on the couches.

"Are you settled in?" She asked gently

I nodded

She smiled at my non-verbal reply

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to my mom's company with me. We can get to know each other as well" 

I paused

This is the day when Alyssa meets Aaron for the second time. Their first meeting was short, but it left an impression on him. Alyssa went to the mall to get a new wardrobe and stopped when she noticed a child crossing the street, but a car was still driving. Alyssa reacted fast and dragged the child to her side of the street and the car skidded to a halt. When a cold and handsome man exited the car she glared angrily at him and scolded him for not watching the road. His driver was about to say something but Aaron silenced him and examined Alyssa. He was surprised to see such fire in the young ladies eyes that it intrigued him.

You know the typical "interesting"

Alyssa ignored him and brought the child to his mother before immediately leaving.

Alyssa asked her mom if she could work in her company. Ceilia was skeptical if her daughter was ready, but decided to give her a chance. Today is going to be her first day of work and it also happens to be the day when Aaron's company is organizing a collaboration with her mom's.

I'm not gonna go, but I hope Alyssa is okay with Aaron. I don't particularly like the way he acts with Alyssa. He is the normal cold, indifferent, and powerful guy in many novels. Though he is also just as jealous, possessive, and clingy as one. He doesn't want her talking with other guys, gets annoyed when she doesn't listen to him, and what's worse is that Alyssa doesn't even mention it in the books.

'I've only just met her, but if I see any toxic relationship going on then I'm having a talk with both of them' I thought seriously

I come out of my thoughts and shake my head no at Alyssa's offer. She sighs and seems to have expected my answer.

'Good, if she knows how I think than she won't bother with me that much'

"That's fine. I'll see you later " She smiles getting up, but suddenly stops and stares behind me

Behind me is the painting I did yesterday hanging on the wall

She slowly walked toward it and ran her hand down it. Alyssa was quiet.

"Did you paint this?" She asked

I was wondering why it mattered but nodded my head yes.

She turned around with a bright genuine smile 

"It's beautiful. You have an amazing gift" 

I stared at her with blank eyes, but for whatever reason I can't understand she smiled at me once more

After a few seconds she started to walk towards the door 

"Jasmine" She called

I looked at her in question 

"I just want you to know. That you shouldn't listen to the orders of others and have more confidence in yourself. I already consider you a sister so if there is anything I'll be there" She smiled before leaving

That would have been nice and all if I didn't know the future.

'You say that now, but that contradicts everything you did in the book. You barely even tried to get along with Jasmine and the only reason we could have this talk is because I'm not her. Also you say you'll be there, but Jasmine still died early on and not to mention alone. Where were you when she was being mugged and bleeding out. What happened when you practically forgot about her after she died. Oh, Alyssa. You're still naive in the way you speak. You say you consider me a sister, but easily forgot she existed when you were too caught up in your revenge. I'll help you when your in need, but don't expect me to treat you like a sister so easily' I thought with my eyes lowered and red eyes glowing menacingly