Chapter 7: Walk

Alyssa P.O.V

I left Jasmine's room in happiness. I feel like we can be sisters and her painting skills are amazing. I'm happy that she has something that she likes.

I lowered my eyes when I heard the servants gossiping.

"The illegitimate children are so spoiled and rotten"

"Yeah, Cynthia is such a demanding brat"

"I've been a servant long enough to notice the scheming in Rose's eyes"

"Not to mention their mother. How disgusting she is to show up in Madam Ceilia's house"

"I wonder why she even stays with that pig"

The servants continue to bad mouth the family until, 

"U-um lady Jasmine isn't bad" I grow interested and peak out

The maid that served Jasmine is blushing and nervously playing with her apron 

"Now that you mention it, when they first arrived she greeted us and said thanks when I brought up her luggage"

"I haven't heard of her doing anything either"

"She stays in her room, what happened when you brought her breakfast, Kiki"

"She doesn't talk much but her voice is beautiful and she treated me like an equal. She requested I call her by her name. Oh! Also I saw a painting on the wall that I think she painted. It was beautiful" Kiki gushed happily about Jasmine

The other servants listened interested 

" I guess she is different from her family"

"Yeah, maybe she won't be bad"

I smile when I realized Jasmine has won over the servants without her knowing

'Don't worry Jasmine. I'll let you live freely from your mothers control' I thought determined before leaving for the company

Jasmine P.O.V 

I finished my painting after a couple hours. It was a field of flowers with me as my past two year old self laying with my back against the ground. My hair scattered around me with a toothy smile, and I was looking up happily at the bright blue sky. My carefree self was in a white sundress and was barefoot.

I cleaned up and hung the painting next to the other.

I needed to start working out so I stretch before doing push-ups, squats, sit-ups, and pull-ups using the trim of the door to the bathroom. Which worked out my grip at the same time.

After 10 minutes I was already exhausted and lay on the ground, my chest rising rapidly.

'It'll be tough but if I do this everyday and slowly add more, than I can get stronger quickly' I thought pushing myself up and dragging myself to the shower

After the shower I sat at the desk and started to make a schedule

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, I'll workout for 10 minutes and then go through my martial art katas in the morning and afternoon. Then take a break on Saturday and Sunday.

I put the piece of paper in the desk drawer and squinted my eyes at the sunlight shining through my huge doors. I walked out onto the balcony and breathed in the fresh air before looking at the backyard.

On the left side was a beautiful flower garden with a greenhouse

'I should take a walk with the beautiful weather and I've always loved flowers' I thought

I stared at the tree I jumped to last time before looking around for anyone

I jumped from the ledge and did the same thing as before and climbed down the tree.

I put my hands in my pocket and walked towards the greenhouse.

I entered and was astonished by the beauty of it. It looked like it came out of a fairytale. I breathed in and ran my hand gently against the flowers as I walked farther in.

I soon stopped when a servant caught my eye. He was an elderly man trimming the roses. Though my instinct told me he was more and I always listened to it. I walked towards him and he seemed to hear me and turned around. He was surprised to see me, but I just crouched next to him and stared at the roses.

"Beautiful, aren't they" He seemed to finally say as he continued to trim them

I nodded my head and watched him

"Your Jasmine, right" He inquired

I stared at him for a second

"Yes" I said with no emotion 

He was a little put off with my tone, but smiled grandfatherly 

"William" He said with a sad glint in his eyes

I was confused, but ignored him and got up to look around more and left after a while

William P.O.V

I came to my daughter's estate to see how she was dealing with the news, but knowing my daughter she probably already knew of his affair and didn't care enough to do anything about it.

I caught up with her and missed my granddaughter as she already left for the company 

I decided to do my usual when I'm here and trim the roses, but didn't expect one of Jack's children to show up and crouch next to me.

She just stared at the roses and ignored me. She had black hair and red eyes. She resembles my old friend. Jack's Uncle, the only reason I allowed that pig to marry my daughter. Before he betrayed me.

'This must be Jasmine. I heard the servants gossiping about how she's the only nice one of the children' I finished my thought and got back to trimming the roses 

I saw her staring longingly at the roses and smiled

"Beautiful, aren't they" I said

She nodded and started to watch me trim them

I wanted to make sure she was Jasmine and asked her

"Yes" She said emotionless 

I was put off by her tone and looked at her more. I couldn't read anything.

"William" I smiled 

'She must of went through something for her to be able to hide her emotions and thoughts' I thought sadly

She looked at me and for some reason I got the feeling it was curiosity. She got up and left after looking around.

"Unique, isn't she" I heard my daughter's voice and turned to see Ceilia standing behind me looking were Jasmine left

"Yes, She must have went through something with the way she acts" I continued to trim

Ceilia is silent for a while before looking at me

"Alyssa speaks highly of her. She seems to like her and I have come to understand her position in her family" She spoke and I could detect some malice, but not for Jasmine

I looked at her curiously 

"Her mother and sisters order her around and control what she does. Alyssa has told me that she wants to help her, but my daughter is still inexperienced or she would have already noticed" She said and turned to leave

"What do you mean" I asked facing the roses

"That the rose is starting to grow and the thorns are sharper than ever"