
This was the kingdom of shadow. The place was shrouded in darkness and gloom, the shadows almost palpable in the oppressive and suffocating atmosphere. Despite the eerie ambiance, it was also alluring and mysterious.

However, Shirou was not interested in exploring this mystery at the moment. He had been beaten and bruised, and had "died" 21 times. He lay on the ground, feeling like a dead fish, and had no desire to get up.

The woman who had inexplicably invaded his dream and "killed" him 21 times was now squatting next to him, tickling his nose with a flower.

"Ah-choo!" Shirou sneezed.

"Looks like you've recovered," the woman said in a gentle tone, throwing the flower away and standing up. "Let's get up and continue."

However, this gentle tone sounded like a devil to Shirou.

"What a joke!" he exclaimed. "I haven't recovered yet. I don't want to get up!" Shirou grabbed the grass on the ground with both hands and refused to get up, no matter what.

If he got up, he would definitely be tortured by this woman again.

"I've never taught such a disobedient disciple before," the woman laughed softly, showing no sign of anger and spoke in a gentle tone, like an older sister next door.

"I never said I wanted to be your disciple!" Shirou looked up at the woman's beautiful face and couldn't help but smile wryly.

The woman stood before Shirou, her striking figure commanding attention. Her straight, waist-length purple hair flowed like a waterfall of lavender, cascading down her curvaceous body which was accentuated by her revealing purple-black leather armor. In her hands, she held two bright red short spears, their pointed tips glinting menacingly. But it was her eyes that truly captivated Shirou, a pair of striking red orbs that seemed to pierce into his very soul.

Shirou wryly thought to himself that this woman must be the mistress of the Land of Shadows in Celtic mythology, Scathach. A woman who had lived from the time of the gods until now.

But how could this woman appear in the real world? Why did she suddenly appear in his dream? And to top it off, she started talking about teaching him and then proceeded to violently attack and kill him 21 times. Fortunately, it was just a dream, or else he would have really died.

"How did you enter my dream, Shishou?" Shirou asked, his frustration palpable. He had hoped to leave Fuyuki City in just two days and escape the Fourth Holy Grail War, and he had even managed to change Sakura's fate while preserving his own life. He should have been able to sleep soundly, shouldn't he? But instead, this woman had entered his dream and beaten him up for no reason.

"Shishou? Is that how people in your time address their mentor?" Scathach blinked in surprise before smiling gently. "But I don't mind it."


That was just pure terminology.

Shirou knew that this was all wrong. Scathach was clearly a violent person in disguise as a beautiful girl. How else could she have so easily killed a cute six-year-old boy 21 times?

"Entering your dream is quite simple," Scathach laughed charmingly, her voice gentle and soothing, like a breeze. "It's a type of magic you're not familiar with."

"If you're well-rested, then rise and continue training with me," Scathach urged.

Shirou had a bitter expression on his face. "I'm just a child, please let me go."

"Fighting has nothing to do with age," Scathach laughed.

"But I'm just a small bird, Shishou. It's better for you to find other experts," Shirou said bitterly. The feeling of being killed again and again was a great punishment for Shirou, who just wanted to survive.

"That won't do. I've already made a promise to someone else. Breaking a promise is not my habit. Most importantly, I really want to personally educate this unique being that I've never seen before," Scathach said with a slightly strange smile. The excited light that flashed in her gentle, red eyes made Shirou feel afraid, especially when she mentioned education.

But Shirou noticed one thing. "You made a promise to someone else? Someone asked you to enter my dream?" he asked, staring at Scathach.

"Yes," Scathach nodded.

"Who?" Shirou asked, wanting to know which jerk had called Scathach to ruin his good dream.

It was strange, after all. Anyone who could ask Scathach to do something must also be a mythical killer. And in this era, those mythical killers were either taken away by Gaia and Alaya as black workers or hidden in the Inner World. The only ones who could manifest were the seven servants summoned through the Holy Grail.

Who could ask the immortal Scathach to do such a thing?

Most importantly, Shirou shouldn't know anyone who could do such a thing!

Scathach thought for a moment before giving her own evaluation of the person. "He's a completely self-centered, quite foul-mouthed guy. As long as it makes him happy, he would probably even do something as terrible as destroying humanity. However, I don't hate him," she said.

Why does this description sound so familiar?

"Master, do you know about the fourth Holy Grail War that occurred in Fuyuki City?" Shirou inquired cautiously. "Is the person I'm thinking of - a self-centered, foul-mouthed individual - a participant in this war?"

"Yes," Scathach replied with a light smile.

Shirou made a bitter face. It really is Mr. Gold? But how did Mr. Gold become a good citizen? Before he helped Sakura with her problem, now he pulled Scathach into the dream to teach him.

"Your origin is a sword, and he was originally looking for someone who wields a sword," Scathach explained, raising the spear in her hand. "However, he has poor social skills and doesn't know many people, so naturally, no one was willing to listen to him. Now, get up or I'll attack."

"Wait, wait! I have one more question," Shirou interjected, "What do you mean when you say I have a special body? Is there some hidden power within me?"

"A special power?" Scathach hesitated, a rare look of troubled thought crossing her face. "I'm not sure how to explain it... I've never encountered someone like you with this kind of unusual body, so I can't provide a detailed description.

"What do you mean?" Shirou asked, focusing intently. All transmigrators have some kind of golden finger, right? Could it be that he has some kind of golden finger too, but just hasn't noticed it yet?

"It's really hard to describe this sudden and contradictory sensation," Scathach said, trying to find the right words. "It's like a reader of a hero's biography entering the hero's story. At first, you're just an 'average person', barely worthy of a supporting role or even a name because of the hero. But then, you feel a sudden desire to compete for the role of hero yourself."

"What?" Shirou asked, taken aback by Scathach's confusing explanation.

"To put it simply," Scathach began, taking a moment to think, "it's like the feeling of an audience member who is watching someone else's story, shedding their own tears, but then suddenly barging onto the stage of the story themselves."

Shirou's heart skipped a beat. Could this deep meaning reveal that he was a transmigrator?

"A spectator who should be sitting in the audience suddenly barging onto the hero's stage. I wonder what kind of performance that would be. That might also be one of the reasons why he is so interested in you. But as for me, I initially came because he asked me and it was hard to refuse. Now, I simply want to see what path you will take," Scathach said with a smile. "Is this explanation satisfactory?"

"Your explanation is satisfactory, but even if I am just a spectator who has barged onto the hero's stage, I have no intention of performing in this hero's drama, I--"

Before Shirou could finish speaking, Scathach bent down and placed her index finger over his mouth, smiling. "Once you're on stage, it's not so easy to get off. Plus, you've been targeted by that very troublesome individual, and if you try to leave the stage before giving a satisfying conclusion that pleases him, you'll probably be chased all over the world by him when he gets angry. Leaving one city, or even one country is just the beginning of the chase. You have to think carefully, because that guy is extremely, extremely, extremely willful and stubborn."

"I... I..." Shirou stammered, understanding what Scathach was saying. She was talking about using the opportunity to leave Fuyuki City and escape the Fourth Holy Grail War.

"Hmm... the most likely outcome is probably that he catches up to you and kills you on the way," Scathach said with a smile, stating the cruel reality.

"An unworthy person like me has been targeted by the King..." Shirou wore a bitter smile.

"He is just such a self-centered individual. So, do you understand your current situation?" Scathach asked with a smile.

"I understand completely," Shirou nodded.

Scathach slightly smiled and clenched the two spears in her hands. "So--"

"So--," Shirou hugged Scathach's leg and looked up at her pleadingly. "Dear Scathach-neesan, please be my Servant."
