
Shirou tightened his jaw and asked, "What's the matter? Are you angry and looking to silence me?"

Artoria, gripping the holy sword, replied resolutely, "No. I made a mistake and I will take responsibility for it. I will not hide from the truth, no matter what others may say or do. Accepting and rectifying my mistakes is the reason I am here. There is no dishonor in admitting your mistakes. The true dishonor lies in denying them and failing to make amends."

She looked solemn as she continued, "I accept my punishment for my mistakes. So do not try to inflict further pain on others. You too will be held accountable for your actions."

This mother lioness is completely angry...

Shirou let out a bitter laugh. The very tactic that had just saved his life had now turned into a deadly provocation!

Artoria and Diarmuid, now known as Saber and Lancer, had a determined intention to kill Shirou. Regardless of which of them it was, Shirou understood that he could not afford to anger them. A single blow from either of them, he realized, would result in his immediate death.

The Noble Phantasm Unlimited Blade Works was the only hope for a counterattack, but its charging time was too lengthy, making it impossible for him to endure until it was fully charged.

So, what should he do?

Artoria fixed her gaze on Shirou, her eyes blazing with killing intent. This caused the holy sword in her hand to sharpen and radiate a cold, chilling light.

"Do you seek to take my life? On the first night of the Holy Grail War? You have the power to do so, it's your choice. But I will not go down without a fight. Remember, there is still an Assassin lurking nearby!" Shirou yelled, holding up his palm and projecting three sharp swords toward the crane.

In this dire situation, revealing the presence of an Assassin was the only way to make them cautious and increase his chance of survival. However, Shirou had not yet confirmed whether the Assassin was the one he remembered or if they were hiding on the crane. He could only take a chance, having done all he could, and leaving the rest to fate.

If he was correct, then Artoria and Diarmuid, who already showed a desire to end his life, would become wary and present a chance for him to flee. But if he was mistaken, then the journey of Fujimaru Shirou would come to a tragic end right here.


The air was filled with the sounds of explosions and collapsing buildings, and through the mist, a figure could be seen leaping away. With all the other servants gathered in one place, this individual concealed their presence, watched the area, and effortlessly evaded Shirou's attack. It could only be Assassin.

The Assassin was indeed lurking nearby!

This realization made Artoria and the rest cautious.

He gambled right!

Thank you! Assassin!

Like a gambler who had bet everything on one roll of the dice, Shirou was filled with relief. However, revealing the presence of the Assassin alone was not enough to ensure his survival. He must keep fighting and strive for victory.

Come on, my ordinary mind! Come on, my clumsy mouth! This is a matter of life and death for me!

"Do you understand? Do you grasp the seriousness of this situation? Assassin is indeed here, and your Master is present as well. Do you want to defeat me? To strike me down? Are you not worried that your Master may be killed in the process? Or, do you believe that as Caster, I have no means of defense and can be killed effortlessly? Consider carefully, your Master is helpless against Assassin. If I can hold you back, your Master will be murdered by Assassin, as long as you don't eliminate me in time."

"You spout all of this and yet you can't conceal your cowardice?" Diarmuid glared at Shirou.

"Well said! I am indeed scared, and my words cannot hide my fear. After all, I am Caster, and I am no match for you in close combat. But do you truly believe that you can kill me in a single blow? Do you think I am incapable of delaying you? I am also a legendary hero from history, the savior of the people, the glorious legend!" Shirou suppressed his inner fear and spoke with confidence.

"My lord-"

"Your lord? The novice magus from the Clock Tower, facing an Assassin who has left a mark in history? Do you truly believe he has the capability to survive? Very well then - You may try! Don't blame me for not warning you, this time the materialized Assassin is not a single entity!" Shirou locked eyes with Diarmuid as he spoke.

Diarmuid hesitated, uncertain.

Shirou turned his gaze towards Artoria and asked, "What do you say, King of Knights? Are you ready to put me to the test and see if you can end my life in a single blow? Are you willing to abandon Einzbern's homunculus, which you have pledged to protect and defend?"

"Are you trying to do it again?" Artoria glared at Shirou.

Shirou sneered, "As Caster, I would be foolish to engage in close combat with you. So tell me, King of Knights, are you willing to disregard your own oath once again? Or is it because the homunculus standing behind you is not your true Master, and therefore, you don't have any reservations?"

Artoria's hand suddenly trembled. Irisviel von Einzbern, standing behind her, was shocked and quickly covered her mouth.

This was enough for everyone to grasp the truth behind Shirou's words- that Artoria's true master was someone else entirely.


The Church's basement

"I apologize, teacher. Due to Caster's unexpected assault, Assassin's identity has been revealed," Kirei, who was concealed in the basement of the Church, reported to Tokiomi as he operated the device in front of him.

"I see... That projection magic," Tokiomi inquired.

"Yes, Caster projected a sword and swiftly attacked Assassin, as if he had foreknowledge of the Assassin's presence," Kirei reported.

Upon receiving this information, Tokiomi made his own assessment: "It appears that Caster also possesses a Noble Phantasm or ability that can break through Assassin's concealment."

"Yes, teacher. Furthermore, Caster also exposed the fact that Assassin is not a single entity and used this information to deter other Servants from attacking him," Kirei added.

"Indeed, it's quite dangerous," Tokiomi sighed in concern.

"There is one more thing, teacher. Caster stated that Saber's true master is not the Einzbern homunculus," Kirei informed.

"If Caster's claims are true, then it would seem that Saber's true master must be Kiritsugu, the one who married into the Einzbern family and lacks even a shred of true magus' pride," Tokiomi stated.

"Kiritsugu... " Kirei's eyes flicked up briefly before returning to their previous calm state.

"Not bad. However, Caster's information-gathering abilities are quite terrifying despite his Master being just an ordinary boy. It's possible that he has knowledge of our alliance, but has yet to reveal it. We must ensure that he never does and eliminate him as soon as possible," Tokiomi instructed through the device.

Kirei responded with a calm, subtle nod, "Yes."


The dock warehouse.

Shirou fixed his gaze on Artoria, "That man's name is Kiritsugu, isn't it? The infamous magus killer."

"You... How did you know--" Irisviel was taken aback by the revelation, nearly revealing her surprise, but was quickly interrupted by Artoria. Despite this, it became clear to everyone present that Artoria's true master was someone else, a man named Kiritsugu.

"Listen, all of you Servants with a master, this issue cannot be ignored," Shirou cried out, sweeping his gaze across the assembly of heroes. "Diarmuid, Iskandar, your masters are at risk too!" He spoke with conviction, "Multiple Assassins have infiltrated this battlefield, and the King of Knights' master is a ruthless magus killer! It's likely that he has already targeted the current masters with a sniper rifle!"

"Where is he targeting? Is it over there?" Shirou gazed in the direction from where Kayneth's voice had emanated. Kayneth reacted with a disdainful sniff, betraying his disgust. Traditional magi held deep contempt for modern weaponry, considering them a violation of the magical code of conduct.

"Or maybe there?" Shirou then cast his gaze towards the war chariot that was keeping Spartacus at bay, where Waver, who was concealed behind Iskandar, was stationed. He hesitated briefly before continuing, "Maybe he's already aimed at that young man's head."

Waver cowered in fear, not wanting to experience the frightful sensation of being blown to pieces.

"Or perhaps me?" Shirou pointed at his own head and exclaimed, "Oh, I forgot! I'm a Servant. He only targets magi serving as masters. After all, he's a magus killer!"

Waver shrunk down even further, becoming even more frightened. Meanwhile, Irisviel's expression was grave. Shirou's gaze returned to Artoria and Diarmuid, fiercely questioning them, "Are you willing to take that gamble? You two honorable knights? You launch an attack on me and see if I can keep you occupied until the Assassin lurking around us kills your master, the person you swore to protect?"

Shirou's voice boomed with excitement and challenge. "This is a wager! The stakes are straightforward. If you win, I die, but if I win, I'll collect the body of your master for you! So, noble knights, are you ready to join this gamble of life and death?" His adrenaline was rushing wildly, his heart pounding with excitement.

The other Servants thought Shirou was insane for gambling with his life, betting that Artoria and Diarmuid would retreat in light of the Assassin's murder of their master. He was taking a chance that their desire for self-preservation would outweigh their resolve to secure a certain victory.

The knights hesitated, each with their own reasons for participating in the Holy Grail War. But regardless of their reasons, they needed their master to be alive to continue fighting.

Artoria hesitated for a moment, but then her gaze became clear as she made a decision. She entered into an agreement with the person behind her, becoming her knight. The battlefield was always changing and she had long desired to retreat, but Shirou's words made her pause. As long as the person she made the oath of protection to was still alive, she wouldn't do anything that might endanger her life.

Diarmuid stared seriously at Shirou, "You truly are a despicable person, who only attacks the hearts of others!"

"I'm the one who's despicable? And what about you all? Bullying me with your numbers. I'm a Caster. If you want to fight, then do it fairly. Attack my workshop. Let's see who's stronger, my magecraft or your swords and spears. Talking about honor while ganging up on me? What kind of honor is that?" Shirou asked with annoyance.

"This is war, this type of encounter battle, how can it be considered despicable? If this is considered despicable, then how can wars be fought?" Iskandar interrupted, intrigued by the conversation.

"If it's already called war, what's despicable about the means I use, the conqueror king?" Shirou questioned Iskandar, challenging his statement.

"If you want to fight, then fight with knives and spears! The winner is victorious, the loser is dust!" Diarmuid took over the conversation, emphasizing the traditional way of fighting.

"This is war, not a duel! Your idea of 'fair and square' is simply exploiting my weaknesses! War is always about the strong exploiting the weak! Using your strengths to attack my weaknesses, and calling it 'fair and square'? That's pure nonsense!" Shirou sneered.

However, Shirou didn't take his argument with Diarmuid and the others seriously. They were not the same person, with different personalities, abilities, and growing environments, so how could their thoughts be the same?

In an era where the strength of individuals determined everything on the battlefield, it was natural for Artoria and Diarmuid to place great value on personal combat and to see dying in battle as honorable. However, as a modern person, Shirou did not possess the mentality that death was like returning home; he simply wanted to survive.

He wanted to live in this world!

Ancient and modern, hero and commoner, extraordinary and ordinary are vastly different groups, it's unlikely for them to truly understand one another.

Shirou declared, "Now that we all understand the gravity of the situation, let's retreat peacefully tonight. Otherwise,"

Shirou turned to Iskander and queried, "Conqueror King, the odds are currently two against one, which is hardly a fair fight. If they insist on battling, would you be willing to release Berserker and let him fight on my side?"

Iskandar shook his head, "No."

Shirou's expression twisted in frustration, he asked firmly, "What do you mean? Are you going to disregard the rules you set for yourself? If that's the case, you, the Conqueror King, are no more than this!"

"Not at all," Iskander shook his head, his face serious, "What I mean is that if the Knight King wants to intervene, her opponent will be me, the Conqueror King."

Iskander's tiger-like eyes fixated on Diarmuid and Artoria, he said firmly, "The heroic battle is one that I, the Conqueror King, acknowledge and uphold through my laws. If you attempt to break my laws, you will face the punishment that comes with it."

"I, too, am a king, Conqueror King," Artoria declared, her blue eyes blazing like an angry lion. "Your laws have no hold over me. But as a knight, I am bound by my own code of honor and chivalry. I cannot act against these principles."

She continued, her voice ringing with determination. "Caster, your war is unlike my own. I will use my sword to bring down your strongest fortress, dismantle your magical defenses, and pierce through your heart and soul!"

"The laws of the Conqueror King cannot restrain the Knight King, but her glory and her conviction are enough to prove her worth. She has chosen to face Caster head-on. And what about you, Lancer? The King wants to hear your decision." Iskander's gaze shifted to Diarmuid.

"I agree," Diarmuid looked at Shirou intently, "A knight's duel should not be sullied. I will attack head-on, breakthrough head-on, and my spear will be the last sight in Caster's eyes."

"Oh?" Iskander questioned, "Then, will the lord you have sworn allegiance to, agree with your decision?"

"Of course!" Diarmuid confidently replied, "My lord is a noble person, who embodies glory, honor, and all virtues in the world."

"Is that so? I hope your perception is not misguided." Iskander stroked his chin, his serious expression dissipated and he smiled brightly, "If that's the case since all of you heroes are also worried about Assassin, it's best to disperse for now."

Artoria sheathed her sword to show her intentions.

Diarmuid sought Kayneth's opinion and received a favorable response, he too sheathed his spear.

Shirou breathed a sigh of relief as he realized the first night had passed without incident.

Finally, the danger had passed.


"Wait -!"

Gilgamesh's voice thundered, capturing everyone's attention. His blood-red eyes were locked on Shirou as he declared, "My servant is not present and there is no need to concern ourselves with the mongrel. How do you plan to convince me, the King, to forgo punishing all of you mongrels with the king's punishment?"


AN: Next 48 Chapters are up on my Patreon: patreon.com/bcloud