
Before the last flare exploded, Shirou hastened to the warzone where Kiritsugu and Tokiomi were engaged in combat. Despite being within reach of the fray, he elected to observe the battle between the two men from a distance.

Killing Tokiomi was the top priority for Shirou, but his ultimate goal was to take out both Tokiomi and Kiritsugu. Given his weakened state, he decided to bide his time and let Tokiomi tire Kiritsugu out before making his move.

Bracing himself against a nearby shelter, Shirou withdrew all of the short swords from his body and cast healing magecraft on himself. Though the magecraft had a potent restorative effect on physical injury, it was of no use in alleviating mental exhaustion or treating natural ailments.

In a previous battle against Spartacus, Shirou sustained serious injuries to both his arms. But he utilized his healing magecraft to cure himself, thus evading detection by his parents and regaining full use of his limbs. He was proficient in healing magecraft and quickly mended his external wounds. However, the internal pain and exhaustion persisted.

Shirou lurked, watching the battle between Kiritsugu and Tokiomi unfold. Kiritsugu was at a severe disadvantage, struggling against the superior tactics of Tokiomi. The latter had meticulously prepared for the fight, taking into account Kiritsugu's Origin and even accounting for normal firearms. It was clear that Tokiomi had thoroughly studied Kiritsugu's tactics and was one step ahead.

Tokiomi avoided direct confrontation with Kiritsugu, opting instead to use his gemstone magecraft to launch remote bombings and flame incineration. He relied solely on suppressing fire. Despite the relentless attack, Kiritsugu kept his cool and attempted to flee. However, the surrounding fire became Tokiomi's familiars, trapping Kiritsugu. His black coat was in tatters, singed by the flames, and his face obscured by dust, a sorry sight.

Shirou considered the option, "Should I wait for Tokiomi to defeat Kiritsugu, then move in to kill him?"

He quickly dismissed the thought, shaking his head.

Without Kiritsugu, Tokiomi would quickly catch wind of Shirou's ambush and call upon Gilgamesh for assistance, destroying any chance of victory. Additionally, Shirou's urge to eliminate Tokiomi overshadowed his motive to kill Kiritsugu.

If Tokiomi had died sooner, Gilgamesh's elimination would also come sooner. And with Gilgamesh gone, Shirou's happiness would have come sooner too. Despite adopting Sakura, he must be strict with her biological father and holds no mental burden about it.

Survival was the only way to achieve anything else. Losing everything, including life, was foolish. Shirou prioritized protecting his life first and dealt with other matters later.

Taking advantage of Tokiomi's focus on Kiritsugu, Shirou projected his two swords and sneaked up on Tokiomi, ready to ambush him.

Unbeknownst to Shirou, before he could even get near, Tokiomi fiercely turned and hurled three gems at him. Shirou swiftly narrowed his eyes and projected a barrier to block the incoming attack. In an instant, there was a loud "boom" as Tokiomi triggered the magecraft within the gems, destroying the barrier into fragments.

"I never thought Lord El-Melloi would be so proficient in using projection magecraft," Tokiomi displayed an elegant smile. "That outfit, is that your new Mystic Code, Lord El-Melloi?" Tokiomi glanced at his outfit and asked with curiosity.

Shirou's brows furrowed as he thought, 'Does he think I'm Kayneth?' He then replied, "Yes, Lord Tohsaka."

"Interesting. However, as the Supervisor of Fuyuki City, I must say that your arrival, Lord El-Melloi, is quite unwelcome," Tokiomi spoke with a polite smile as he swung his staff, sending a burst of fiery projectiles toward Shirou, resembling the wings of a phoenix. Shirou deftly evaded by rolling to the side.

"You're not behaving like a true noble, Lord El-Melloi," remarked Tokiomi.

"Nobility goes beyond mere words; it's reflected in one's actions," retorted Shirou.

"Indeed, Lord El-Melloi," Tokiomi unleashed a barrage of gems toward Shirou, trying to overwhelm him with firepower, similar to his attack on Kiritsugu. Shirou brandished his dual blades and charged toward Tokiomi.

"Such recklessness is unbecoming of a noble," remarked Tokiomi with a light smile as a gem on his staff shone, creating a protective shield in front of him. But with a loud "Crack!" Shirou's sword broke through the shield, causing it to crack like a spider's web.

This was thanks to Shirou's sudden fusion with his Saint Graph!

Tokiomi's eyes widened, his expression shifting slightly, "Y-You're not Lord El-Melloi, you're Caster!"

"It's too late to realize it now!" exclaimed Shirou as he struck the shield once more with his sword, causing it to crack repeatedly. "Crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack!"

The shield crumbled further, but Tokiomi's expression remained unchanged. His dignified composure allowed him to remain calm even in the face of disaster.

Tokiomi's hand shot up, poised to summon Gilgamesh using the Command Seals. However, in that very moment, he caught sight of Kiritsugu rushing towards him, gun aimed and ready to fire.

The realization hit Tokiomi hard - he couldn't let himself get hit by that bullet. His expression shifted dramatically.

Tokiomi was forced to abandon the use of command seals and go on the offensive against Kiritsugu. However, Kiritsugu utilized Time Alter to quicken his own movements, deftly evading the attack. With a loud "Bang!", the Origin bullet was fired.

As Tokiomi attempted to dodge Kiritsugu's aim, Shirou tightened his grip.

"Broken Phantasm!"


The sword which was deflected by the shield, detonated, obliterating Tokiomi's defense. A brilliant flash temporarily blinded him, and he reflexively squeezed his eyes shut. At that moment, Kiritsugu pulled another trigger on his gun.

With a sharp "Bang", the round-headed Origin bullet shot through the fiery battlefield, spinning through the air and plunging into Tokiomi's chest.


Tokiomi's magic circuits were overloaded, causing him to be hurled to the ground by the force of his own magical energy. The Azoth Sword in his pocket clattered to the ground with a resounding "Clang."

Tokiomi lay on the ground, weakly thrashing and wailing pitifully. "Ah-, ah ah ah ah ah ah-!"

Gone were all traces of elegance.

Kiritsugu paid no attention to Tokiomi, instead turning to take aim at Shirou. But Shirou was ready, his demi-servant body allowing him to swing his sword at a speed faster than Kiritsugu. With a sharp "Cha" sound, the sharp blade emitted a cold light and sliced through Kiritsugu's gun.

Unfortunately for Shirou, Kiritsugu, having swiftly activated Time Alter, avoided the fatal strike. Shirou's sword merely severed Kiritsugu's gun and grazed his cheek. Undeterred, Shirou pressed forward in pursuit of victory.


"Whoosh Whoosh Whoosh!!!"

The sound of shattering glass filled the air as eight black keys hurtled toward Shirou and Kiritsugu, slicing through the sky.

Shirou brandished his sword to fend off the incoming black keys, but Kiritsugu was sluggish in his response due to the recoil from his Time Alter, leaving him with a gash on his waist.

Shirou gazed in the direction from which the black keys had been fired and spotted Kirei, clad in his priestly robes, standing before Tokiomi.

"This is the end," Kirei declared. "I won't allow you to harm my teacher."

"Kirei... Kirei..." Tokiomi struggled, reaching out to Kirei.

"Teacher," Kirei said, retrieving the Azoth sword from the ground and beaming as he took Tokiomi's hand. In a sudden motion, he swung a black key and severed Tokiomi's hand, along with the Command Seals.


"Ah! Ahhh!!!" Tokiomi cried out in agony as blood gushed from his arm and covered the ground. He thrashed, screamed, and bellowed before finally losing consciousness and collapsing to the ground.

Dozens of Assassins materialized around Kirei and set off in pursuit of Shirou and Kiritsugu.

With no other option, Shirou was forced to flee for his own survival and temporarily shelve his plan to eliminate Kiritsugu.

An Assassin gazed upon Tokiomi lying in a puddle of blood and asked Kirei, "Master, shall I eliminate him for you? He's still alive."

"Kill him?" Kirei replied with a smile. "He's my teacher. How could I take his life? I am a priest. How could I commit murder? I won't kill him. I will heal him and ensure he lives a fulfilling life."

The Assassin shuddered and unconsciously backed away at the sight of Kirei's smile.

The Command Seal on Tokiomi's hand was cut off, his magic circuits were destroyed by the Origin Bullet, and the Magic Crest of his family was destroyed. Death is the only relief for a magus. Yet, Kirei wants him to live.

Assassin shuddered. Kirei reminded him of the employers he served in his past life. However, only a master like Kirei could truly be called a Master.

Kirei mended Tokiomi's wounds and lifted him. Gazing upon the severed hand and Command Seal on the ground, he kicked it into the nearby flames.

The King who aided Kirei in realizing his true self never could have envisioned becoming the first servant to fall, let alone at Kirei's hands. The thought filled Kirei with wicked treacherous delight, betrayal, pleasure, and joy.

"Hahahahahahaha." Kirei burst into hearty laughter, his profile illuminated by the flickering firelight. Tears streamed down his face, but he was overflowing with joy.