
The Grail crystal's immense magical power was in full effect, causing the boundary between life and death to reverse.

The sky, shrouded in a thick veil of black mist, was penetrated by the faint sunlight, casting a faint golden hue on the desolate earth below.

Having spent 200 years' worth of magical energy in one go, Shirou's magical energy was still growing, though not as impressively as before. Where his magical energy once felt like an endless ocean, now it was reduced to a small stream. Even the trail of black mud that had once followed him had significantly shrunk in size.

Despite the reduction of his magical energy, he felt no regret and did not yearn for it. He knew that the magical energy he had wielded was a gift from the land and returning it was only right. Furthermore, he still had the mud and the innate skill known as the "Evil Flower," which enabled him to absorb human evil and slowly accumulate magical energy once again.

And now—

"It's time to clean up."

Standing atop a hill, Shirou gazed down at the spreading flames in the Miyama district with a worried smile on his face. He knew that it was the job of the Mage's Association and the Holy Church to handle such matters, but with their inflexible thinking, they would likely blame it on a gas leak or explosion. However, the situation had grown too dire to be swept under the rug.

Amid the chaos and destruction, many have perished and been brought back to life. They are lost, desperate, and buried under layers of emotional turmoil.

Let him pave a path toward freedom for them.

Shirou returned to his home in Shinto and retrieved the Ultraman jacket from its hiding place under his bed. As his body was now merged with Black Mud, making him appear older and more mature, the jacket fits him perfectly. No longer did he have to rely on elevator shoes to increase his height!

Initially, he had simply intended to use the jacket to conceal his true appearance. However, it had now become a crucial lifeline for him. With the jacket securely in place, he went in search of Waver and requested a favor from him.

"Are you certain about this?" Waver questioned with a hint of skepticism in his voice.

Shirou gave a firm nod and replied, "Yes."

Waver rubbed the back of his head, looking flustered. "You really want to do it, even after everything that's happened?"

Shirou merely nodded, his expression softening into a smile. "It'll be easier for you if you bring Kayneth along as well."

Waver arched an eyebrow in surprise. "Didn't you say you never wanted to see Kayneth again?"

"Kayneth was the one who hunted me down during the war, and I will harbor a grudge against him for the rest of my life," Shirou explained. "But right now, I need his strength."

Waver gazed at Shirou with a look of confusion. "How can you ask for help from someone you loathe with a smile on your face?"

Shirou's eyes softened and he answered, "I have to put on a smile now. It helps put others at ease,"

---He will become the unparalleled hero of this era!

As Waver gazed into Shirou's bright eyes, he couldn't help but recall the words of Iskandar. The memory brought a sour feeling to his nose.

"I understand and I'll do what I can to assist you,"

Shirou donned his leather jacket and flashed a confident smile. "Don't worry, I've had experience on stage before, even if it was only for seven days."


The sun broke through the dense black fog, casting a weak light upon the scorched earth. Flames licked at everything in sight, and the ground was charred to a deep, sooty black.

The surviving individuals gazed upon the hero who had single-handedly rescued 139 people from the rubble. He cradled some of them in his arms, while eight powerful, glowing arms extended from his back, each one bearing the weight of those he had saved from the tragedy.

"Oh my goodness! He really rescued 139 people all by himself!"

"What are those glowing arms coming out of his back? Who could he be?"

"Could he be a god?"


Shirou infused magical energy into the black mud, causing it to burst into a dazzling light that concealed its true malevolent nature. He stood atop the ruins, dressed in a leather suit of Ultraman Seven, allowing all to see his glory.

He let out a hearty laugh, "Ha ha ha ha ha! People, there's no need to fear anymore! I'm here! I've come from Nebula M78! The monsters that once tormented you have been defeated by my hand! You're safe now!"

The scene was quiet for a moment, and people looked at Shirou as if they were watching a one-man show.

Waver let out a sigh, the last thing he wanted to do was this. Nevertheless, he mustered up the courage and raised his hand, shouting out, "Ultraman!"

People who were prompted by him also began to shout loudly, "Ultraman!"

Kayneth snorted in annoyance, he couldn't believe he was even involved in such a foolish idea. Despite his frustration, he raised his hand and called out, "Ultraseven! He's come all the way from the Land of Light to save us!"

Encouraged by Kayneth's prompt, the crowd erupted into a chorus of cheers, "The Land of Light is real!"

"The monsters are gone! Banished by Seven!"

"Seven! Seven!"

The once defeated and despairing crowd, aimlessly wandering like lost sheep, now found a leader in Kayneth and Waver. They gazed at Shirou, whose light seemed to have no end, and cried out in unison, "Seven! Seven!"

The name "Ultraseven" was not just a simple noun. Though many may not have known of it beforehand, at that moment, the name symbolized hope, a better future, and safety, inciting them to shout it with fervor.

"Ah...! Beloved humans of the kingdom of light, your light shines so brightly, even from the other side of the galaxy. That is why we, from the Land of Light, vow to protect you with all our strength!"

Shirou spoke, "As Ultramen, we may be powerful, but we are not gods. There are lives that cannot be saved and goals that cannot be achieved, no matter how hard we try. But do not despair. Raise your hands and stand tall. The future of humanity must be shaped by human hands. Go forth and save your fellow man. The other side of the light lies within yourselves. I will remain here, using my light to illuminate the way ahead. Now go, go and save the people!"

"Save the people! Save the people!"

The people who had suffered through disasters, those who were filled with desperation and sadness, cried out in despair. But as they gazed upon the never-ending light, they found encouragement and motivation, a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that had once ensnared them.

In this world, there truly was light!

Those with minor injuries began to follow the light, determined to save others, put out the fires, and lift themselves out of their desperate state. The light sparked hope within them, leading them toward a brighter future.

A single matchstick, with its small flame, can easily be snuffed out by a gust of wind. But it has the power to ignite others, sparking fires that are ten, a hundred, a thousand, even a million times greater than its own.

Just like that small spark can bring light to the darkness, one person's actions can inspire and lead to positive change for many others.

"Never forget this burning passion, for it is what has made you the chosen one of the light!" With these words, Shirou rose into the dark sky, his body ablaze with magical energy. He transformed into the brightest star in the heavens, shining down on the world below as a symbol of hope and strength.

The sky was bathed in darkness, but in the midst of it all shone a star brighter than the sun. This was the embodiment of the people's burning passion and unrelenting spirit. Their fervent hearts shone through even in the darkest of nights.


Kiritsugu wandered aimlessly through the sea of fire, his eyes dull, his body numb, and his soul feeling empty. He moved like a walking corpse, a shell of his former self, consumed by the destruction and chaos that surrounded him.

He had been betrayed by his own sense of justice, his faith in what he believed in most, and in many ways, he felt as if he had died long ago. Yet, he still lived on in this numb existence, wandering aimlessly through a world that no longer made sense to him.

He stumbled over a rock and fell to the ground with a thud. The flames were closing in, but he was indifferent to the danger. His eyes were empty, devoid of life or emotion.

It was as if his soul had already perished, leaving him in a state of constant emptiness. But at that moment, a hand appeared in front of him.

Kiritsugu lifted his head slightly and saw a figure bathed in light. It was a boy he had once attempted to assassinate.

"Do you need help?" the boy asked.

"Are you here to save me?" Kiritsugu asked.

"That's right," the boy replied with a smile. "When I heard that you needed help, I rushed here as fast as I could. And just take a look around you," he gestured towards the people in the vicinity. "Not just me, but everyone here is banding together to offer their support and assistance."

Kiritsugu's gaze swept across the scene before him, taking in the sight of individuals coming together in a show of solidarity, casting aside their fears and uncertainties and lending each other comfort and support.

A sudden pang of emotion hit him and tears streamed down his face. He clutched Shirou's hand tightly and wept like a child, his tears flowing freely.

In that moment, Kiritsugu finally found his long-sought-after hero of justice, and he began to comprehend the true nature of justice itself. He realized that in this world, the so-called "hero of justice" was not a tangible person, but a spirit, an idea, an ideal that people could strive towards.

It was this ideal of justice that had inspired the people around him to band together, to offer their aid and support in times of need, and to stand united against the forces of despair.

This so-called "hero of justice" was not a person, but a spirit!

It was a spirit!!!

Kiritsugu couldn't believe his own foolishness. How could it have taken him this long to understand this fundamental truth?

A principle that even a six-year-old child could grasp, yet it had taken Kiritsugu nearly thirty years to truly comprehend it.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Kiritsugu wailed.

As he watched Kiritsugu's fists clench tightly in his distress, Shirou offered a comforting smile. "Cry as much as you need to, I'll be here to listen to everything you have to say until you feel better."

Dark and fragrant flowers of evil bloomed around them.

October 12, 1993, 11:32 AM.

Emiya Kiritsugu had finally encountered his true hero of justice.


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