
As Shirou watched the two massive hands approach, he decided against fighting back and instead darted behind the Enlightened One. At the moment of impact, the latter's body emitted a faint golden glow, creating a barrier that the giant arms were unable to penetrate.

"Incredible," Shirou marveled, unsure if he was praising the Enlightened One's [Enlightenment of the Sacred Fig] or his own EX-level defensive Noble Phantasm [Enlightened One Holy Shield].

"If you are the protector of Roa, then do not expect me to show mercy," Arcueid warned, her eyes flashing with madness and her claws radiating a bloody light as she charged towards the Enlightened One like a shooting star.

Despite the ferocity of Arcueid's attack, the Enlightened One remained serene, still meditating with his eyes closed. His right hand seal changed, and with a gentle push, he sent her reeling back. Although the movement appeared to be effortless, there was no wind or force behind it, just a gentle push.

Arcueid's expression changed as the giant arms she had summoned formed a cross in front of her, creating a series of cracks as they were unable to withstand the power of the Enlightened One's push.

"Crack, crack, crack, crack, crack---"

With a single touch of his palm, the Enlightened One effortlessly shattered the giant arm into pieces. The resulting shockwave sent Arcueid flying out of Ryuudou Temple.

Stepping out from behind the Enlightened One, Shirou surveyed the aftermath of the fight and saw that Arcueid had been sent flying away. He then straightened himself up, ready to depart.

"Are you leaving?" Issei asked.

"Yeah," Shirou replied. "I need to head home for dinner."

"Too bad," Issei said with a frown. "I was hoping to play Go with you."

"We can play at school tomorrow," Shirou offered. "I only signed up for pole vault anyway."

Issei returned his attention to his difficult math homework, diligently writing out the solution.

However, moments later Shirou burst back into the temple, looking flustered.

"You're back already?" Issei asked, still focused on his homework.

"Yeah," Shirou said, rubbing his nose as he crouched behind the Enlightened One once more.

At that moment, Arcueid returned with an even stronger killing intent. Suddenly, there was a loud boom as she was sent flying out of the temple once again.


"Whoa whoa whoa--"

Issei couldn't help but exclaim as he watched Arcueid get sent flying once again. "What did you do to that female master? How many times is this now?"

"Seventh time," Shirou replied, spreading his hands helplessly. "She mistook me for her enemy."

Issei gave Shirou a searching look, his gaze finally settling on Shirou's eyes. "Is it because of your eyes?" he asked thoughtfully.

"Why do you think it's my eyes?" Shirou asked in surprise. "She simply mistook me for someone else. But, come to think of it, aren't you afraid?"

"Why should I be afraid?" Issei replied. "It's not the first time I've seen someone with mysterious powers. There's the master, you, and that purple-haired aunt, didn't you cause a commotion here before? Even the pavement tiles were smashed."

"Purple-haired aunt..." Shirou's forehead broke out in a cold sweat. "You better not let her hear this. She will be very angry."

"Forget about that," Issei said, dismissing the thought. "I finished my homework, want to play Go?"

"Sure," Shirou nodded, and Issei brought out the Go board.


"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Issei exclaimed as he watched Arcueid go flying once again. He let out a deep sigh and asked, "How many times does that make it now?"

"43 times," replied Shirou. "If I were her, I wouldn't have come back after the third time."

"This female master is certainly persistent," Issei noted.

"It's a bit foolish," Shirou said, spreading his arms wide. "If I were in her shoes, I would have ambushed from outside the bushes. But, I guess we're stuck here for a while. Let me call home to tell my parents I'm staying at a friend's place and grab a meal from the temple while I'm at it."

"Are you really begging for a meal?" Issei asked, with a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Come on, Issei," Shirou said, putting his hands together. "I'll settle for some instant noodles."

"Alright," Issei agreed with a nod.

Shirou quickly made the call to let his parents know that he was fine and grabbed a bowl of instant noodles to eat. However, as time passed, he grew increasingly surprised that Arcueid still hadn't returned.

"Looks like she gave up. Then I'll head back first," Shirou said.

He and Issei said their farewells and he left the room. But just as he stepped out for a few seconds, Shirou turned around and walked back in.

"Welcome back," Issei greeted.

Shirou spoke helplessly, "She has become more clever and is waiting for me in the courtyard."

Arcueid was powerful and could defeat most Servants, but she was no match for the Enlightened One, one of the top powerhouses. At full strength, Arcueid could possibly compete with the Enlightened One, but she had to hold back 70% of her power to control her bloodsucking impulses. Furthermore, facing the Enlightened One, Gaia might not dare to support Arcueid. Hence, no matter how Shirou looked at the situation, staying by the side of the Enlightened One seemed to be the safest option.

Issei suggested, "If it's just a misunderstanding, why not try clearing things up with her?"

Shirou gave a small smile and shook his head, replying, "People who are extremely angry are not willing to listen to either advice or explanations."

"What should we do now? It looks like she won't leave until this is resolved," Issei pointed out. "Don't forget that you have a pole vaulting competition tomorrow."

"I can't go. I'll have to stay here until I can calm her down and make her listen to me."

"Okay," Issei nodded in understanding.

"By the way, could I get two more bowls of instant noodles? Next time, I'll bring some mizu yokan made by my mom." Shirou requested.

"Sure, but didn't you just finish eating one bowl earlier?" Issei asked in surprise.

"They haven't eaten yet," Shirou said, gesturing to the meditating Enlightened One and Arcueid waiting outside.

"The master doesn't need food, so there's no need to make any for him. And considering she's after you, do you really think she'll eat it?" Issei asked, skeptical.

"Whether they eat it or not is their concern, but whether I make it or not is my concern," Shirou replied firmly.

"You're something else. It's great to be friends with you," Issei said, handing Shirou the two bowls of instant noodles. "Don't forget to invite me to have some mizu yokan next time. I prefer the red bean filling."

"Okay!" he nodded, taking the bowls and placing them in front of the Enlightened One and Arcueid.

However, neither of them made a move to touch the noodles. The Enlightened One remained in meditation while Arcueid continued to gaze at Shirou intently.

Shirou smiled at Arcueid, but her anger only intensified, thinking that he was making fun of her. She stepped towards him but paused when she noticed the Enlightened One stirring behind Shirou.

After being hit forty-three times in a row, even she realized that brute force alone was not enough to defeat the powerful Enlightened One, let alone kill the reincarnation of Roa.

The Enlightened One opened his eyes, looking peacefully at Arcueid, and said, "All things are like a dream, a phantom, a drop of dew, or a flash of lightning; they are thus to be contemplated. Young lady, take care of yourself."

Arcueid was confused, her delicate face showing her bewilderment. "What are you talking about? I don't understand."

She may have understood each individual word, but the meaning behind them eluded her.

The Enlightened One didn't respond, but instead turned to Shirou and reached out, placing his hand on Shirou's forehead.

"Uh?" Shirou was taken aback by the sudden action.

The Enlightened One acted before he could react, causing him to cry out in pain. "Ah - it hurts, it hurts, it hurts...!!!"

Letting go of Shirou's forehead, the Enlightened One spoke, "When the matter is exhausted, the fate is gone. May the donor know oneself." With that, he closed his eyes and resumed his meditation.

"What the heck! Bullying a kid!" Shirou grumbled, while still holding his forehead in pain.

Out of nowhere, a brightly colored, poisonous mushroom appeared from the lotus seat of the Enlightened One, hurtling towards Shirou. Acting swiftly, he caught it and examined it closely. Suddenly, a realization dawned on him - this was the same mushroom he had placed there two weeks ago as a prank.

Shirou finally understood why the Enlightened One had squeezed his forehead earlier. It seemed that even the Buddha was not immune to anger. Arcueid, sensing the tension in the air, decided to stay outside and watch Shirou closely, feeling slightly wary of the Enlightened One.

Shirou extended a warm invitation to Arcueid, "It's chilly outside, why don't you come inside and warm up?"

Arcueid materialized a blanket, cocooning herself in its warmth, but continued to gaze intently at Shirou.

Shirou: "..."

He remained silent, not knowing what to say.


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