
The knights were left stunned and unable to recover their senses for some time after Shirou's impressive display. They were left speechless, their eyes fixed on Shirou's smiling face as the situation was brought under his control.

"I see that none of you have any objections," Shirou stated, sheathing Caliburn as he looked out at the assembled knights. "I understand why you have questioned and doubted me. It is not out of self-interest, but rather because you fear for Arthur, who was planted as a pawn by the vile dragon king Vortigern. You are concerned for the stability of the kingdom and the welfare of its people, and this is a matter of public interest."

The knights quickly snapped out of their daze and began to affirm Shirou's words one after another.

"That's exactly what we fear!" one of them said.

"Your reputation is not well-known, and your origins are unclear," another added. "We were genuinely afraid that you might be working for Vortigern. We may have been rude, but it was because we were anxious about the future of the kingdom."

"That's right!" a knight exclaimed. "Vortigern is a sly and cunning foe. We, on the other hand, are honest and upright people, and must remain vigilant. If we have offended you, please forgive us!"

Another knight added, "Your impressive display, and your ability to unleash the true power of the Caliburn, is all the proof we need of your worthiness as a king. There is no need for further discussion!"


Shirou gave the knights a way out, and they eagerly took it, beginning to boast and flatter one another. It is human nature to both belittle and flatter others in the hope of feeling superior, while also bowing down before those in positions of authority.

As for those with real ambition or those who are dissatisfied, they had to temporarily suppress their true thoughts in the face of this social dynamic.

In addition, Shirou's earlier display had been truly astounding, leaving a lasting impression on all who witnessed it.

Shirou smiled and spoke warmly, "I understand that each of you is a knight who has been bestowed with great honor, and that your previous behavior was motivated only by a desire for the greater good. You have all made significant sacrifices in the name of righteousness! For this, I am not only deeply grateful, but I also deeply admire your noble hearts!"

Upon hearing Shirou's words, the previously shameless knights suddenly found an excuse to justify their behavior, and began to loudly exclaim, "That's right! The King understands our hearts!"

The knights who felt ashamed began to blush and remained silent. Meanwhile, those with ambition or dissatisfaction could only conceal their true thoughts as they watched the shameless knights being led to shout, "Long live the king!"

Shirou nodded slightly and then pulled out the Caliburn, raising it high and proclaiming loudly, "Listen to me, all of you!"

Even the previously shameless knights fell silent and turned their attention to him.

Shirou spoke with great conviction, "My name is Arthur, son of Uther Pendragon. I am the embodiment of the Red Dragon, the destined king born to defeat the White Dragon Vortigern! If you are willing to entrust your swords to me, I will share with you the ultimate glory! When the Red Dragon spreads its wings, the land where this sword strikes shall be my kingdom!"

Shirou's passionate and stirring words moved the knights, who responded with loud cheers, shouting in unison.

"Arthur! Arthur!"

"Arthur! Arthur!"


To the knights, there was nothing more captivating than the prospect of unification and the attainment of ultimate glory.

The power that Shirou displayed with Caliburn left no doubt as to his rightful claim to the throne, as it was a more compelling proof of kingship than mere bloodlines.

The knights had no reason to doubt the words spoken by Arthur, as anyone who could gain the acknowledgement of Caliburn was undoubtedly the king bestowed with glory and honor. How could someone like that be capable of deception?

As the son of the late King Uther, Arthur carried the blood of kings and was believed to be the incarnation of the Red Dragon.

With the proof of Caliburn, his noble bloodline, his blueprint of glory, and his majestic charisma, there was nothing that could prevent Arthur from being accepted as the king of Camelot, or even the king of all Britain.

"Arthur! Arthur!"

"Arthur! Arthur!"


The knights cheered in unison, surrounding their newly crowned king. At this moment, Shirou became the center of everyone's attention, more dazzling than anyone else. Even Artoria found herself unable to take her eyes off him.

The enthusiastic backing of the crowds imbued their expressions with a fervent hope and zeal, embodying the very essence of the ideal king that Artoria had always imagined.

Kay's heart felt complicated and he wasn't sure how to react, but Shirou's charisma had just moved him in a way he couldn't ignore.

At first, he had been worried when he saw the knights approaching them with hostility. But in the blink of an eye, Shirou had managed to win them over, rallying their support with his impassioned words.

Kay was deeply moved by the power and emotion behind Shirou's words, which were truly stirring!

---When the Red Dragon spreads its wings, the land where this sword strikes shall be my kingdom!

Kay's heart was itching to hear more from Shirou. At that moment, he couldn't help but acknowledge that perhaps Shirou was more suited to be the king than Artoria was, at least for the time being.

As the knights continued to cheer loudly, the siblings silently gave their approval in their hearts.

Meanwhile, both Merlin and Ector couldn't help but curse inwardly, 'How dirty!'

Ector, having walked many paths, was not easily fooled, and Merlin, as one of the top-ranked magus, was a great con artist. Together, they could easily see through Shirou's tactics. Despite the loud cheers from the knights, the two of them couldn't help but inwardly curse at the situation. "How dirty!"

First, he had planted seeds of doubt in the knights, pushing them to the brink of disbelief. Then, he had used Caliburn to shock them further. After that, he had given them a way out, allowing them to feel more positively about the situation before revealing Arthur's true identity. Finally, he had used King Uther to persuade them to accept the truth.

To cap it all off, Shirou had drawn an imaginary pie to further manipulate the knights' emotions and successfully guide them to support him. It was a masterful yet underhanded performance that left Merlin and Ector feeling amazed. It was a display of cunning and manipulation befitting a king!

Ector looked at Shirou's back with a complicated expression. The so-called king must be more dazzling than anyone, more charismatic than anyone, more cunning than anyone, dirtier than anyone, and wiser than anyone.

Without these qualities, how could a king hope to lead his people, earn the love and respect of his soldiers, and stand up against the machinations of ambitious, underhanded individuals?

Initially, Ector had regarded Shirou as nothing more than a wise sage. But now, as he gazed upon him, he realized that Shirou was truly befitting of the title of king.

Ector let out a sigh, 'Merlin's decision was not mistaken! Shirou is much more suited for the role of king than Artoria ever was.'

As Artoria's foster father and mentor, Ector knew her all too well. While she was a formidable warrior, she was also too rigid and upright. In the event of a foreign invasion, such a king would be an excellent choice as both the nobles and ambitious individuals would be forced to restrain themselves. However, once the threat had passed, a king like her would find themselves with little ground to stand on.

This is because Artoria was not cunning or ruthless enough to maintain control over her subordinates.

Shirou, on the other hand, had fully demonstrated the cunning and ruthlessness that was necessary for a successful king. And perhaps most importantly, he possessed exceptional oratory skills that set him apart from others.

Although Ector may not have realized it yet, Merlin certainly had. After losing several verbal battles to Shirou, Merlin knew all too well that Shirou's most potent weapon was his mouth!

That's right!

Merlin was completely convinced that it was Shirou's way with words that set him apart. While Merlin himself had the power to compel the knights to submit through his illusions or abilities, Shirou could achieve the same through his natural charisma and powerful speeches.

Unlike Merlin, Shirou did not need to spend time pondering his words, but instead spoke with effortless conviction. Even the enchanted Caliburn could be freed and the knights could be subdued.

Merlin knew he could never replicate Shirou's unique gift for oration. That was the crucial difference between them.


Morgan blended in with the crowd, gazing at Shirou, who had become the center of attention, with a rapt expression. "Is that truly my brother, Arthur?" she whispered to herself in amazement. "He's truly living up to our family's name... he's simply dazzling."

"Wait a minute - "

Morgan regained her senses, but confusion flickered in her eyes as she touched her chin. "But why is his hair black?"

"It's different from the bloodline of our House of Pendragon. Perhaps it's because of the influence of his mother's bloodline?"

Morgan lowered her head, lost in thought.


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