
Shirou felt sweat dripping down his forehead as he gazed upon Cath Palug.

Merlin had completely deceived him!

He realized that he had been fooled.

When Shirou mentioned the danger he had perceived from Merlin's pleased expression near Caerleon Castle, he had assumed that it was from the kingdom's malicious soldiers or Dead Apostles. Little did he imagine that the true danger would come from Cath Palug, the White Beast!

Shirou wondered if he was simply being too clever for his own good, or if he was now reaping what he had sown. His thoughts had been completely fooled by that bastard, and he was now paying the price.

It was no surprise that the guy had fled in a hurry, and that Shirou hadn't seen a single white hair of him in the past three days. That bastard had made his escape early!

Really, one could never let their guard down around Merlin.

Without a doubt, he held a grudge against Merlin this time. However, his immediate concern was how to get out of this place alive.

He lacked confidence in dealing with the "Beast". After all, that was the job of the Grand Servant. But now that the "Beast" had appeared, where was the Grand Servant? Where had it gone? Why hadn't Solomon or King Hassan shown up yet?

As Shirou gazed upon Cath Palug, he cried out inwardly in despair. Even in his full power state as a Demi Servant, how could he, along with four still-growing Knights of the Round Table and Artoria, who had only just learned Mana Burst, hope to fight against the White Beast?

Wasn't that just asking for trouble? Shirou wondered what he should do. Though his forehead was covered in sweat, his mind was calm as he analyzed the situation.

As a three-eyed cat monster, Cath Palug surveyed the crowd with a gaze filled with inhuman malice. Its three bloodshot eyes were terrifying to behold.

"Food... food... humans... food... roarrrr---!" Cath Palug roared, its mouth full of huge teeth producing a low, rumbling growl that echoed throughout the mountain range.

As Cath Palug roared, its silver body emitted a bloody light, and cursed and evil blood flowed under its four hooves, producing a "woo woo" sound.

Opening its mouth, Cath Palug produced a loud tremor of bloody light all over its body. In the blink of an eye, a surging light of blood was brewing in its mouth, which soon condensed into a blood-red energy sphere. With a resounding "boom," the sphere roared out of its mouth.

"Boom boom boom boom boom---!!!"

The ground was swept clean as if by a Death Star, with everything in its path destroyed and all life extinguished!

The terrifying light cannon caused a violent storm, lifting everything in its path, including trees, off the ground. All that remained was a patch of barren earth.

Some soldiers who were too close to the light cannon were directly lifted by the storm and slammed heavily onto the ground.

They were terrified and horrified by the monstrous attack. This was not just an enemy of humanity! Some of the cowardly soldiers turned and fled, but a wall of blood light blocked their retreat.

"What is this!?" they cried out in terror.

"Let us out! Let us out!" they pleaded.


People pounded on the wall of blood light, shouting in terror as fear spread throughout the battlefield.

"The giant is awake! It's awake again!"

Terror-filled screams emanated from the troops surrounding the giant, causing people to turn and look. They couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of fear.

Originally, the mountain giant, which was under attack from both sides, had its right leg destroyed by Lamorak's attack. However, at this moment, countless stones gathered around the right leg and restored it to its original state, enabling the giant to stand firmly on the ground once again!

But it didn't end there. The shattered remains of the mountain giant, which had been destroyed earlier, condensed the surrounding broken stones and soil, reforming into smaller giants of varying heights, ranging from seven to eight meters. There were about twenty of them!

Cath Palug's light cannon seemed to be like a horn, and Dead Apostles continuously emerged from the earth. They took various forms, including humanoid, beast-like, and even contaminated fairies!

People were terrified, realizing that they had fallen into a deadly trap!

"I see...so this is the true killing move," Shirou thought to himself with a sinking feeling.

The magical circle on the ground resembled a Reality Marble, hindering their retreat. The stone giants, Dead Apostles, and Cath Palug were relentlessly attacking them, leaving no room for escape.

However, amidst the chaos, a question arose - who was responsible for setting up this terrifying trap near Caerleon Castle?

Shirou was puzzled by the purpose behind setting up the trap. If the goal was simply to annihilate, Cath Palug, who held the principle of Comparison, was more than capable of single-handedly wiping out all of Britain. So what was the point of the trap?

At this moment, Gawain's cry rang out, "The sun...the sun has disappeared!"

Shirou's gaze shot upwards, and he couldn't help but squint. The sun had vanished, replaced by a blood-red full moon. It was a strange, terrifying, and mysterious sight, causing hope to dwindle and the terror of death to loom.

"What do we do now? What's going to happen to us?" one of them asked frantically.

"Are we going to die?" another voice chimed in, filled with fear.

"This is too terrifying... this... this is a monster that humans cannot defeat," a third person added, their voice quivering with terror.

"Oh God... please, please save us," someone prayed desperately, their voice barely above a whisper.


The soldiers were terrified, and understandably so.

Even Shirou's heart was filled with fear upon seeing Cath Palug. However, he knew that giving into his fear would lead to a dead end.

He gritted his teeth and projected six Caliburn. The swords materialized in front of him, their surfaces shimmering in the bright light of the crimson sun. He took aim at the mountain giant, his eyes fixed on its upper body, and fired a beam of light straight at it.

The force of the attack was immense, as the beam of light struck the giant with incredible force, blasting its upper body to pieces in a shower of debris. The sound of the impact was deafening, echoing across the surrounding landscape like thunder.

As people watched in awe, they were captivated by the sheer power and intensity of the attack. The extreme light that emanated from Shirou's Caliburn swords was blinding in its brilliance, a testament to the raw strength that King Arthur possessed.

Seizing the opportunity, Shirou stood at the highest point and bellowed, "Listen, everyone! I am Arthur, the Red Dragon of Britain! Do not be afraid, do not fear, for I am here!"

The people turned their heads to look at Shirou, their eyes filled with shock and disbelief. In this life and death moment, fear had taken hold of everyone, including Gawain and Tristan. However, amidst the terror, someone stood up.

"Arthur..." Bedivere murmured unconsciously upon hearing Shirou's name.

Not only Bedivere, but others as well. Amidst the fear and chaos, those who rose to the occasion under immense pressure were undoubtedly the beacons of hope, shining brilliantly amidst the darkness.

"I am entrusting command to Artoria, and it is imperative that everyone follows her orders," Shirou declared. "Listen closely! This is not a battle for glory, but a fight for our lives!" With his arm raised, he shouted, "Fight for survival!"

"Fight for survival!"


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