
February 19, 1999, Friday.

Fuyuki City.

The sky resembled a vast expanse of deep blue velvet, with the early spring sun beaming down from high above like a precious gem. Judging by the sun's position, it was likely around 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

At Homurahara Academy

"Ding ding ding..."

The loud sound of the bell echoed throughout the Academy, and instantly, a clamor erupted across the entire school. Students poured out of their classes, chatting and laughing in groups as they made their way towards the school gate.

"Shinji-senpai! Shinji-senpai!" A soft, feminine voice rang out.

"Someone is looking for you, Shinji," nudged Issei.

Amidst the crowd of students, a blue-haired boy walked alongside his classmates, clutching his books and wearing a slightly faded school uniform. He stood at around 1.67 meters tall, wore thick glasses, and appeared rather frail and weak.

Suddenly, he turned around in confusion as a girl around 1.65 meters tall, with a somewhat sweet appearance, called out to him.

"Who are you?" asked Shinji, pushing up his glasses and looking perplexed.

"This...this is for you!" The girl handed Shinji a pink letter, blushing before turning around and hastily running away.

Shinji held the letter, feeling embarrassed as he looked around at the other students.

Issei chuckled and quipped, "Gee, you're quite the heartthrob, Shinji. How many love letters is that now? Seven this month?"

Shinji let out a sigh of resignation and replied, "Yeah, this makes it the seventh one." He proceeded to absentmindedly tuck the letter away inside his book, without so much as a glance.

Curious, Issei asked, "Don't you even want to take a peek?"

Shinji shook his head, "Nope, not interested."

Issei cautioned, "You never know when you might miss out on a chance at love."

"Love? It's just a passing fancy fueled by hormonal impulses during adolescence. It's a meaningless waste of time. I'd rather spend that time reading more books," replied Shinji dismissively.

Issei chuckled and quipped, "You're a real catch, Shinji. Most guys would envy your love life, but you remain as immovable as a mountain."

Shinji furrowed his brow and retorted, "What's that supposed to mean? If that guy were still around, he'd make even me look like a lightweight..."

At the mention of "that guy," the expressions on Shinji and Issei's faces turned solemn and tense.

Issei sighed heavily and turned his head to gaze at the tallest landmark in the city.

The landmark was a towering structure, adorned with a sculpture on top. It depicted the image of a person without a face, soaring towards the sky.

Shinji muttered in a low voice, "I can't believe that guy turned out to be a magus... And to think, after he selflessly saved everyone, he disappeared without a trace... What's even more infuriating is that no one knows his name... only that there was a hero who did such a thing."

Issei remained silent, listening to Shinji's complain.

Suddenly, a serious voice interrupted them from behind, "Please don't look so sad, seniors. My brother is not dead."

Shinji and Issei turned to see a girl with a resolute expression looking at them.

The girl seemed to be around twelve years old, her straight silver hair flowing down to her waist. Her face, delicate and beautiful, carried a serious and determined expression, adding a certain charm to her youthful appearance. Despite her tender age, there was an undeniable allure about her. But it was her eyes that caught attention - they emitted a faint purple light that flickered occasionally, forming an "X" pattern.

"Sakura..." Issei scratched the back of his head, at a loss for words.

"My brother is still alive!" she declared resolutely. "I will bring him back sooner or later!"

Issei didn't know what to say.

Ever since that guy disappeared, everyone had assumed he was dead. But only his sister, Fujimaru Sakura, held onto the belief that he was still alive, waiting for someone to bring him back from wherever he had vanished to.

Nobody had the heart to shatter Sakura's dreams, so they all avoided discussing her missing brother in her presence. However, something had begun to change within her.

It was unclear when it had started, but it began with her hair - her once-black locks had gradually turned silver. Then, her eyes transformed into a violet hue that resembled the color of violets. When she grew angry, they would even emit a faint purple light in an "X" pattern, giving people an eerie sensation that sent shivers down their spine.

What was even more unsettling was what happened next...

"We understand, and we share your belief that Shirou is still alive," Shinji reassured Sakura.

Her expression softened slightly at the words of comfort. "Excuse me, seniors. I'll take my leave now."

Suddenly, a small void materialized beneath Sakura's body. She vanished into it and disappeared without a trace, as if the people around her had not seen a thing.

Shinji let out a deep sigh, lost in thought. Issei remained silent, walking alongside him as they made their way down the street, gradually disappearing into the distance.

Issei glanced towards the nearby arcade and suggested, "How about playing some games for a while?"

Shinji shook his head and replied, "No thanks. I have to work on a paper for my study abroad resume. I've already gathered the necessary materials, and now I'm ready to start writing."

"In that case, I'll go and play for a while," Issei responded, making his way towards the arcade.

Shinji nodded in agreement before making his way back to his residence. Once inside, he put down his books and headed to his room. A disarray of books on ancient Britain and medieval maps lay scattered about, creating a chaotic mess.

He picked up a copy of "History of the Kings of Britain," turned to the information he had found the previous day, closed the book, and began to ponder his thoughts.

Based on the information he had gathered, the Eternal King from Arthurian legend was an ancient and revered king among the people of Britain. He was considered one of the greatest and most legendary monarchs in Western European history.

His historical significance was immense, as he was credited with marking the transition from the ancient era to the medieval era, thus holding a significant place in history.

The Eternal King, Arthur!

As per the information Shinji had obtained, there were numerous versions of the King Arthur legend. However, they could be broadly categorized into two versions.

The first version revolved around the King of Knight and the twelve knights of the Round Table. The second version, on the other hand, focused on the Eternal King and the fifteen knights of the Round Table.

While European historians often mix the two versions together, British historians tend to maintain that the King of Knight and the Eternal King are not the same person.

According to Shinji's research, there may be a relationship of inheritance and development between the two versions, indicating that they could be linked in some way.

In the legend of the Eternal King and the Fifteen Knights of the Round Table, the Roman Empire had crumbled, leaving the island of Britain vulnerable to attack from the Saxons and Picts. The kings on the island were in a state of chaos, grappling with both internal and external threats.

Amidst the chaos, the Eternal King emerged as a ruler, assembling the Fifteen Knights of the Round Table and rising from the region of Cornwall, which was considered to be extremely underdeveloped during that time. Over a span of seven years, he forged a formidable empire that extended north to the island of Ireland and south to the Goths and Franks, leaving an indelible mark on history as the king who ushered in the transition from the ancient to the medieval era.

In the epic of the King of Knights and the Twelve Knights of the Round Table, the King and the knights were said to have fought and won twelve great battles over the course of ten years.

After conducting extensive research, Shinji concluded that while both versions held the name of Arthur, there was likely an inheritance and development relationship between the two.

Despite this, in Britain, the Eternal King has become a spiritual symbol. Even to this day, there is a widely popular saying in Britain - "In the valley of Avalon, the Eternal King sleeps. When Britain is in peril, he will return." This belief in the Eternal King's eventual return continues to be an integral part of British mythology and culture.

Upon closer examination of the legendary deeds of the Eternal King, it becomes clear why this myth continues to hold such significance and continues to prevail in British culture.

Shinji let out a weary sigh, his words tinged with a touch of regret. "If only my father had successfully summoned the 'Eternal King' from the start, maybe the Matou family would have come out victorious. Our mansion wouldn't have been reduced to ashes, and I wouldn't have had to endure such hardships."

As Shinji grew older, his father Byakuya revealed the truth about the Fourth Holy Grail War to him. Although he initially harbored resentment towards Kotomine Kirei, who had burned down their mansion, he eventually came to terms with the reality of the situation. That person had not survived the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Furthermore, Shinji realized the importance of focusing on the present and moving forward, rather than dwelling on the past. This was a lesson that his friend, a man named Fujimaru Shirou, had taught him.


Summoning the Eternal King...

That should be impossible, right?

According to his father, Emiya Kiritsugu, representing the Einzbern family, had used the sheath of a holy sword for summoning during the Fourth Holy Grail War. However, the one summoned was the King of Knight and not the Eternal King.

Shinji found himself questioning the existence of the Eternal King. If he never existed, then why is the legend still being told in Britain? However, at the time, Shinji was still young and inexperienced. He knew very little about these things.

Despite his doubts, Shinji was determined to complete his research paper as it would serve as a crucial part of his admission resume for his studies in London. Whether the legend was true or false did not matter, as it was all about ancient people and their stories.

With his thoughts sorted out, Shinji began to write: "The Eternal King Arthur's exact existence timeline is unknown, but it is widely believed that he was a king of ancient Britain who ruled for ten years between 407-453. In 407, the Roman Emperor Constantine III ordered all Roman troops stationed in Britain to return to the continent to help defend against the invading barbarian tribes.

During this period, there were numerous kings in Britain. Among them, Uther and Vortigern were considered to be the most powerful. Several years later, Vortigern joined forces with the Saxons and united with the Picts of Scotland to defeat King Uther.

Approximately fifteen years after these events, the Eternal King Arthur appeared in Tintagel in southwestern Britain, and then traveled throughout Camelot with his followers.

As per Thomas Malory's "Le Morte d'Arthur," a 15th-century prose compilation of Arthurian legends and stories, Arthur was accompanied by the court mage Merlin and one of the 15 Knights of the Round Table, Sir Kay, during this period.

Around 441, Vortigern led the Saxons and Picts in an attack on Camelot, the capital at the time. According to a map of Britain in the sixth century, Camelot was situated in Wales. Due to the attack, the Eternal King Arthur was forced to retreat to Cornwall in the south.

Over the course of ten years, the Eternal King, with Cornwall as his base, managed to create a vast empire that extended north to Ireland and south to the Visigoths and Franks.

According to the "Song of Avalon," Cornwall, where the Eternal King resided at that time, was a backward area plagued by bandits and barren fields. Moreover, the people of Cornwall harbored a deep-seated hatred for Camelot and the Eternal King, even wanting to drive him out.

However, this was only the beginning of the Eternal King's suffering. With Vortigern's army frequently crossing the borders, the Eternal King had a meager force of less than five hundred soldiers. Cornwall was impoverished and plagued by bandits, with deep internal conflicts. It can be said that he was beset by both internal and external troubles.

Furthermore, as per the "Song of Avalon," the people who migrated at that time were almost out of food. They had nowhere to live, and were in dire straits due to the lack of food.

The Eternal King had no army, no capable people to use, and no access to food. It can be said that he was in an extremely desperate situation.

After hastily writing the beginning of his paper, Shinji let out a sigh. To be honest, looking at this information, he felt a heavy sense of oppression.

With formidable enemies outside, longstanding historical issues within, no troops, and no food, there was no one who could be of significant help to the Eternal King. Putting himself in that position, Shinji feared that he would have collapsed long ago!

"What kind of person was he really?" Shinji wondered.


Upon awakening, Shirou found himself in an unfamiliar room with a magnificent bed that he had never seen before.

"Oh, you're awake," a frivolous voice sounded, and he turned to see Merlin sitting at the bedside, looking at him.

Attempting to sit up, he found his body very weak, with his tired hands unable to support his weight.

He looked at Merlin and said helplessly, "Come over here and give me a hand."

Merlin shook his head and replied, "You've lost too much blood. It would be best if you rested a little longer."

"This is the king's order, Court Mage!"

Merlin reluctantly reached out and pulled him up.

Shirou sat up and leaned against the head of the bed, asking, "How long have I been unconscious?"

"Two days," Merlin said.

"Two days!?" Shirou's eyes twitched, and he lifted the bedcover to get up.

Merlin quickly reached out and stopped him, "I didn't lie to you. Despite your wound being healed by your remarkable healing ability, you lost a considerable amount of blood and require adequate rest!"

Shirou replied, "I still have a lot of things to take care of. The food supplies in Caerleon can only last for five days!"

Merlin sighed helplessly and replied, "Even so, you still need to prioritize resting!"

"After death, there is enough time to rest."

Merlin stared at Shirou in a daze and let out a heavy sigh, "I now regret bringing you to the throne..."

"Congratulations on experiencing human emotions," Shirou retorted, using magical energy to strengthen his weakened body due to blood loss, and then donning the clothes that were hanging by the bedside.

"Don't you hate me for putting you in this position?"

Shirou replied seriously after putting on his clothes, "The past is just memories. People should focus on the present and the future."


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