
After the banquet, King Ban invited Shirou to visit his castle and he readily accepted the invitation.

As they walked and talked ahead, Merlin couldn't help but feel bitter inside. Lancelot kept asking him about Shirou's swordsmanship, and he didn't know how to answer. Should he tell the truth that Shirou's skills were mediocre or lie and say that they were exceptional? If he had known about this beforehand, he wouldn't have gone on this trip!

Merlin suddenly had a realization.

He had been forcibly brought onto the ship, and they had specifically chosen him over Morgan, who was also a magus. Could it be that Shirou had planned this all along? Unfortunately for him, he guessed right.

Despite his need for food, Shirou knew that he couldn't show any signs of weakness. Doing so would not only make people look down on him but also jeopardize his plans.

In a way, this situation is similar to modern entrepreneurs seeking investments. They may not have a team, technology, or funds, but they must present themselves with confidence and showcase their strengths to impress investors and secure funding. It's like a white wolf in sheep's clothing - appearing strong on the outside, while concealing their true intentions.

Confidence is key when it comes to bluffing people!

Despite his worries, Shirou knew that he needed to project an air of confidence and put on a strong demeanor when interacting with King Ban. This not only impressed the king but also helped him achieve his goals. It's a valuable lesson for anyone looking to succeed in any interpersonal situation - confidence can go a long way in making a good impression and achieving one's objectives.

After agreeing on the details of the material transfer, Shirou and the king were both satisfied with the outcome. Shirou had brought a ship full of tin and copper, while the king lent him five cargo ships to transport the food to Cornwall.

But there was still a remaining amount of goods that could not be exchanged for the food at the moment. They had to wait for King Ban to bring King Bors into the picture and procure the necessary food from him before it could be delivered.

However, there was one thing that made Shirou feel a bit worried. The king wanted Lancelot to accompany him to Britain and learn from Camelot.

Although he had successfully deceived the king, if the truth were to be revealed, it would not only break the alliance but also result in the loss of the remaining food.

Therefore, he could only say, "I don't mind. However, currently, there is a curse from the Vortigern's magi on the island. Do you think the prince can handle it?"

Lancelot responded with a smile, "Please don't worry about that, King Arthur. I was raised by fairies and can easily adapt to the environment of Britain. Additionally, King Arthur commands many talented knights, and I would love to learn from them!"

King Ban advised his son, "My son, when you arrive at Camelot, be sure to listen to King Arthur's orders and learn from him!"

Lancelot replied confidently, "I understand, Father!"

Although hesitant, Shirou had no choice but to agree with the proposition and come up with a countermeasure later.

In the garden, a young boy with silver hair and a slightly stubborn voice, who appeared to be around eight years old, could be heard shouting, "Father, father!"

Shirou turned his head and spotted the boy running towards them with a beaming smile. Unfortunately, the darkness made it difficult to see the ground clearly. Suddenly, with a loud "thud," the boy tripped and fell, scraping his knee and crying out in pain.

"Father, father... it hurts so much!" he wailed.

Lancelot had been focused intently on Merlin, his fighting spirit palpable. However, upon hearing Galahad's cry, he quickly frowned and crossed his arms, his face now stern. "Galahad, you are my son. You must learn to stand on your own two feet!" he declared firmly.


"Stop your whining! Get up at once and don't embarrass us in front of our guests!"

Galahad struggled to stand up, still crying and clutching his leg.

Upon seeing Galahad's injured leg, Shirou quickly ordered Merlin to heal the injury. After the healing, Galahad gratefully thanked both Merlin and Shirou before running over to King Ban and timidly grabbing his hand, casting a nervous glance towards Lancelot.

Lancelot's face remained stern, causing Galahad to feel frightened and uneasy.

King Ban made arrangements for Shirou and his fifty warriors to be accommodated and sent them off to their lodgings with a smile.

Everything had been arranged to perfection. With the exception of Lancelot accompanying Shirou to Camelot, they had accomplished all of their main objectives for the trip.

With the food secured, the most dangerous situation would be resolved, allowing him to finally breathe a sigh of relief.

However, this was only the first of many steps. There were still many issues to address, including agriculture, economy, and military matters. The mere thought of these responsibilities caused his scalp to tingle. But since he had already taken on this role, he was determined to fulfill his duties to the best of his abilities.

The night passed without incident, and by noon the following day, the king had already dispatched workers to unload the tin and copper from Shirou's ship and load the food onto the five cargo ships that Shirou would take away.

As they stood at the dock, King Ban addressed him, "King Arthur, I regret to inform you that I do not have enough food to exchange for your minerals. However, rest assured that I will acquire the necessary provisions from my brother and send them to Cornwall."

"Don't worry, King Ban. I have complete confidence in your credibility."

"By the way, the Roman envoy has already arrived in my castle," King Ban said, breaking the comfortable silence. "This means that Rome has recognized Benoic as a kingdom. Why don't you stay a little longer and let me introduce you to them?"

He smiled politely, "Your kingdom borders Cornwall, which happens to be the poorest region of my kingdom. As much as I'd enjoy continuing our conversation, the people of Cornwall can't afford to wait anymore. Perhaps we can arrange for another meeting next time."

"You're a good king!" King Ban laughed.

As Lancelot was about to board the ship, King Ban's stern gaze settled on him. His voice was low and serious when he spoke. "Lancelot, when you get to Camelot, you must learn from King Arthur and prepare to inherit my position in the future. But mark my words, if I hear that you've caused any trouble in Camelot, I'll break your legs!"

"I understand, father!" Lancelot nodded quickly, understanding the gravity of his father's words. While he was eager to see the knights that Shirou had mentioned, he knew that his primary objective was to investigate the truth about Camelot and Vortigern as his father had instructed him.

Lancelot called over Galahad and spoke to him sternly. "I'm going to Britannia, and you must listen to your grandfather in Benoic and learn to become a brave and noble knight like me. Remember, if you act weak and shameful again like yesterday, I won't hesitate to break your legs!"

Galahad was trembling like a little white rabbit in the arms of the king, clearly terrified. King Ban felt a pang of sympathy for the young boy and gently stroked his snowy white hair to comfort him.

With the ship fully loaded with supplies, Shirou set sail for Cornwall with Lancelot and a fleet of five cargo ships, a small smile playing on his lips. He knew that there were many challenges and obstacles that awaited him in the future, but at least he could take comfort in the fact that these supplies would fill the bellies of his people.

Merlin had warned him that Crimson Moon was in Gaul, but fortunately, they did not run into him during their journey. This was a piece of good news amidst the recent troubled times, and it brought some relief to him.


Unbeknownst to him, a pair of crimson eyes watched from the crowd at the Benoic Port as the ship sailed away into the distance.

"Your Majesty, may I ask what has caught your attention?" the attendant beside him inquired.

"I am gazing at a 'vessel' that carries the evil of Cath Palug."

"Could it be the same person who had the audacity to steal your food back in the British Isles, the one Merem had prepared?"

Crimson Moon gave a barely perceptible nod.

"Shall I go and eliminate him, Your Majesty?"

"It's not necessary. They have already entered the range of that island, and Gaia won't allow my body to go there," Crimson Moon responded. "Furthermore, our primary focus at the moment is finding that fairy."

"But the fairy may be hiding on that island as well," the attendant persisted. "You mentioned over a year ago that you detected a distinct aura on that island, which could be that fairy."

"I have already dispatched Altrouge and Merem to that island to handle the situation."


"Let us depart. The holy sword wielded by the prince of this nation is highly likely to be the very one bestowed upon him by that fairy," Crimson Moon declared. "Keep in mind that at this moment, I am not the King of the Moon, but the Roman envoy."

The attendant chuckled, "Rome has long since fallen under your command. It would be more fitting to refer to yourself as the true emperor working behind the scenes!"


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