
As the war raged on, smoke billowed up from the land, gradually enveloping everything in its path. Countless beasts ran wild on the ground, while sea monsters thrashed about in the sea. High above, griffins and wyverns danced together in the sky.

On the choppy waters, Lancelot and Lamorak commanded warships, locked in a fierce exchange of magical cannon fire.

The air was filled with the deafening cries of sea monsters, and the sky was dotted with falling wyverns. As humanity fought for its very survival, the end felt all but inevitable.

Out on the chaotic sea, the remnants of magical beasts lay scattered amidst the severed limbs of humans and the wreckage of warships. It was a tragic epic that marked the final chapter of human history.

The fleet commanded by Lamorak and Lancelot found themselves under constant bombardment from the city's magical cannons, while sea monsters and flying wyverns closed in on them from all sides. It was only a matter of time before their ships would be overwhelmed.

When it came to sheer physical strength, humans were no match for magical beasts, unless they possessed extraordinary abilities. However, the true strength of humanity lay in their intellect, their creativity, and their ability to invent and utilize tools and technology.

The soldiers under the command of Lamorak and Lancelot were a testament to this human strength. They were a formidable force, with muscular builds, and equipped with powerful weapons like Gáe Bolg and shining silver armor. In terms of individual strength, they were already among the most heroic units of humanity, and could hold their own against magical beasts.

After two years of intensive training, the soldiers under Lamorak and Lancelot's command had become an even more formidable force.

However, their strength was no match for the sheer number of enemies they faced, and the power of the fortress's magical cannon was truly fearsome. Once a warship's magical furnace was depleted and its barrier collapsed, it was only a matter of time before the ship was shot down, and its crew plunged into the sea, where they would become prey for the ravenous magical beasts.

Despite being surrounded by magical beasts in the unforgiving sea, the soldiers fought on, wielding their weapons with a burning intensity that defied their dire circumstances.

They were driven by a powerful set of virtues: love for their country, compassion for their fellow soldiers, honor in their actions, bravery in the face of overwhelming odds, and a willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice for the cause they believed in. They embodied qualities like humility, justice, and honesty, which marked them as a truly faithful army.

In the face of such daunting adversity, they remained fearless and undaunted, determined to see their mission through to the very end. Their unwavering commitment to victory could only be matched by their willingness to make any sacrifice necessary to achieve it.

The contrast between a faithful army and a faithless one is vast and significant!

Despite their high morale and valorous fighting spirit, the soldiers were unable to overcome the stark reality of their dire situation.

With magical beasts closing in on them from both the sea and sky, their fate seemed all but sealed. However, in a critical moment, the king and his army broke through Hadrian's Wall and entered the fray.

The king's army was a force to be reckoned with, comprised of soldiers who had survived the arduous migration from Caerleon. They were a fierce and battle-hardened group, forged through years of struggle and hardship.

If Lamorak and Lancelot's army was already considered elite, then this new army of three thousand men was the elite of the elite!

Their faces bore a resolute belief, each one etched with a ferocious and desolate expression. Nearly every soldier boasted proud scars on their faces, the hard-earned medals of their two years of training in the beast sea of the northern defense line.

Clad in shining silver armor and wielding Gáe Bolg, the soldiers stepped forward one by one.

"Da da da..."

Their footsteps shook the ground.

It wasn't long before Londinium took notice of their arrival.

There was no way not to notice them. The army's desolate aura was too heavy, their numbers too great, and their magical energy too intense.

The city of Londinium was bewildered as to why the prince, who had been driven to hide beyond Hadrian's Wall by their king, was now attacking their city. However, they had no choice but to respond and mount a counterattack.

"Woo woo woo—"

The sound of a heavy horn echoed across Londinium.

On the ground below, the magical beasts heard the horn and took notice of the king's army, howling and charging towards them in response.

Simultaneously, a brilliant light illuminated the air above Londinium.

And in the next moment—

"Boom boom boom boom boom!!!"

A massive True Ether cannon with a diameter of roughly five meters materialized, resembling a pillar of light descending from the sky, hurtling towards the king's army.

The king projected twelve Caliburn and arranged them in a line at his side. He channeled his magical energy into them, causing the twelve small beams of light to converge into a single, powerful beam. The beam collided with the True Ether cannon, striking it with the force of a divine punishment.

As the two beams of light intersected, even the fabric of space itself trembled ever so slightly.

And in the next moment—

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

A catastrophic reaction occurred at the very center of the intersection, forming a terrifying particle that brewed with immense energy. Everything in the immediate vicinity was pulled into the particle and utterly destroyed.

The intense blast lifted the ground around them to a height of three yards, carried by a cold wind.

It was clear that the True Ether beam of Londinium was no match for the attack launched by the Tower of Light. Despite putting up a brief struggle against the twelve Caliburn projected by Shirou, the True Ether beam was ultimately pushed back by the converged beam of light and detonated upon the city barrier.

Brandishing his sword, the king rode forward, leading the charge into the oncoming herd of beasts.

Behind him, two black hands materialized, each gripping a greatsword the size of a mountain and slashing wildly to either side. Though the greatswords lacked sharp edges, their sheer strength was enough to pulverize the magical beasts into a gory mess.

In this moment, people were left utterly stunned to realize that the king possessed not only the wisdom of the ocean but also the prowess of a one-man army on the battlefield!

Despite the king's formidable combat skills, the physical fortitude of the magical beasts was simply too overwhelming. Some of the more powerful creatures banded together and charged directly into the black hands, tearing them apart and causing the greatswords to crumble into a shower of magical particles.

The knights and soldiers could not stand idly by and watch as their king charged alone into such danger.

"Kill kill kill kill!!!" Artoria, Gawain, and the others shouted at the top of their lungs, riding their horses and charging bravely into the sea of beasts alongside the king.

In the midst of the chaos, the army brandishing their Gae Bolg spears charged into the sea of beasts like a sharpened blade.

The land was awash with a never-ending swarm of beasts, their numbers seemingly without end.

But the only thing on the minds of the warriors was:

Kill, kill, kill!

These soldiers were vastly different from their former selves two years prior.

Under the rule of the king, even in times of hardship, he made sure his people were never hungry, providing them with ample food and sustenance.

Every single one of them ate their fill each day, and with good weapons, armor, unbreakable faith, unparalleled skills, and the guidance of devilish instructors, they were no longer the same individuals they had been two years ago!

Two years ago, they had been defeated and scattered by the ruthless beasts, but today was the day of reckoning!

With their bodies serving as shields, their faith acting as swords, and their divine weapons at the ready, they charged headlong into the raging beast tide.

Their Gae Bolg swung like crimson meteors, striking with deadly precision and efficiency, felling every beast in their path with a resounding "slash."

The beasts surged like a tidal wave, while the army cut through their ranks like a sharp blade.

Step by step, they advanced, cleaving through the sea of monsters with unrelenting force. It seemed as though no obstacle could halt their advance!

No longer were they the same mortals from two years prior, but a valiant army that followed the lead of their great king!

With unwavering ambition in their hearts, they fought through the beasts' fierce counterattacks, determined to emerge victorious.

Their wills remained steadfast, even in the face of countless fallen comrades along the way. They vowed to bear the will of their fallen brethren and continue pressing forward.

Their shared ambition burned like an unquenchable flame, passing from one soldier to the next, driving them ever onward towards victory.

"What is the origin of this army? How is this even possible? How can they defeat the sea of beasts?"

"Are they truly human? This cannot be possible!"

The general guarding Londinium was utterly dumbfounded upon witnessing this incredible sight.

If there were individuals capable of defeating magical beasts, the general believed it to be possible. After all, throughout history, countless powerful heroes had been born among humanity.

However, the majority of these heroes had been offspring of gods, demigods possessing immense power. Normal humans were not supposed to stand a chance against the might of magical beasts!

The general of Londinium was utterly dumbfounded, struggling to comprehend how an army could so easily vanquish the formidable magical beasts. Were they all demigod heroes? It seemed impossible!

Despite his shock, he managed to maintain his composure, promptly raising his horn and sounding it once more.


The wyverns hovering overhead took notice of the horn and immediately split their forces, directing their attacks towards the king's army.

This served to alleviate some of the pressure on the side of Lamorak and Lancelot.

"The king has arrived! Our king is here to support us! Hold the line, my brave heroes!" shouted Lamorak with great fervor.

Lancelot drew his holy sword and yelled, "Take heart, do not let our king see us as a laughingstock!"

Perhaps in the heat of the moment, Lancelot had momentarily forgotten his own identity and referred to 'our king' instead of 'King Arthur'.

Despite his momentary lapse, Lancelot's call had been effective. Upon hearing the king's presence, the soldiers, already fatigued, suddenly found renewed vigor. They even seemed to possess a newfound strength in their hands!

The king was akin to a rallying flag, while the soldiers were the sharp knives that tore through the horde of beasts and surged towards Londinium with great purpose.

With their spirits and morale soaring, the two forces on land and sea launched a simultaneous assault on Londinium from two different directions!

The fortress city of Londinium found itself in a similarly dire situation as the Castle of Caerleon had on that fateful day, its fate hanging precariously in the balance!

But unlike before, the city was not a mere settlement of people surrounded by a relentless sea of beasts. Rather, it was a heroic army of people that had set upon the beasts' very nest with fierce determination!

Despite the immense pressure weighing heavily upon him, the general of Londinium refused to back down or falter. Though he was sweating profusely, he remained cool and collected, commanding his troops with steadfast resolve in the face of the king's army.

But it soon became clear that their efforts were in vain.

Though magical beasts posed a great threat to normal mortals, they proved to be no match for the heroism and valor of mortal heroes!



Vortigern sat on his throne, lost in thought. Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and his indifferent gaze flickered with anger.

"Why are you so upset, Your Majesty?" asked Meksis. "Haven't the surrendered nobles been dealt with?"

God said, "There are mortals who dare to steal my divine power, like ants scurrying about beneath my notice."

Meksis was taken aback.

God walked over to the Tower of Light, which held the Holy Spear Rhongomyniad, and firmly grasped its handle. With a slight movement of his mind, several beams of light shot out from the tower towards the wilds beyond Hadrian's Wall and the fortified city of Londinium.


The sound of the beam tearing through the air was deafening. Its sheer power caused space to warp and distort in its wake, leaving a trail of destruction behind it.

God declared, "Those who overestimate themselves shall face divine punishment!"

The sky seemed to split apart as a deluge of beams rained down upon Britain, each one crashing to earth with the force of a meteor. The deafening roar of the impact echoed across the land, a constant "boom-boom-boom" that seemed to shake the very foundations of the world.

As the beams found their targets among the ranks of the king's army, the devastation was immediate and catastrophic. Men and monsters alike were caught in the crossfire, their bodies shattered and torn apart by the unrelenting barrage. The ground shook beneath their feet, as if the very earth itself were rebelling against the carnage being wrought upon it.

Through the chaos, the king struggled to maintain his footing, his body buffeted by the force of the onslaught. But even he could not withstand the sheer ferocity of the barrage, and he was thrown backwards with a thud, a cloud of dust rising up around him like a shroud.

"Your Majesty!" Artoria called out, riding swiftly towards the king on her Dun Stallion. She quickly helped the king onto the horse.

The king sat behind Artoria with a solemn expression, gazing towards the distant Tower of Light. He murmured to himself, "They have finally found us, but it's too late now!"

Amidst the deafening artillery fire, the king raised his sword high and shouted, "Charge!!!"

The soldiers answered their king's call, letting out fierce battle cries as they charged towards the fortified city of Londinium.