
Shirou gazed at the girl submerged in the alchemical container with a calm expression, but his heart churned like waves in a tempest.

There was no mistaking it; the girl in the container was undoubtedly Arcueid. However, wasn't Arcueid supposed to have been created in the 12th century? How could she possibly be here in the 5th century, covered in wounds and suspended in the alchemical container like a mere specimen?

---"Next time we meet, you have to teach me how to play Go!"

Wait a moment...

This had to be the same foolish girl who had fallen into the Root with him!

As a True Ancestor blessed by Gaia, she had journeyed to the Root in the 20th century with him. In doing so, she violated the taboo that led to her abandonment by Gaia. Eventually, she shed all constraints to assist him in escaping, while bravely confronting the hordes of Heroic Spirits and Gaia's monsters alone.

He had assumed that she might have perished. After all, Gaia and Alaya were ruthless towards those who dared to trespass into the Root. However, he had never imagined that she would have also been transported to this era, much less have fallen into the clutches of Altrouge...

Was this a stroke of good fortune, or misfortune?

In the Nasuverse, Arcueid and Altrouge are both vessels of the Crimson Moon, akin to sisters, but their bond is rife with complexities.

However, not all was misfortune. At the very least, she had not fallen into the clutches of the Crimson Moon.

As the True Ancestor of the highest purity, if she had been seized by him in this era, she would have inevitably lost her body.

However, that was not the only alarming aspect.

Once the Crimson Moon were to acquire Arcueid's physical form, she would be able to elude the correction of Gaia and Alaya, unleashing untold chaos upon the history of this world.

"I'm right in front of you. Have you forgotten to use your eyes?" Altrouge's voice dripped with irritation; she hated being disregarded.

Shirou responded, "I just wasn't expecting to encounter another True Ancestor here."

"Hmph... she's just an empty shell," she sniped.

She paused for a moment, then scoffed, "For someone who claims to know everything, you seem rather clueless about my power. That white dragon might be formidable to you, but to me? It's just a bug that can barely jump."

"If it were Crimson Moon speaking, I might take those words at face value. But coming from you? Hardly."

"Do you dare say that again?" Her eyes glittered menacingly.

"Ask me as many times as you'd like. My response will not change. You're trapped, yet oblivious to your own shackles, stubborn even... Do you genuinely believe you can walk away unscathed after being chosen by the Crimson Moon as his vessel?"

Altrouge narrowed her eyes, a hint of suspicion in her gaze.

As the white mouse scratched its beard, Merem muttered under his breath, "How does he know about that?"

The mouse looked at Merem in disbelief before letting out a resigned sigh. Its owner was still too naive, always muttering his thoughts out loud.

Shirou flashed a sly smile. "Are you familiar with the true nature of the white dragon, Lady Altrouge?"

Her expression remained impassive as she stated, "It was once a human, evolving gradually into a force of nature and eventually becoming the last god."

"Correct. But do you know the truth about the Tower of Light?"

A crease appeared on her forehead. "Isn't it just some alchemical weapon or the like?"

The white mouse covered its eyes in disbelief, feeling speechless at her ignorance.

Shirou's expression turned serious as he corrected her. "No, Lady Altrouge. It's the Anchor of the Stars." He paused, observing the shifting atmosphere and the white mouse's reaction.

"Anchor of the Stars?" Altrouge was taken aback. She had never heard of such a thing before.

In reality, very few individuals were aware of the Anchor of the Stars' existence.

In the original timeline, not even Artoria, who wielded the Holy Lance Rhongomyniad, was aware of the truth about the weapon. It was only after defeating Vortigern that Merlin revealed the true nature of the lance to her.

Neither Altrouge nor Merem were aware of the truth regarding the Anchor of the Stars.

Shirou let out a deep sigh, "Lady Altrouge, you are in as much danger as the humans on this island. But it seems you're completely oblivious, and it's...sigh!"

Altrouge's frustration grew as she became increasingly annoyed with Shirou's evasiveness. "What exactly are you trying to say?" she demanded, feeling her anger rising.

His indirectness and seeming reluctance to get to the point were making her feel like she was being led around in circles, like someone trying to sell a mystery potion without revealing its contents.

Her emotions were similar to those of the farmers in ancient Chinese novels who had met with old immortals who refused to divulge their celestial secrets. She felt a mix of impatience and frustration, bordering on madness!

Usually, a mere human couldn't provoke such emotions in her, but this human was different.

Shirou was acquainted with the Crimson Moon and Merem, and he possessed the ability to penetrate through Altrouge's illusions with ease. However, what puzzled her the most was that she still couldn't fathom the true nature of the red mud, which had the power to shatter even the concept of death.

He was a human with unique abilities, an entity capable of standing on equal footing with her and her companions.

As a result, despite her outwardly disdainful demeanor, she and her companions were paying close attention to his every word.

Shirou seemed to have a keen understanding of their reactions, as he paused for a moment to gather his thoughts before continuing, "The Anchor of the Stars is a tower of light created by the planet to link its inner and outer layers. It also serves as the boundary separating the Age of Gods from the Age of Men. If Vortigern manages to complete and destroy it, the Age of Gods will return to this world."

"What does this have to do with us?" Altrouge asked.

He responded seriously, "It has everything to do with you! The completion of the Anchor of Stars demands a sacrifice - and that sacrifice is everything on this island, including the land and its creatures. In other words, all of you who have come to this island are the sacrificial offerings for the Anchor of Stars!"

Shirou paused for a moment, maintaining a serious expression. "Of course, you have the option to leave before it's too late, and we can pretend I didn't say anything. However, once the Age of Gods returns, so will the gods! As the Dead Apostles and True Ancestors, you will inevitably be destroyed by them. And as your king, can the Crimson Moon really handle the return of all the gods on this planet? This includes the Olympian Gods that were destroyed by the Vanguard of the Umbral Star 12,000 years ago, as well as the Earth Mother Goddesses. Does the Crimson Moon have the power to stop them?"

Altrouge was feeling confused and bewildered at the mention of the Vanguard of the Umbral Star and Earth Mother Goddesses. Merem, the white rat, and King Pellinore looked equally puzzled. Although they had heard of various gods before, the concept of Earth Mother Goddesses and the Vanguard of the Umbral Star was entirely new to them.

Despite their belief that they held all the world's secrets and were at the pinnacle of knowledge, Altrouge, Merem, and King Pellinore felt humbled by Shirou's words. They suddenly realized how little they truly knew and felt as though they were living on the surface of the world like ordinary people.

Shirou took a deep breath and surveyed the group. "Judging by the looks on your faces, I'm guessing that Crimson Moon didn't give you the full story about where you are and what you're up against." He let out a heavy sigh. "No wonder you haven't realized the danger you're in."

He continued, "I am the true king who understands all things, and I know all too well about the Crimson Moon and his intentions. He claims to hail from the moon and to have Gaia's best interests at heart, but in reality, he seeks to establish a new world order."

Initially, Altrouge and her companions didn't pay much heed to his words, but as soon as he mentioned the new world order, their hearts skipped a beat. This was precisely the same notion that the Crimson Moon had been preaching to them and ingraining in their minds.

He wants to create the new world order!

However, this was supposed to be a closely guarded secret, known only to the Crimson Moon's trusted associates. How could a mere human have such knowledge? Could it be that he truly understand everything?

Shirou cast a brief glance at Altrouge's expression before continuing, "Not only am I aware of the Crimson Moon's agenda, but I also know the whereabouts of what he's seeking."

Merem's eyes gleamed with hope as he blurted out, "Do you... do you know where the fairy is?"

As a faithful follower of the Crimson Moon, Merem was well aware of his master's relentless pursuit of the fairy for over a millennium, and he was determined to assist him in accomplishing this task.

'So they came to the island to find a fairy...' thinking this to himself, Shirou maintained his composure and replied, "Indeed, I am privy to this information. However, as the human king, my allegiance lies with my own people, not the Crimson Moon. Moreover, there's little point in sharing this information with you, for once Vortigern initiates the Age of Gods, all of the Crimson Moon's efforts will be in vain."

"What utter nonsense!" Merem retorted fervently. "Our king is unbeatable!"

"If that's what you think, it just shows how naive and clueless you are, which is an embarrassment to your king."

"What did you say?!"

"If you have the means to communicate with your king, I suggest you ask about the colossal spider that accompanied him and whether he dares to provoke it. Or perhaps ask about the slumbering god on the moon, and whether it shall awaken. Or the bodhisattvas who observe this star system and planet from beyond..."

"Stop...stop talking!" Altrouge interjected, rubbing her temples in frustration as a throbbing headache began to set in.

The unfamiliar and esoteric terminology made Altrouge's head throb with pain. Among the terms that Shirou had mentioned, she was only familiar with "God," which was a concept that was often invoked by the zealous priests who hunted down Dead Apostles throughout the European continent.

Altrouge sensed from Shirou's tone that he was implying that their king was not invincible. This revelation shattered her entire worldview, for even though she often harbored discontent towards Crimson Moon, she had always believed, on an instinctive level, that he was invincible, given his ability to control her physical form at any moment.

Although she harbored suspicions that Shirou might be deceiving them, his earnest expression made her reconsider. Besides, the fact that he possessed the strange red mud put him on par with her in some ways.

She knew from experience that individuals who were on equal footing, especially those who were sincere and determined, had a compelling way of speaking and might speak the truth. Moreover, she harbored a personal dislike towards Crimson Moon, which made it easier for her to entertain the possibility that Shirou's claims might hold some truth.


"What does all this have to do with the White Dragon?" Altrouge asked.

Shirou replied with a solemn expression, "Once the Anchor of the Stars is unleashed and the Age of Gods is restored, the gods will reemerge, simultaneously attracting the arrival of the Vanguard of the Umbral Star. This will mark the beginning of the end for all of us - your kind, our kind, and even Crimson Moon himself."

"What does all of this have to do with us?" Altrouge's thoughts were in disarray, prompting her to voice her confusion.

He sighed and explained, "The gods cannot tolerate the existence of Dead Apostles, and the Vanguard of the Umbral Star destroy everything in their path. Do you understand what this means? We are all like crickets on the same rope!"

The White Mouse suddenly interrupted, "How do we know if what you're saying is true or false?"

"You can choose to believe me or dismiss my words. But the surest way to verify them is to summon the consciousness of the Crimson Moon and let me speak with him directly. Yet, the wisest move might be to join forces with me. Either way, you stand to lose nothing!"

After a brief pause, he added, "I know you went to the British Isles to locate that fairy and gather blood samples from Age of Gods humans. Work with me, and you can get what you came here for, no harm done."

The White Mouse asked, "If this is a transaction, what is it that you want, King of Men, Arthur?"

"All I want is to survive. Vortigern's threat is too great for me and for all of us. I came to you not of my own volition but out of necessity."

The White Mouse pondered for a moment and found Shirou's proposition to be reasonable.

"Alright, how can we cooperate?" the White Mouse asked.

Shirou looked over at Altrouge, who was rubbing her temples with a headache and nodding slightly. He knew that the White Mouse was capable of taking charge.

"You only need to invade the territory along the northern line."

"Is it really that simple?" the White Mouse asked skeptically.

He nodded firmly. "Yes, it is that simple!"

The White Mouse considered his response before agreeing, "Alright, we're in. But before we begin, there is one thing I want to ask you, King Arthur."

"What exactly is that red substance of yours?"

As soon as it spoke, everyone's attention turned towards Shirou.

The substance that had the power to easily annihilate ghouls and consume Dead Apostles, who possessed the concept of immortality, was a significant threat.

"It's a Mystic Code that was specifically designed to deal with Dead Apostles," Shirou explained.

The White Mouse looked at him with suspicion. "Can something that's so tainted with a cursed aura really be considered a Mystic Code?"

"Whether you choose to believe it or not is up to you."

The White Mouse nodded hesitantly, still a bit wary of the red thing.

Shirou and the white mouse worked out the details of their cooperation, taking their time to ensure everything was in order.

Out of nowhere, Shirou gestured towards Arcueid, who was submerged in a pool of blood, and asked, "By the way, why is this True Ancestor bathing in blood?"

Altrouge explained, "She sustained severe injuries from an unknown source, leaving her with countless wounds. Her only means of healing is to passively consume blood. However, her soul has yet to fully awaken."

Shirou suddenly proposed, "Then why not hand over this True Ancestor to me for the time being?"

"No way! What are you planning to do?" Altrouge looked wary.

He responded confidently, "I understand everything and know how to awaken this True Ancestor. Since we're working together to deal with Vortigern, it will enhance our chances."

She looked skeptical and asked, "If you have a way to awaken her, why not do it here?"

"I need my subordinate's help, Merlin. Have you heard of him?"

She replied, "I don't know him."

Merem chimed in, "Oh, he's the great magus! The king once mentioned being interested in his blood."

She asked curiously, "Is Merlin famous?"

Merem answered, "Yes, he's the great sage of this island, and it is said that he's a hybrid of the Incubus and humans. That's why the king is interested in his blood."

"Merlin can awaken the sleeping soul by entering the dream, but he also knows what the Crimson Moon thinks of him. Therefore, he will not come here, and I can only take her back," Shirou said.

After a moment's pause, he added, "Of course, you must put some restraints on her so that she won't develop any ideas about my territory. Otherwise, our cooperation will come to an end."

The white mouse was naturally suspicious and initially wary of Shirou's intentions. However, after hearing Shirou's concerns about the True Ancestor's blood-sucking impulses, some of its doubts began to fade.

After a brief discussion with Altrouge, she nodded and said, "Okay, I'll put some restraints on her. But if you awaken her, don't hurt her and return her to me as soon as possible."

He nodded in agreement and reassured her, "Of course, we're allies now. As long as she doesn't cause any trouble in my territory, I won't harm her. After all, until Vortigern is defeated, we are on the same side!"

Altrouge nodded and then waved her hand, causing the alchemical container to shatter. She then handed over Arcueid to Shirou.

After receiving Arcueid, Shirou discussed some details of their cooperation with the others before carefully placing her on the horse and riding away.

As Merem watched Shirou depart, he turned to the white mouse and asked hesitantly, "Is it really a good idea to cooperate with him?"

The white mouse replied confidently, "What's wrong? Merem, you must understand that we are Dead Apostles, and we are the predators."

"I see... it's just that being approached by a human for cooperation so suddenly feels a bit strange, and it doesn't seem quite right," Merem expressed his concern.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine," reassured the white mouse. "Even if he has that strange mud, he's just a human and can't cause too much trouble."

Altrouge suddenly asked, "Merem, do you really think there are many out there who can stand up to Crimson Moon?"

"What does that have to do with us? As long as we carry out the king's mission, it's all that matters."

"You have a point..." she mused with a smile, then turned away. A strange glint sparkled in her eyes.


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