
After more than a month had passed, Camelot had been successfully cleared of all destruction and rebuilt to its former glory. In a strategic move, Shirou decided to relocate the capital to Camelot, recognizing its importance as a political and cultural center.

Despite Cornwall's development over several years, its geographical location is less than ideal for serving as a political hub.

Cornwall's wealth of mineral resources and coastal location make it an ideal candidate for becoming a thriving commercial center with strong external relations.

On the other hand, Camelot's strategic location on the border of Wales and England, with Ireland to its rear, and a well-developed transportation system, make it an excellent choice for a political center. Its rich history only adds to its suitability for this purpose.

They moved to Camelot, but the newly-built Camelot is still under heavy construction, and much work needs to be done.

Fortunately, many Britons spontaneously arrived to assist with the construction of walls and buildings, contributing to the rebuilding effort.

However, as it turned out, they did not require the assistance of the Britons, as they had access to a significant number of Saxon and Pictish slaves who could be put to work on the construction.

Furthermore, unexpected aid arrived from even more unlikely sources. Fairies and giants from the Reverse Side offered to lend their expertise and strength to the construction efforts, playing a significant role in building the city walls.

Despite going unnoticed by Lucan and others, Shirou had already observed a significant decrease in food production in recent times. He attributed this to the invisible influence of the end of the Age of Gods, which had already begun to affect the Britons since the departure of the Last God.

To counteract this trend, Shirou directed the Saxons and Picts to engage in farming operations. This approach aimed to counter the effects of the Age of Gods.

He also developed animal husbandry, fishing, and other basic industries from multiple perspectives, ensuring that food was not a big problem for him. However, the real issue was the "True Ether."

The Last God's existence was like an anchor fixed on a ship. When the anchor disappeared, the True Ether of the island began to decrease continuously. If the True Ether were to disappear, all creatures that relied on it to survive would be killed, much like they were exposed to poisonous gas.

Therefore, as the Lord of the Island, Shirou fully liberated the Holy Lance Rhongomyniad and transformed it into the Tower of Light. He placed the tower in Camelot and extracted True Ether from the Inner Sea of the Planet to fill the atmosphere, ensuring a steady supply.

He worked to maintain an acceptable concentration of True Ether for both the Britons and Gauls on the island.

Shirou sent his merchants to Gaul, offering favorable commercial policies to entice Franks and other races not shunned by the world to intermarry with the Britons.

Despite knowing that the Age of Gods would soon come to an end, Shirou was determined to secure the future of his people. He was even willing to sacrifice his own dynasty to ensure the prosperity and survival of the Britons.

Although Shirou had liberated the Holy Lance Rhongomyniad, he soon found that the power of the weapon was beginning to erode his essence.

It was as if the planet itself was tempting him to become one with nature, as Vortigern had done when he liberated the Tower of Light. However, Shirou refused this fate.

The price he needed to pay was to become like the Last God Vortigern, and he would become even more terrifying than Vortigern.

Because Vortigern had never been able to unify the entire island of Britain, but he not only ruled over Britain but also Ireland and Gaul.

Once he was eroded by the Holy Lance Rhongomyniad, what would be born from him would no longer be the White Dragon but the God Rhongomyniad, which was the most terrifying being imaginable.

What made the situation even more terrifying was that there was no one on the island powerful enough to stop Shirou once he became the God Rhongomyniad. The thought of him dragging humanity into the abyss was a nightmare.

Despite having fully liberated the Tower of Light, Shirou remained determined to resist the eroding effects of the Holy Lance Rhongomyniad.

However, the toll it took on him was evident. His mind appeared more fatigued, and he often looked as though he desperately needed sleep.

In addition to his efforts to resist the eroding effects of the Holy Lance Rhongomyniad, he also focused on strengthening his army.

He expanded his army, trained his soldiers, and manufactured weapons, all while maintaining productivity. He even bestowed his soldiers with special abilities to help them become even more effective on the battlefield.

Despite confusion among the people about why the king continued to expand the army with no known enemies, Shirou remained resolute in his goals. He knew that the gods were no longer an obstacle for humanity, and that the only real threat on the planet was the Crimson Moon.

Through Merlin's "Clairvoyance," Shirou had confirmed that the Crimson Moon was now in control of Rome. With this knowledge, he was prepared to go to war with Rome and defeat the Crimson Moon once and for all.

Merlin was terrified when he learned of the king's decision and tried to persuade him not to go through with it.

"There's no need to face an opponent that you may not be able to defeat. You already rule over the entire island of Britain," Merlin said.

But Shirou was firm in his resolve. "As long as the Crimson Moon exists, humanity cannot rest easy on this planet," he replied. "I appreciate your concern, but I have made up my mind."

Merlin had no further objections. The king had once been terrified of the Crimson Moon, but now he was determined to take its life.

The idea of the king defeating the Crimson Moon seemed impossible. The Crimson Moon's power was incomparable to that of Vortigern, even in his transformed state as a White Dragon. The king had many subordinates who were strong, but they were no match for the Crimson Moon.

Crimson Moon was an absolute entity, a force to be reckoned with. It was unclear how the king could possibly defeat it.

Shirou possessed the Sword of Promised Victory. However, the sword's power would not be effective against an entity that the planet did not recognize as an invader.

Despite not fully understanding the king's intentions, Merlin remained committed to supporting him until the end. After a moment of thought, he spoke up. "If you are truly determined to go after the Crimson Moon, I may be able to recommend someone who can assist you."

His curiosity was piqued. "Who are you talking about?"

Merlin's expression soured. "Someone I don't like, but he's undeniably powerful. If anyone can aid you in your quest against Crimson Moon, it's him."

"What's his name?"

Merlin's lips curled into a wry grin. "You may not have heard of him. He goes by the name of Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg. He has a fondness for jewels and a reputation that rivals even mine."

"I see, the old man of the Jewel," Shirou remarked.

Merlin's eyes widened in surprise. "You know of him? That means he's still renowned 1,500 years from now?"

"Yes. He's a dimensional traveler who retains his distinct persona across multiple parallel universes, so his fame spans across dimensions."

Merlin pointed at himself. "What about me? Am I famous?"

Shirou considered the question for a moment before replying. "You're even more famous than he is."

Merlin's face lit up with a broad grin.

"Then I'll seek him out. However, he's known for his peculiar temperament. Thankfully, he's held a longstanding grudge against Crimson Moon, so there's a possibility of persuading him to join our cause. It may take some time, though. In the meantime, you must remain vigilant against Morgan," Merlin cautioned.

"Don't worry about me. Go and return as soon as you can," Shirou reassured him.

Merlin nodded before turning to depart.

Following Merlin's departure, Shirou implemented a new policy. He decided to convert unproductive and low-yield farmland back into lush forested areas. To achieve this, he instructed his subordinates to plant trees in the designated areas.

In tandem with this reforestation effort, he initiated changes to the production industry. He aimed to strike a balance between industrialization and environmental protection, forging a sustainable future where industry and nature could coexist in harmony.

Despite his busy schedule, Shirou made a point to visit the Tower of Light daily. There, he used the Holy Lance to establish a fleeting connection with the planet.

"Dear planet, please hear my plea. Humans are your children and can coexist with you in perfect harmony. Just as a child cares for their mother in old age, humanity's strength will also safeguard your well-being. Do not heed the words of outsiders..."

Every day, without fail, he would venture to the tower of light to share his vision of sustainable development with the planet. His unwavering dedication to this cause never wavered, even on days when he was exhausted.

Despite the planet's continued silence, Shirou refused to be discouraged.

He firmly believed that humans and the planet could coexist peacefully, even in the face of potential conflict. The planet's reliance on external sources of protection instead of its own children was a glaring issue that needed to be addressed.

Shirou recognized that the planet was unaware of this problem, and it was up to him to bring it to the planet's attention and seek a resolution.

In addition to his other concerns, Shirou had to confront one more pressing matter - the question of his successor. The throne he sat upon was originally from Pandragon, which meant that it should ultimately be returned to Pendragon.

Shirou had previously made a promise to Kay and Merlin that he would return the throne to Artoria after successfully unifying the realm. However, as he pondered this decision, he experienced a change of heart.

He had labored tirelessly to establish and build this dynasty from the ground up, and the idea of simply relinquishing it to someone else now seemed unappealing.

Especially for Artoria. And this emotion reached its peak after she obtained the Excalibur.

Under the current circumstances, Shirou realized that if he wished to remain on the throne, no one would object - not Kay, Merlin, Artoria, nor even Morgan.

However, he understood that his destiny was to eventually step down from the throne and that it must be passed on to a worthy successor.

Shirou knew that there was a crucial aspect to ruling that couldn't be overlooked - the need to prepare a successor. His dynasty was unlike any other in European history and required a unique approach. He had to identify and groom a successor well in advance, teaching them the necessary methods and expanding their worldview.

In all honesty, he was more inclined to pass on the dynasty to Morgan rather than Artoria. He had reservations about Artoria's inflexibility and history of failure, which made her an unsuitable candidate for leading the dynasty.

On the other hand, Morgan had the makings of a competent ruler. While she was better suited to being a lord of a small country, she had the potential to excel as the leader of this dynasty, if only she could overcome certain personality traits that might hold her back.

Both Artoria and Morgan had been loyal subjects for many years and may have changed in significant ways. He decided to take the time to investigate them thoroughly before making a decision about his successor.